9 A fantastic day - NOT

Meet Queen Thalassa:

Species - Elf

Hair color – snow white

Eye color - blue

Age – 590

Meet Chris Brown:

Species - Werewolf

Hair color - black

Eye color - hazel

Age – 78 (wolf age – 24)

Height – 179 cm

***POV – Zagon

“Mind telling me what that was?” My brother asks softly.

I quickly look at the girls walking a few steps in front of us, my eyes without support glued to the perfect butt talking to my private parts in some fun-size denim shorts. Then they move up, taking in the naked skin of her tiny middle, exposed by her short crop top, and the thick wave of blond hair that brims the top of her pants casting back the sunlight in almost blinding golden rays. At least my mate is anything but ugly, that’s for sure. On the contrary, she must be the most beautiful girl on both planets and I’m walking with the hardon to prove it.

I notice the point of her one ear sticking out from her hair and frown. I was almost certain she was a wolf … but she turned out to be an elf. I still don’t understand … the quick healing … the growling, and I was sure she had super-hearing … not that it matters, it’s just strange.

“Zagon!” I realize I haven’t answered my brother.

“Eh, just got caught off guard by a smell.” My voice sounds strained.

“A smell … you mean her panty getting wet … but it never bothered you before …“

I give my brother a death look, telling him silently to shut his damn mouth or else … No guy dares to talk about my mate’s underwear and even less about her bodily floods. But Luan never gets the message. We walk a few steps in silence and then his curiosity grows bigger than his fear of me, which might just be zero. It sucks that he’s my brother … knowing very well I’ll never kill him, so he’s not as afraid of me as I would like him to be.

“No need to get all cranky, I just meant, it’s not something you’re not used to, is it?” Okay, that’s the truth, but this is different … way different. I realize how stupid I was now that the boats have turned. But something is still bothering me about my little elf.

“Eh … Lu, what does she smell like to you?” I can’t sense her real smell cause of the mate thing.

“Horny!” He jokes, his eyes on her perfect body, so I hit him behind his head with the palm of my hand – hard.

“Ouch! What was that for?” He asks with a frown, rubbing his head.

“Keep your eyes to yourself, bro. And I’m serious. What species does she smell like?”

Luan pulls up his shoulders and he sniffs, testing the air.

“She’s an elf … but it’s faint and different somehow. Let’s just say I haven’t smelled anything like her before. You?”

“Definitely a smell I haven’t experienced before.” I smile, taking a whiff of her fabulous fragrance.

“Zagon … this girl … is she your …” I growl at him before he can utter the stupid word. I’m still standing true to my perspective of not having a mate … well, I guess I have one now, but I’m not going to accept this freaking silly bond.

“Fuck!” Luan swears, getting the girls to turn around and look at us, still hosting unfriendly hostile faces.

We give them our best lady-killer smiles and they roll their eyes in union before walking on again.

Blondie digs some keys from her purse, her hands shaking slightly. Well, well, well, I’m not the only one feeling the pressure it seems.

“Chris!” Kayla suddenly gives a scream that would put a mandrake to shame and blondie drops her keys on the ground. And by mandrake, I’m talking about real plantlike creatures you can find in the woods on Creperum.

Yes, I know earthlings know them as potplants from the famous Harry Potter movies, but the truth is that Joanne is in fact a commoner girl from Creperum, so naturally, she used her home planet as a source for her books – like most other fantasy writers here on Earth. Humans are so gullible … to think some crazy writers just suck all those stuff out of their thumbs … make-believe my ass … all those shit are real.

I pick up the keys and hand them over to her, a radiant heat combust where our fingers slightly touch, clouding my mind. So I don’t focus on the wolf leaning against the wall until he pulls Eni into his arms, kissing her cheek as if it’s the most normal thing to do. He looks as if he wants to devour her, for sure having feelings he should not have for my girl … and I feel like ripping those feelings out through his ass.

Instead, a warning growl rolls escapes and I give the fucker my best you-better-take-your-hands-off-her-or-else-you’re-in-deep-shit look. Most sensible guys of any specie would know better than to get on the wrong side of a demon … and I watch his body tense, his eyes fixed on me. But the stupid man keeps his arm around her shoulders. Maybe I didn’t make myself clear enough …

I let my demon side surface for a moment - most men shit bricks seeing this face. Eni pulls in a gasp of air and clings to the wolf’s arm for support when her knees buckle. A flicker of fear quickly flashes across his face.

