Chapter Three

Ethar’s POV

The formalities of these tournaments always bore me. If it wasn’t for tradition I wouldn't even bother to show up. However, if I didn’t it would make my pack look weak, so I had little choice in my attendance. There was one thing I was looking forward to and that was spending time around Zion, I have my beta keeping a close eye on her while I'm attending alpha meetings to discuss the first challenge of the tournament. Half an hour through the meeting I started breaking out in sweat, my heart pounding in my chest, my head burning from the inside. I knew immediately something was wrong.

“Are you all right Alpha?” I'm pulled from my thoughts. I hadn't noticed my shirt already drenched in sweat and the other Alphas staring at me like I was a ghost.

“I'm fine, just need some air we will reconvene in an hour” I say sternly still trying to hold my dominance over the others.

I hated that she made me look weak in front of others. I rush out the door as soon as my feet hit the dirt, I hear Iliam in my head.

“Alpha!” I hear the worry in his voice.

“Where is she!” I growl knowing she was in trouble. I feel the bond fading as she no doubt was losing consciences.

“On our way to the pack doctor” he says, feeling panic rise within me as I feel the bond with her disappear.

“I will meet you there” I say before cutting off the mindlink. I took off towards the hospital, it took me less than a minute to reach the door, a flurry of unfamilliar emotions were coursing threw me as I kicked the door open.

“Where is she!” I let out a growl so ferocious it shook the building.The nurses stood around trembling at the sight of me.

“Right here alpha” I here iliam call out. He was used to seeing my anger, it didn’t affect him in the slightest, though I could see the worry on his face as I approached the room. Peering inside I see her almost lifeless body lying on the bed. Nurses and doctors poking and prodding around her. Her heartbeat was still strong and the rhythm of it was irregular.

"What happened to her?” I say demanding answers from the doctor. “From the looks of it she had a panic attack, not sure what caused it. What was she doing before she passed out” the doctor says his eyes going to Iliam who hadn't let go of her hand.

“We were sparing I shifted, and she took me down, she was fine until I saw her swaying toward the lockers” he states. My anger ignites as I hear his recollection of events that led to my mates current situation. I grab him by the collar of his shirt “You hurt her, what the hell were you thinking Iliam” I yell smashing him against the wall with force that made the wall indent, his feet off the ground. He wasn’t scared at all putting his hand on my shoulder he speaks

“Calm down Alpha I would do nothing to harm my future Luna.” Although I was angry my wolf Etgar even pushing forward, all but taking over entirely I was able to reign him in knowing Iliam was loyal to me and my closest friend. I nod to him believing his words.

Looking around I could see the eyes watching me in disbelief that she was indeed my mate. I ignored them, I owed them no explanation. I set him down before rushing to her bedside. I go to grab her hand flinching at the touch. It was ice cold to the point it almost burned.

“Why is her skin so cold?,” my eyes darting to the doctor to explain. “We don’t know why yet Alpha” the sentence come out of him as more of a stutter now that he realizes this was no regular patient he was caring for, but my Mate and Future Luna of the Blood Moon Pack.

I kiss her forehead, her skin burning my lips on contact. Brushing her hair behind her ear away from her face, I hear the monitor starting level out and slow as her heartrate normalizes her skin begin to heat at my touch. She could feel me, she found comfort in my touch. I was glad to see how she reacted to me; I was happy to know my mate needed me as much as I needed her. I watch her beautiful piercing green eyes flutter open. A lazy smile on her face as she grabs my cheek.

“There they are the sparks.” she whispers before falling back to sleep.

I didn’t want to fully accept the bond when I laid eyes on her that night. To be honest I was stunned by her beauty, and I knew little about her. I didn’t want to give in just yet, so I pushed it away when she shook my hand that night, I all but rejected her for my own selfish reasons and it pained me as I felt her hand leave mine, the look on her face saddened me as I could feel her disappointment. The thought of losing her awoke something in myself and in Etgar, I don’t think we could bear it, I waited so long to be with my mate, longer than most and I was about to lose her. I had no choice but to accept it regardless of what would become of us. I needed her and that was all too clear, my acceptance allowing her to feel the bond.

Zion’s POV

As I woke up, I could feel the light pressing against my eyelids, it blinds me as open them. I blink as my eyes come into focus, painful headache accompanying me as I look around the room at my surroundings. How long had I been dreaming. My eyes stop at a sleeping Ethar in the corner, when suddenly it all comes back the yelling and screaming between him and Iliam , the conversation between him and the doctor and the emotions filling me that were not my own.

‘Mate!’ I hear Mi speak.

‘Hello to you too Mi’ I smile at her watching Ethar threw my eyes.

I grab one of the pillows behind me before chucking it across the room at Ethar. A startled look on his face as he opens his eyes. I fold my arms across my chest glaring at him.

“Why did you reject me!” I yell my anger was halfhearted as I was happy, I finally found my mate but seeing as I shook his hand before and felt nothing, I knew he fiddled with fate to keep it from me. He rubs his fingers through his jet-black locks of hair frustration on his face.

“Well, if you must know I was hoping to build my own bond with you before having you fated to me through a bond neither of us chose,” he answers shrugging like it was no big deal.

He steps closer and I could already feel the bond pulling towards him, and i found myself wanting to be in his arms. I moved further away on the bed debating if I should make it all a huge issue or not, after waiting so long for him I didn’t enjoy being pretty much rejected and left out of the loop. After thinking for a moment, I looked up at him, his figure towered over me,

“We wouldn’t have built any bond, if I didn’t find my mate during the tournament, I was planning to go rouge.” I huff at him in annoyance that he could just decide for me about something so sacred as a mate bond.

He laughs at my statement making me glare at him, what was so funny?

