8 Look into my eyes

***POV - Enigma

Taken aback by his answer I look down, inspecting Kayla’s informal pink leather clogs. Could I be wrong? Or doesn’t he feel the same pull? Is it different for men? Maybe it’s just his perfume that’s intoxicating. But something deep inside tells me it’s not the case. I might be overreacting here a little, but it’s not every day you meet someone like him, not to say find out that he’s your other half.

I lift my arm and close my eyes with my hand, trying to focus on something else than the overwhelming smell that’s now starting to make me feel sick again. I’m so tense I think I’m going to vomit all over Kayla’s pink shoes. And on top of everything, my wolf is clawing to come out, to take over. But I can’t allow that to happen here in public, not now, not ever. I fight her back. Nobody can know about her. Well, Harron knows … but that’s it. Oh, and Puck.

And then the worst thing that can happen, happens. He grabs my wrist, pulling my hand away from my eyes and massive tingling sparks shoot up my arm. Fuck! It’s as if I got shocked by a cattle prodder. That can’t be normal. But then again, nothing about this is normal.

And without thinking, I look up straight into his eyes and it’s official – he’s the man that came to steal my soul and disrupt my life. Fuckity fuck. It’s like being pulled into a black hole, his eyes icy-ocean-blue with patches of the night sky lingering in there like omens of doom, a navy-blue border framing it all in place. I can see my future, my fate, my end – and everything I never wanted, but always dreamed of.

He seems as if he’s in a trans, a little vein in his jaw popping with his accelerated heart rate that’s beating in rhythm with mine.

We stand there staring at each other, transfixed, spellbound, for what feels like an eternity or two. I’m sure I’m not even blinking.

For a moment I’m too stunned to suppress my wolf and she lets out a sexed-up whimper. He lets go as if he touched a snake. Great, just fucking great. Ug, Eni, ug. I quickly look away, the urge to jump his bones almost overwhelming.

“Look at me!” He barks, but I don’t and he growls softly grabbing my wrist again. The intensity of the electric sparks surprises me once more – definitely not normal. He sucks in his breath but doesn’t let go this time.

“Where did you get this?” He shakes my arm and it diverts my attention from the heat spreading through my body to my bracelet, a silver chain with three pendants. I turn my head to the side and roll my eyes. Fuck, pull yourself together girl.

“My mother gave it to me.” This time I remove my arm from his grip with an irritated jab.

“When?” Ok, enough with these games. I bravely, push forward, tilting my head upward to look at him. The man is tall, towering over my small frame.

“Before she got fucking killed. What’s it to you?” I usually don’t swear that much, but this guy has my whole body and mind on edge.

“I’ve seen it before … on a ghost. ” What now - a ghost?

I’m losing my bearings in his eyes again and I’m going to admit to being seriously wigged out right now. He drabs a loose string of hair from my face, placing it behind my ear, his fingers leaving a path of fireworks where it touches my skin.

“Just get a room already,” Luan breaks the spellbound moment and Jeren snakes her arm around my neck and I bury my head in her shoulder. I’m sure my knees turned into jello and my mind into disorientated slush.

“So, little elf ...” My head shoots up at his words and I quickly cover my ears with my hair again. What is this guy doing to me? He frowns slightly at my behavior but continues uninterrupted, “… can we talk?”

“I’m listening,” I deliberately sound unfriendly.

“Not here,” he says and I take some time to officially look him over. His jet black hair has a natural scruffiness to it, maybe a tad too long on the top. It falls unruly over his forehead, reaching his dark eyebrows, almost covering those bluer-than-blue orbs with its thick long black lashes – lashes that’s way too long for a guy. The strange mark on the side of his strong face only seems to enhance his features and makes him sexier.

And those natural dimples that deepen each time he smiles, must be the most provocative thing I’ve ever seen. And that’s just his face. Going south from there it only seems to get better. His body clenched in jeans and a tight t-shirt looks like the perfect combination of an athletic but muscled duo. I lick my lips.

Then my eyes drop to his crotch and there’s a prominent bulge and my imagination runs wild, dirty wild. Damn, I can’t be falling for this man. That would be a terrible mistake. I quickly move my eyes back to his face, just to find a teasing glint in his eyes and a big smirk on his lips.