“Okay,” Luan says, and knowing the prediction of evident death in my blackest of black eyes, he steps out of harm's way, pulling the human girls with him. Jeren and Kayla stand frozen, eyes like plates, while Amy pushes herself against the wall as if she wants to be invisible.

“Fuck no!” the wolf’s profile fades into a different shade of pale and he looks at me anxiously. I buck my head confirming the unasked question in his eyes with a huge grin and he throws his head back, letting out a string of curse words. Then he looks at the girl clinging to him, eyes filled with pain before he pulls her closer to him. He must be daft or something … where in Creperum does he think a mere beta wolf can take on a demon … and I’m no ordinary demon at that. He places a grubby paw on the exposed skin of her middle, his face a challenge I can’t ignore.

That’s it! I’ve had it with this panty-sniffer! He’s just testing my patience … of which I have none. It’s time to put him in his fucking place – namely underground.

“Zagon, keep calm, bro … “ Luan tries to intervene, but I’m a few breaths short of going full demon.

“Whoever this wolf pup is, I’m going to rip his cock-blocking balls off,” I say to my brother, my gaze fixed on my target – namely Chris. And then the ill-advised bloody wolf takes it a step further – he kisses a frozen Eni on the top of her head.

All I can see is GREEN … jealous fucking dark green, as it tucks unfamiliar on my insides, an onslaught of brutal evilness that seems to smother me, moving closer and closer and closer, until I’m a claustrophobic mess. I can’t breathe. My hands clench into fists and I take a few gasps of oxygen to try and regain some control.

I can feel my demon slowly surfacing, and this time I let him. First, my eyes go black and then my teeth protrude, my skin turns pale, and black veins surface underneath. Definitely not a look for the pure of heart.

“Ah, shit! Stupid freaking wolf!” Luan shouts.

The wolf’s eyes flicker from normal to yellow and back as if he’s not sure what to do next.

“He’s pissed! You better run little wolf!” Luan tries to warn the piece of shit, but Chris is still standing with his hands on my property.

“I’m not afraid of that ass!” I swear he’s looking to die, and I’m more than willing to fulfill his wish. Luan throws his hands in the air and rolls his eyes.

“No, dude, you better run!” Luan says now putting his hand against his forehead.

“Why, what’s he going to do?” Chris keeps his eyes on me. Well, I’ve had enough of him to last me a lifetime. Before the suicidal wolf can even change facial expressions I’ve hit him with my head and he falls to the ground with a thud.

“That!” Luan smirks, “Told him he should run.”

Everybody stares with shocked unbelievable expressions at the wolf sprawled unconsciously on the pavement. I walk slowly towards him, hoping he would wake up so I can slowly finish him off.

“Boys, boys, boys chill a bit,” a woman says from behind me, her voice hosting authority. I take a deep breath and turn around slowly, still revved up like a superbike.

“Grandma!” My mate shouts and runs into the woman’s arms. The woman smiles softly, but her icy-blue eyes are fixed on me. The human girls also now run to embrace the lady, almost causing her to lose her balance. They stay in a group-hug for a moment and then the woman pushes them away.

“Soooo, who knocked out the royal beta?” She asks, moving in between me and the almost dead wolf, looking straight at her granddaughter with accusing eyes.

I see a tiny ping of guilt running over my mate’s face. She wrings her hands together and looks down at the ground, her shoulders sagging.

“You did something again, didn’t you?” her gran scolds her, keeping her eyes on me. So her being like this is a regular thing it seems. Oh boy.

“So are you gonna give me your name?” Being just as tiny as Eni, she tilts her head to look me in the eyes. For a moment I just stare at her, not sure what to do. She looks so familiar … where have I seen her before?

“Excuse my brother, he grew up wild and never learned how to behave properly. Dude has some serious issues,” Luan intervenes and he twirls a finger in a circular motion against his temple, smiling at me, but I just give him an emotionless stare, not in the mood for jokes. Luan swallows some spit and then pulls a face back at me. “Luan and Zagon, mam,” my brother continues before I can even say a word, holding out his hand towards the lady. She shakes it and then her gaze returns to me.

