Back to the present chapter 3
Everyone went back to the party. Kane gently took Summers hand and led her outside. They needed to talk privately he had to tell her how he was feeling without a crowed of people.
"Summer I don't know why you accepted us but we are both glad you did and we will prove to you that you haven't made a mistake and we will show you how much we love you. I hope you know that I never touch another woman when you left. I couldn't bear the thought of hurting you any more then I already had."
"My wolf Sarah told me to give you a chance and I trust her a hundred percent she's never put me in danger. And she's the only one that's been there for me when I had no one. I know you hadn't. I would have felt it."
"Thank you Sarah. Me and Angelo are grateful that she talked you into give us a chance and we will love you and be thankful to you both. You two will never feel any pain again."
Summers' dark green eyes shifted to a golden color and Kane saw a glimps of Sarah her wolf and knew she was making her presence known. A wave of Joy hit him and he knew it was Sarah showing how happy she was it made Angelo happy. And everything seemed like peace for the first time in a long time.
Kane looked her in the eyes and said, "I promise you summer and Sarah that the pain that I caused you before will never happen again. You will only get happiness from us. I was so stupid. I will prove to you that I am the man and wolf that deserves you even if it takes a lifetime. We have a lot of work to do on us. I am willing to do work on our relationship as long as you are in this too. I feel like we can do this."
The wind kicked up lately as if the moon goddess was giving her approval to them.
Kane continued, "I am willing to do better and be better as long as you stay with me. Please don't ever leave me. I don't think that I could survive if I lost you again. You are more than my mate. I knew it the day that I met you before I even knew you were my mate that you would change my life for the better. I will do everything in my power to help you be the man that I know you are."
She smiled at him and took his breath away. "Do you want to know a secret?"
"Yes my dear anything that you would like to tell me."
She looked at him with a smile on her face. "I secretly hope that this is how it would end tonight. I was hoping that you would want me. I was hoping that you would love us as we love you."
He smiled at her not knowing what to say. It seemed like it was a dream that this beautiful woman and wolf would want them and love them.
Summer continued, "That's why I said yes so easily because I've always loved you even before I knew you were my mate. I had hoped that you had changed your mind and wanted us. I prayed that you would see us as being worthy of being your Luna."
"Summer I loved you before I even knew it myself. I wanted you back then. I even went back to your house that night but you were already gone. Your mom protected you and said they didn't know where you were and refused to tell me."
"I left to go train to be a better wolf maybe one that you'd be proud of. I was scared to come back even though my parents were murdered. I was so scared that you would blame me for leaving and kill me. As I got stronger that fear went away, and the need for you to see how strong I was became stronger than the fear of you killing me."
"I went to the funeral hoping that you were there so I could tell you how much you really meant to me but you weren't there. I was so mad at myself because I know you missed saying goodbye because of me. I knew you had a fear of me after what happened."
"And I stopped to see them before I came here. I said what needs to be said. I plan to visit them again soon since they are right there. Thank you so much for burying them in your a lot it means everything to me."
" They were a part of you so they were a part of me too and they were amazing wolves. We found out who did it and we are still looking for him. We found out that he was obsessed with you. When you left, he went crazy. Your parents did not tell him where you went so he killed them."
"Who killed them?"
"It was Eric Silverstone."
She looked at him with disbelief in her eyes. "Why would he do that? He was my best friend and he killed them?"
"Your parents wouldn't tell anybody where you went. He got pissed and went nuts. He killed them while they slept. They didn't feel any pain."
She started to cry and he held her close to him, rubbing her back gently until she stopped crying.
"I promise you we will get him and he will pay for what he has done."
"I want to be the one to kill him. He will pay for what he did to my parents."
"You will have your revenge, my love, I promise."
He leaned down and kissed her gently. She kissed him back and he deepend the kiss when they separated they were out of breath.
Summer took a deep breath and looked into Kane's eyes. "I want to tell you something else but I'm kind of nervous to tell you."
"You can tell me anything. I promise I will never be mad at you, so there is no need to be nervous."
"......I have never kissed anyone but you."
A smile formed across his face. "Are you telling me you're still a virgin?"
"Yes." She looked down with a blush across her cheeks.
"We will go as slow as you need. There's no rush we have plenty of time for all that."
She smiled at him and then yawned. It had taken her four days to get there and she hardly slept. It was a long drive.
"Are you tired? We can leave so you can get some rest. I'm sure no one will mind."
"You don't have to leave, just tell me where to go and I will lay down while you stay here with everyone."
"No we can rest together. I'm not ready to leave you just yet." He growled softly.
She knew not to try to fight him on this so she smiled and nodded.