Chapter Six
Zion's POV
Out by the creek there was nothing but warm sun radiating around us. It had been two weeks since my world was turned upside down. I was glad to get some time to let go and breathe for a moment, and what better way to do that than down by the creek with my two favorite people in the world. Ethar and Iliam had been working day in and day out trying to get me to shift and teaching me to use my magic. I had been through all the grimoires I could find in the basement.
Hunter magic was different from the elemental magic the covens used. From what was recorded about our race, which was not much, our magic allows the user to tap into emotion, talismans, or even another person's magic to manipulate the source to our advantage. I know a few spells, but I could tell something still hadn't awoken in me. I hadn't shifted yet, I came close a few times, but I knew something was waiting to unlock inside me bringing it all together. It was a wild ride, but I was looking forward to the next week when my life and my journey would really start.
“I love this spot of yours Zi, it's just what we needed.” Ethar says panting after being chased iliam trying to dunk him.
He comes and lays next to me on the grass where I was sunbathing. Laying on his back he leans over on his elbow hovering over me looking deep into my eyes. He was amazing, the water ran down physique, the liquid settling in every crease of muscle they could find, glistening as the sun danced above us, each bead of water looking like diamonds as they rolled off him. I couldn't help but touch him the sight of him my stomach flutter, make me feel weightless. I place my hand on his chest tracing his muscles with my other hand before grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him toward me. My eyes shut as are lips met, his body now pressing against mine as he moves on top of me. He pulls away, placing kisses down my neck, before pulling back to look at me. Next week could not come fast enough. He goes to speak before we are interrupted by Iliam lying in the grass beside us blowing raspberries trying to get our attention, Ethar shoots him a glare.
“Sorry but you guys are worse than teenagers on prom night” he teases wiggling his eyebrows at us. I giggle at Ethar’s frustration as he lays back into the grass.
“I am aware if our predicament Iliam. But who made you chaperone.” he tells him, referring to the fact we had one more week until we could mark each other, he sighs as he places his hands behind his head and closing his eyes.
As much as we wanted each other we had to wait, Ethar was very respectful of me and wanted to do everything the right way, but that doesn’t mean our relationship had to be passionless. I am not sure how long we were lying there engulfed in our surroundings. Such a perfect day I didn’t want it to end. No one knew what the future held and for the moment I was finally happy. As the sun sets, we pack up and head back.
“Are you guys going to do the Ceremony here or back home?” Iliam asked, our walk back was silent, and I was glad someone broke it as we walked through the woods, it was becoming awkward everyone in their own head. The question he chose to ask was just as awkward. Neither I or Ethar had discussed anything of the sort. I just assumed since everyone here hated me and no one from his pack knew me it would just be a private affair.
“At home of course I already have the pack making preparations as we speak” he answered. My eyes grew wide with surprise. He never mentioned anything and how did he get the pack to just accept me without me doing anything to prove myself. Ethar was anxiously waiting for a sign of approval to show on my face. When I said nothing he decided to just come out and ask me.
“Is that okay with you? I wanted you to have a memorable first experience of your new home.” he explains.
“I mean I haven't giving it much thought.” was all I could think of to say. I knew I was his and he was mine. I didn’t really think we needed a big spectacle to prove anything, but I understand he was just trying to make me happy. The look on his face was indecipherable I didnt want him to think I had changed my mind about anything. I just wasn’t sure about having a ceremony. I used to imagine having one when I was kid, but I had always imagined having friends and my parents right there with me. It was just weird to think of a bunch of strangers I had never met celebrating me.
We got to the front door of the house when I began to ascend the stairs Ethar stopped at the bottom of the porch. I looked back wondering if I had made a mistake and made him uncomfortable.
“You guys go ahead; I'm going to go for a run.” he tells us. I knew I messed up.
“You want me to come with you.” I ask him an apologetic look on my face as I reach out to grab his hand. He turned his back before I could grab it and I began to feel like shit for saying exactly how felt instead of considering how he might take it.
“It's okay I be back later.” he calls out and began to shift without even removing his trunks.
The Sheer size of his wolf was enough to send anyone running, even other shifters but to me Etgar was just as gorgeous as he was. His coat was jet black the way it shined and caught the moonlight you would think u could see your own reflection in his fur. His fur was longer than most, but he liked it that way. His eyes gleaming the brightest shade of blue I have ever seen. There was no way you could look at this beast and not think of an Alpha. I would be afraid for any animal grazing the area tonight as I felt disappointment and hurt through the bond.