“Zagon?” The woman looks surprised and shocked as if my name means something to her, but she quickly regains her composure. She then looks at her granddaughter with big eyes, as if she’s worried and proud all at the same moment. But then her eyes turn angry and burn holes into the girl.

“Ug, what did I do? He did it … be mad at him,” Eni explains and rolls her eyes at her gran.

“Just open the fucking door,” the lady says with unrestrained power and I manage a small smile. I like this granny … I like her a lot.

Elf-girl struggles to unlock the door – her hands are shaking that bad. Good, maybe she learned her lesson. She pushes her hair back behind her pointy ear and bites her lip in concentration.

And just like that, my semi jumps into a full-blown hardon the size of Creperum again and it feels as if my balls are going to explode. I turn around and walk away, scared I might do something stupid like forcefully mark her right here and now. This matebond is for sure not at all what I expected.

“Are you coming, Zagon, son?” granny calls out to me, bringing my mind back to focus on the present. “And by the way, I’m Thalassa, Enigma’s grandmother,” she properly introduces herself to me while I follow her into the house.

The inside smells like coffee and fresh bread and the furniture have the same rustic farmhouse appeal as the pub last night. It’s modern with a warm homey atmosphere decorated in earthy greens and browns, with lots of raw wood and iron. Here and there a bright patch of yellow and red adds some color.

Luan drops the knocked-out beta onto a couch. I would have just left him on the floor … but that’s just me.

“Is he gonna be alright?” Kayla asks, looking at Chris with big eyes.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Luan smiles mischievously at the girl, “does he usually lay like this without moving?”

“Eh …” Kayla gasps and he laughs at her reaction.

“As long as he doesn’t do something stupid again, he’ll be fine,” he answers her and then joins us in the open-plan kitchen-dining area, where the other girls are busy making coffee.

Even between all the different smells filling the house, hers is overwhelmingly potent in here and it’s fogging up my mind, but it also seems to have a calming effect on me as I’m getting addicted to the glamorous, rich, and seductive fragrance. Fuck. This is not at all how I planned things to go. And this fate thing is turning out to be much more real than I expected. Or is this all part of a plan? The letter … the mission … and now her? Maybe she isn’t even what she acts to be … maybe she’s part of a setup … I have to keep an open mind or else I might walk into a trap …

I take another whiff of the sensual floral bouquet of lavender, jasmine, and orchid with a touch of vanilla and mandarin orange notes to deepen it. A chill runs from my nose down my body to the tip of my cock, as if it can get any harder.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Luan bends forward although he’s standing right beside me and I can feel his breath against my ear. I can’t answer him. What will I fucking say?

“Shit, bro, you found your …” I growl, not letting him finish that sentence.

Just then Blade walks through the door with a disgusted look on his face. His eyes land on the sofa and then he quickly stares at me, his face unreadable, before he joins the group in the kitchen.

“Let me guess, Harron went to Creperum and this moron was sent to protect you?” he asks Eni, not rattled in the slightest.

She just rolls her eyes and he gets this I-can’t-believe-it look.

“So the man still doesn’t trust me, even after all these years.” He sighs and slams one of the cupboard doors close, leaving me wondering who he’s talking about.

“Blade, don’t be so hard on yourself,” Thalassa puts an arm around him. “You know, except for Harron, he only trusts his own pack members. Look, he doesn’t even trust me,” she laughs, but Blade still doesn’t look happy.

“So he sent this halfwit that can’t even count to two.” He looks at Chris with an annoyed face and suddenly the vamp moves up the ladder in my book.

“Eh, yeh … I guess Stephan’s baby is close to popping out … but most importantly is that I trust you, Bladey-blade.” Eni taps him on his chest with her index finger and for some funny reason, I don’t want to kill him. Now if it was Chris … that’s another matter. Strange how this mate thing works, I think to myself.

Blade then speeds past in a whirl of wind to end up standing shoulder to shoulder next to Luan. He cock his head to get his mouth closer to my brother’s ear.

“I found two nearly-dead fays in the ally this morning … is it your work?”

Luan turns to face him with a big smile. Great, my brother found a new BFF.