“While you were beauty sleeping, I asked around town about you, and I know you can't shift yet so how would that have worked Zi?” he chuckled out.

Zi? What the hell is that he already gave me some shit nickname. Who does he think he is?

‘I like it, it sounds like my name’ Mi says too excited about the idea,

“it's not my name Mi.” I roll my eyes.

I look up to see his face an inch from mine,

“Hello Mi” he says his voice seductive and deep, and I immediately feel her push threw to meet his eyes, my eyes glowing as I am pushed back and she comes forward.

“Hello Alpha” she says in voice not mine but hers. I could feel her excitement so strongly and for the first time I could feel her urge to shift, though not strong enough to actually perform the action.

“We’ll get her to shift, don’t worry little one” he says gripping my chin before I feel myself thrown forward. Back in full control I stand up removing the monitors off of my body.

“What do you think you're doing” he says cocking his eyebrow as I struggle with the stickers located on my chest connecting me to the machine.

“Getting out of here, I have work to do I'm volunteering at the tournament what time is it by the way” I ask undressing the ugly hospital gown I was put in.

When he doesn’t respond I look at him, a thoughtful look on his face as he was thinking something over in his head. He turns to me holding my shoulders, I couldn't read his expression as his eyes met mine.

“The tournament is over my love you’ve been out for 3 days, after day one I was beginning to worry you would never wake” he says as his face turns sad at the thought of me never waking.

“You've been here the whole time, you didn’t participate.?” I ask feeling guilty as I notice his face did look tired like the sleep, I awoke him from was the first time he had it since the darkness took me.

“Thats what I have a Beta for, He easily won all three games against these measly wolves' you guys call Alphas.” He says, a huge grin on his face as he boasts, I had no doubt Iliam was strong, it didn’t surprise me.

“When he wasn’t at the tournament, he would take my place here so I could go shower and change before coming back.” He explained.

I had been out for three days? What happened to me? The last thing I could remember was making my way to the bench in the gym, a burning sensation within me, then everything went dark. Not only that but the days leading up to that one I had been feeling off. Colder than usual and I blamed it on the freeze, also my thoughts have been more erratic, and they didn’t feel like my own. My whole personality seemed to be changing since I first met Ethar.

I'm suddenly pulled from my thoughts as I feel warm arms wrap around me. The comfort I found in his arms was so different from anything I ever felt, from being so alone all the time I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact I finally had my mate I sink into his arms not ever wanting to leave.

“When do we leave?” I ask my words obviously shocking him as he turns me around to look at me. He thinks for a moment. Why did he ponder isn't that how it goes? You meet your mate and you leave with them, becoming part of their pack.

“Well, we can't leave just yet darling, your still only 17 years old, and we can't mark each other until your 18th birthday it would be best if we stay here for a while, I can't have my mate walking around freely unmarked I have enemies Zi.” he answers in a voice that left no room for argument. With that silly nickname again.

I knew of his reputation but how many enemies could he have? And my birthday is 3 weeks away, did I really have to stay here with people that loath me for 3 more weeks?

He watched me think it over not happy about the idea. “My birthday is three weeks away, and if you haven't noticed everyone here hates me Alpha, I couldn’t bare it another day I’m ready for my life to start with you.”

The words sound needy as they leave my lips, but it was the truth. I know by now everyone has heard rumors about me being mated to a rival packs Alpha and that would just bring more problems for me. What if he sees the disapproving eyes and he decides he wants nothing to do with a shunned she wolf.

“It will be fine, Iliam or I will be with you at all times, and while we have the time we can work on your shifting.” he says gripping my chin bringing my eyes to meet his.

“Besides you think anyone in this pack would dare to mess with you knowing soon you would be my Luna; they are beneath you think of them and treat them as such.” His eyes flickering bright blue then back to their regular shade. I knew the thought of my people treating me the way they had for the past year irritated him and his beast.

“What's his name?” I ask he kisses my forehead resting his chin on my head.

“Etgar, He wants to meet your wolf, it's getting harder to keep him under control since we saw you that night.” he answers letting out a sigh before grabbing a duffle back out the corner tossing it on the bed.

“Get dressed I'll walk you home and have Iliam meet us there, I have to go back home to pack, I'll be back tonight before dinner time.” he says as he pulls out his phone.

I nod to him waiting until he walks out the room. I grab the back and start rummaging through it. I find dark grey sweatshirt and sweatpants. Just by looking at them I could tell they wouldn’t fit. I pull the pants up and realized I was right. These clothes were made for a guy way bigger than I was.

He walks back in and chuckles at the sight of me trying to hold the pants up on my hips.

“We didn't know your sizes, but I did not expect Iliam to be so off the mark when he went shopping” he shakes his head.

“Come on let's hurry and run you home” he adds before picking me up like a newborn cradling me like big baby. When I realized, he was literally going to run me home. I begin to speak before I start feeling the wind rushing past my face. I grab his arms and bury my face in chest. I was used to the supernatural speed but not by being carried through it. The ride lasts for less than a minute before we stop, and he sets me down.

“Luna!” illiam says rushing towards me picking me up in a huge bear hug before setting me down and grabbing my cheeks

“Hi Beta” I say stunned at his excitement to see me.

“Hey, remember no titles” squeezing my cheeks before letting go. I shake my head at him smiling. I was happy to see him, he was my only friend, and I was glad the feeling was reciprocated.

I walked up to the door unlocking it and walked inside. I look back and see them conversating on the porch still. Walking inside everything was just how I left it. I always kept it tidy, except my bed was not made but that was pretty much it.

I walk up the stairs immediately dropping to my bed. Even though I was happy to be leaving I was going to miss this place. It was all I had left of my parents, so many memories. Suddenly I was not so eager to let it all go.

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