Damn, he caught me checking him out. Ok, so maybe my gaze lingered just a little too long on his underworld, but hey a girl has to check out the whole package.

“I promise, you won’t be disappointed.” Ug, this cocky bastard has the natural ability to drop my panties while pissing me off. Is that part of the mate bond I wonder?

“Um, I was just … eh … making sure your … um … zipper was pulled up.” I can’t believe in a whole glorious world with millions of words I went and say those ones. Both Kayla and Jeren slowly turn to look at me, it’s that bad.

“Do you WANT me to pull it down?” His dimples deepen and his eyes glow like stars. The freaking jerk just has to make everything worse. I roll my eyes but decide not to embarrass myself more, so I ask a simple non-humiliating question. And I think I officially hate my mate.

“How did you find us?” The ship has sailed so I look straight into those blue orbs without fear. My heart does a few somersaults, however.

“We might be supernatural, but that doesn’t mean we don’t know how to use technology. My brother is a whiz with a computer and can find anyone. BUT … we were actually following her,” he points to Amy and she starts rattling again, “… for now.” His last words make me feel a little off-balance. What does that mean?

And his smock face leaves me even more flustered, a feeling I’m not familiar with, and it puts fuel on my already burning rage.

“Funfuckingtastic! Just what I need in my already complicated life. A superhot-demon-jerk, and his cocky-wolf-hacker brother! As if life isn’t difficult enough!” I mumble to myself while throwing my hands disgustedly in the air, distracted by his whole demeanor. I start walking in a circle, using huge hand gestures, talking to myself.

“We also got a hulky-grumpy-alpha rogue in the group, but who’s counting.” I stop and glare at him, biting my teeth so as not to fry him on the spot. Instead, I stamp my foot on the ground like a spoiled toddler yelling “AAAAAAAAHHH!”

The demon’s face lights up with an over-satisfied cocky expression. I didn’t intend to say all that out loud, but there are no takebacks now.

“Freaking Selene hates me for sure … and they call this fate … ug … ”

I walk away a little bit, needing to breathe air that isn’t contaminated with his smell, feeling flustered all over again. Great, Enigma, you embarrassed yourself in front of them once more.

“Is she always like this?” I hear Luan ask.

“No, today is a good day.” Freaking best friend traitor is what Jeren is.

I’m just going to ignore him and this mate-bond thing, he’s just a guy like any other.

Granted, he’s probably the most beautiful man in the world with everything going for him, but his attitude stinks – so I’ll concentrate on his flaws from now on. Feeling a little more in control I join the group again.

“Kayla, can you tell Blade to meet us at my house.” She quickly sends a message on her phone and I grab Amy and start the walk back home.

“Great, I need to have a word with him about his premature exit last night,” my demon says. I stop and close my eyes to regain my composure, cause just like that he sends me into a spiral again. Then I swing around to face the man walking behind me. Time to put him in his place. I lift my hand and point my index finger right under his nose.

“If you so much as touch any of my friends I will kick your balls up and wrap them around your throat like a bowtie, M.A.T.E.” I hiss at him angrily, drawing out the last word sarcastically. There’s no way I’m going to let anything happen to the people I love, mate or not.

Luan coughs as if he swallowed some spit down the wrong hole but my dear soul-sharer just pulls his mouth into a lopsided grin as if he heard something hilarious.

“Harsh.” He gives a step forward and is now standing way too close for comfort. I can’t help but stare at the dimples in his cheeks. Damn is it sexy as hell. Definitely my favorite part of him. But not even that’s going to melt my heart. I’m no pushover pissy.

“Yeh, I know your kind are not easy to kill, but I’m sure I can find a way to inflict excruciating pain,” I scuff while slowly making fists with my hands as if I’m gonna strangle him.

“Oh great, fate sent me an overachiever.” He spoofs, his eyes laughing at me and I have to seriously keep my wolf under rags now. I’m not sure if she wants to lick or bite him at this moment, but I know the other parts of me are barely keeping it together. I’m gonna fucking kill my mate!