“Eh, someone had some pumped-up tension he had to get rid of.”

Blade pulls his eyebrows up and gives a little whistle while sucking in some air.

“Great job,” he says with proud eyes, making the ok signal with his hand. “But you know they’re hunters? I’ve seen the marks,” Blade is now sounding serious.

“So are we,” Luan answers nonchalantly, leaving Blade with a dropped jaw.

“Please, sit down!” Thalassa points towards the dark wood table, pulls out a chair for herself, and then looks straight at me, her blue eyes clearly summing me up.

“Firstly, you’ll have to get used to Enigma being a little … eh what’s the word …”

“bitchy … stuck-up … stubborn … hot-headed … exuberant … persistent … annoying … arrogant … ” I interrupt her.

“eh … confident,” she continues, “… but what you said is also spot on.”

“Hey,” Enigma complains and her gran holds up her finger, gesturing for her to not interrupt.

“Oh, come on … you know very well that you are a spoiled brat,” granny says sternly, “but she can also be loving and caring.”

“Gmf!” I snort, not believing that one. Thalassa smiles knowingly.

“Just you wait and see little demon. And by the way, in this case, Selene did an excellent job.” She winks at me and I can just let out some frustrated breath. I’m not so sure about that either.

My … the girl … eh Enigma puts a coffee cup down before me, and her arm briefly rubs against mine and my hound jumps back to the edge. Fuck. Did she do that on purpose? She ignores me, and it pisses me off immediately - again. I sigh and bounce my left leg frustratedly in a fast up-and-down motion. Yep, this mission turned out to be a fucking nightmare.

“So … are you here for business or pleasure?” Thalassa doesn’t beat about the bush, her blue eyes glowing with playful sparks.

“We were looking for an Oracle and got sidetracked by some raging hormones,” Luan chips in, “… that nobody was informed about.”

I give him a hard kick underneath the table. He gives me a hurtful look and then starts playing with the salt pot. I don’t have time for his tantrum-shit right now. So I didn’t tell them about meeting my nightmare … so what, he just has to get over it and fast … or else …

I quickly look at Amy, who is as silent as a ghost on heat.

“It seems we found the girl we were looking for.” Amy gasps and lowers her eyes down to the floor.

I peep at Enigma. Fuck she’s beautiful. And annoyingly distracting.

“And one we were not looking for,” Luan chips in while I’m a little bit sidetracked by Enigma. He’s so freaking dead, I tell you, I’m going to make him pay – big time.

Amy sniffs and she looks like she going to piss her pants, her face pale and rattled with fear, tears forming in her eyes.

“Geez girl, relax, demons don’t eat people,” Luan noticed her panicked terror, “we just want to talk to you.”

She gives a little tense nod, and Enigma puts her arm around her shoulder.

“Don’t worry Amy, I won’t let them hurt you,” she says giving me a killer look. I smile slyly - I’ll have to give her some more lesson in who's the boss sooner than later, and I’m going to thoroughly enjoy breaking the little sexy elf in. But back to business.

“Why does TDF want you dead?” I ask Amy straightforwardly, hoping she can give me some answers and that all this wasn’t for nothing.

“Because Selene told me stuff they don’t want other people to know about,” Amy says softly. I know Oracles can talk directly to the goddess Selene, but it still feels a little unreal. Oracles are always commoners, and they’re as scarce as snake legs.

Smash! Crack! THUD!

I jump up at top speed from the sudden sound of breaking glass in the scullery, ready to fight – a reflex caused by years of living in danger. Enigma looks up with a face that says ‘oh shit’ as if she’s been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Maybe Amy can ask Selene to change her mind about this whole Enigma-as-my-mate thing … it’s just one big goddessly mistake, I’m sure of that.

“Eh … it’s the cat. A soon-to-be DEAD CAT!” Eni says the last part rather loud in the direction of the racket as if the feline is gonna understand that. Nevertheless, the commotion stops and she looks at me with a guilty smile. Great, now we’re dealing with an intelligent housepet on top of everything else. Grand, I’m having a fan-fucking-tastic day. And then it gets even worse.

“Selene says she won’t change her mind, and she never makes mistakes,” Amy says looking straight at me.

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