It was 3 A.M and Ethar still wasn’t back. I tried to mind link him but kept getting shoved out. Iliam was sleeping already, or I would have continued to ask him to keep trying ring his cell. I was starting to worry something had happened to him and I should go looking, but I would have felt something through the bond if something did, I was still trying to talk myself out of going to check on him, but I couldn't resist I missed him and surely he would have calmed down by now. I got up grabbing my tennis shoes before heading out.
I had no idea where to begin looking, I was started to get upset especially with Mi in my head telling me how bad of an idea this was. I didn’t care he shouldn’t be this upset about something so small and I never even said no I just said I hadn't thought about it. It was no excuse not to come home. What if he was with some girl I know he is out here skulking around naked. The thought made heat boil inside me from jealousy.
‘Oh, stop it, now you're just trying to make yourself mad because deep down inside you know this was bad idea’ Mi chuckled at the fact I was so upset.
She wasn’t wrong though I have never been out here past midnight and I had no plan for finding him and I really didn’t think any of this through. My thoughts were interrupted by a low growl coming from behind me. I roll my eyes ready to turn around and rip him a new one. To my surprise when I turned around the eyes that met mine were not blue but black empty eyes that I recognized. Alpha Toto was on the prowl tonight too.
“Hey Alpha.” say waving but he just stares like he didn’t recognize me.
He stalks towards me like I was his next meal. He already had a few I could tell by the blood staining his fur around his face making him look like viscous killer. He lunges forward and I fall back on butt pain searing me as I hit the ground Alpha was standing above me ready to tear out my throat out, if I had known he would try to attack me I would've acted quicker and countered him. I knew i would get some heat for laying hands on my alpha, but this was life or death it seems. I bring my knee to his stomach with all the force I could muster in the position I was in. He staggers back whimpering in pain. I get to my feet and take off running, not really wanting to engage him. I could hear him hot on my heels, I felt him snapping at my ankles as he chased me. If I try to jump backward, he may catch me in the air, and I would be done for.
I sped up before turning, my feet slid on the dirt from the abrupt change in direction and I take my stance. Why was he chasing me does he know who I am.? I have fought wolves before in the gyms, but I never had one actually try to murder me before, this was different his eyes hollow as he runs toward me. He lunges high in the air jumping over me which I wasn't expecting my back now to him I try to quickly turn but he got me, I could feel the searing pain in my shoulder and the warm blood running down my back.
I could hear Mi whimpering in my head, this was it we were done for. As a last-ditch effort, I reached my hand back over my other shoulder grabbing his paw trying to channel his energy, I mustered enough to send him flying backward into a tree. I could hear the howl he let out as he hit it. This is how I die? Not ever getting the answers about my parents, not even able to properly claim my mate. Was it over? Tears streaming down my face as I cry out in pain felling fear and dread rise within me when I hear Alpha getting to his feet and stalking towards me ready to take the kill. I lost so much blood I could the life draining from me before I felt something else, something even more pain full.
I felt heat coursing through every vein in my body, my muscles tense when suddenly every bone in my body began to break and reposition, I heard it before I felt it. I was standing but not at my regular eye level, I was not even looking through my own eyes, well I was but I was watching through them like I was watching a movie, I wasn’t controlling my movements. Before i could come to the realization of what was happening, the alpha lunged toward me, the pain in my shoulder felt more like I finger prick. I moved quickly countering his attack knocking him away with my head. It took a second, but I realized I wasn’t fighting but Mi was. He just kept coming at me, what was wrong with him, why was he trying to kill me. Mi began to tire and that’s when a murderous growl came from the trees one that shook the entire area, staring at Alpha Toto I'm not sure if he could see it since it was Mi’s face he was looking at and not mine, but I had the smuggest smirk on my face as I knew exactly who the growl came from. I watch as the beautiful beast flew over me standing between me and the Alpha. I was surprised when I saw Ethar shift back into his human form. The Alpha lunges toward him, but Ethar was quick. He stepped to the side and wrapped the alpha in his arms into a head lock. He grabbed the sides of his face and chanted something too low for me to hear before he dropped the Alpha unconscious body.
“Is he dead?” I mind link him and his head snaps toward me like he had just noticed me for the first time.