“I’m not the girl you think I am?” And just for effect and because I REALLY REALLY want to, I put my index finger against his arm and zap him with some magic, just enough to hurt his egotistical mind a little bit. He jumps up and I can see the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes before it turns black. Now it’s my time to sprout a winning smirk – one that stretches from pointy ear to pointy ear.

“So this is how it’s going to be between us?” His black eyes both fascinate and arouse me. Damn this freaking matebond thing - my body betrays me around every nook and corner, my wolf fights to come out, my mind tells me to run and my accelerated heart beats as if it has to catch the morning train. I swear at Selene for increasing my curse by giving me this stubborn cocky-ass demon as a mate.

“There is no US!” I yell.

Kayla and Jeren come to stand next to me with folded arms and hard-ass faces and I stick my tongue out at him.

Luan’s laugh breaks the tension. I swear I’m starting to like this wolf.

“Your lady skills suck, brother. In only a few minutes you managed to piss off every female in the vicinity.”

The demon gives his brother a midnight stare and Luan holds out his hands with the palms facing up.

“What? I was just saying.” Luan breathes, now shrugging his hands in the air. “I mean, I AM the ladies' man in the group after all … basically getting laid the most.” The wolf pushes his chest out as if it’s an accomplishment.

“Pleaaase,” the demon scoffs at him, “they just feel sorry for you and you seriously lack self-control … but I’m beautiful and girls love me.”

“Okay,” Luan shakes his shoulders nonchalantly, “that is true …”

A mixture of emotions rush through me … but mostly I feel like ripping out the throats of all those girls that love him so much.

“Cocky promiscuous bed-hopping demon-whore!” I mumble, the unconfirmed feeling of jealousy taking a grip on my tongue.

This over arrogant demon is going to get to know my wrath pretty soon. It’s as if he’s scratching my insides, flaring up my anger. I’ve never felt the need to commit a murder, but suddenly it’s all I can think about.

But then he smiles, showing off those darn dimples, and suddenly the pictures in my mind quickly get way more sexual than I would want them to be … and I’m drowning in those eyes with a sudden need to kiss those lustrous lips. Fuck - and just like that, my core is devilishly aching – this time I can feel the dampness in my underwear.

I sigh … so this is what it is to find your mate and resentful of my own immature behavior, I scold him, “Stop smiling, you freaking asshole,” hoping my little trickle would go unnoticed.

A soft sniff and sudden increased heartbeat, tell me I have no such luck.

“Fuck!” I shiver at the force of his voice.

Great … how much more humiliation must I endure today? I curse Selene some more for bringing this on me.


In a flash, before I can even blink, my back is rammed against the wall, my front crushed by hard muscles. Strong arms cradle me in, making it impossible to escape – not that I want to. He’s breathing hard as if trying to calm himself, his eyes midnight-blue staring as if through mine into my soul.

Without taking a breath I watch his lips moving closer and closer. At the last moment, he turns his head away and buries his face in my neck, nibbling my skin at a serious sensitive spot.

I choke on the air in my throat and can’t help letting out a soft moan. Did that tiny leak in my panty cause this? I’ve never seen a male react this way just because of a little bodily fluid. Must be the bond, or maybe it’s a demon thing.


He swears and a fist hits the wall next to my head leaving a prominent gap in the white wood planks. His forehead press against mine and I notice his eyes are all black now. He’s taking deep breaths as if fighting himself, his body shaking.

“You’re playing with fire little elf,” he mumbles, taking another deep breath. Is he sniffing me right now? Then he moves away, leaving me frozen against the wall.

The three girls look confused at us, eyes big asking silent questions that I don’t want to answer. Zagon’s hands are in his hair at the back of his neck, his arms pressing against his head. He swears a few times and lets out a loud growl. Harron told me all about demons and their hellhounds, saying that they’re magnificent beasts, grey with black eyes.

“You know, that boy is one fine piece of meat, but crazy as shit,” Kayla comments softly and Jeren shakes her head in agreement.

“He scares me more than anything,” Amy says in a hushed voice. And I reluctantly agree – for the first time in my life, I’m truly scared.

Zagon’s eyes are still dark and he’s biting his lip. He doesn’t look at me, just stares at something far away. I need to put some serious distance between us so I start walking, the girls silently next to me.

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