Chapter 2
Kylie's POV
I heard my alarm clock blaring into my ear and all I wanted too do was skip this all my activities this morning.
I should just pretend to be sick.
But then I guess they will reschedule my meeting with the client who happen to be Mark's company.
I slammed my hand on my alarm clock, making it stop beeping and began to drag myself out of bed.
I really don't want too do this.
At that moment their was nothing more that I wanted too do then to not go into work but I knew Mom and Dad won't take it lightly with me and I also needed money to take care of myself, and i was one of the most determined people out there.
I finally managed to get into the shower, letting the hot water sooth all the feelings I had boiling in my body. Once I had stayed under the steaming water as long as I could I began getting ready for the meeting.
I would eventually have to see him again(Mark), might as well do it today and get it over with.
Drying my hair, I decided to let my natural hair down instead of curling it. I put on some eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and finally a red lipstick.
After I was finished with my face and hair, I observed myself in the bathroom mirror and admired my work.
I opened my closet doors and began browsing my collection of cloths, hoping too find the perfect outfit.
I pulled it off of its hanger and wiggled my body into the dress. Once I had gotten it on I walked over too the mirror, wanting too know if it looked good on me.
My eyes caught a dress in the back of my closet and I instantly smiled, knowing that I had found what I was going too wear.
The dress was a scarlet red with a V line neck, sleeves that went too the elbow and a slit on the side of the dress. I adored the dress, not only did it define all of the curves I had but it wasn't too scandalous. I walked out of my room and downstairs where Sara and Beatrice was already waiting for me. they heard my heels click on the marvel floor and turned around too face me as I was descending down the stairs.
I saw their mouth open the slightest and their eyes grow the tiniest bit wider. I internally giggled their reaction, I knew that I was somewhat of a pretty women and along with the dress I assumed I was at least drool worthy.
"I do not want to drive today, so I will be riding with you guys." I said, as I reached the bottom of the stairs.
Dave (Sara's driver) simply nodded and opened the door for me, I smiled at her and then proceeded to wait for her too pull the car around, Beatrice on the other hand was trying to get something from her heels which was stocked there.
Once Dave had drove the car from the garage and outside, I got inside and instantly felt my nerves getting the better of me.
The car moved away from my apartment and emerged into the busy streets of California. I could feel my knee bounce up and down as my fingers began tapping my leg.
I internally hopped that this was the last time I would be seeing Mark, but something inside of me told me that it wasn't going to be, and on top of that I couldn't shake the strange feeling that I didn't want him too leave.
I knew I shouldn't have been feeling so nervous but I was going through the endless outcomes of the meeting.
I am fucking delusional.
Why the fuck would I want too see him again?
After today's work I have too get my mind checked.
Its for the better.
He needs too leave, it been 3ywars and I can't allow him come rule my life like before.
But what if...
I will be able to fully move on.
My thoughts came too a stop when the car stopped and I realized that we were already outside my interview building. I sighed and tried to composed myself, trying too get rid of the nerves that I had.
I really need to shut the fuck up. Sara's driver got out of that car and basically ran too the other side, making sure he opened the door for me and the girls. I put on a tight smile and took Dave's hand when he offered it, helping me out of the car even though I didn't need it.
I felt a small warmth flow through my body when I touched Dave's hand but nothing compared the the electric shocks I would feel whenever Mark touches me, or used to touch me
With my hand in Dave's I emerged from the car but as soon as I got out of the car I removed my hand from Dave's, getting a cold feeling as I had continued too hold his hand.
I walked into the building and relaxed as I felt the calming air of work surround me.
I know most people usually hate their work but I loved it, nothing calmed my mind more then closing business deals and making sure my boss is proud of me, and that our company was still running smoothly.
You don't get far in a work place if you don't have passion for what you are doing and I realized how much I hated just staying home while I was with Mark, and that was exactly what lead to our divorce.
Mark did nothing other than showering me with live and care, but it was more of what he stood for. I was simply a stay at home wife with nothing too do, waiting for Mark too come home, and I attended to him as a full house wife that I was.
When Mark and I were married I often felt insecure, I felt I wasn't okay or enough for me, I wanted to assist him with the house expenses but he wanted to be the one providing for the house. I constantly felt less then him, he was making an impact on the world and working with powerful people and when I met people they just dismissed me and became more intrigued with Mark.
And parties were the worst, I was always just clinging to him like a lost puppy not letting go. I knew he liked it but I hated the feeling of people starring down at me and instantly making an opinion on me when they hadn't even talked too me.
Some of the women were high in business but it didn't even have to be that, some of the women that just married the men for the money had this confidence and certainly about themselves.
I on the other hand didn't.
I felt that nothing I did was significant and as much as Mark tried to convince me that I was important, it didn't work.
But now I'm doing well, I am the manager in one of the most popular company in California and that was my reassurance. I had confidence, I felt important and I didn't care what other peoples opinion of me was. Even though there is nothing wrong with being a stay at home wife, or marrying for money, or any of that but I just felt insignificant.
The ding of the elevator brought me out of my trance and I quickly shuffled inside of the elevator with Sara and Luke by my side.
I watched as the numbers on the elevator went up as I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself because something about being alone with Mark made me unsettled, and I felt he might become jealous if he sees me with Luke since they were rivals .
"I hate that I am going to be seeing that bastard again." Luke one of Mark's rival's said as we walked out of the elevator, anger underlying his voice.
I was taken back from his sudden outburst but laughed when I realized what he had said.
"I don't like it anymore then you." I replied.
Walking into the conference room, I could see how happy everyone was with the presence of Mark, Yes Mark was the man of all, He was everywhere, Everyone loved him, he knew everyone.
While everyone was exchanging pleasantries, I spent most of my time wondering this man as he did a rotation, talking to everyone, moving from one sit to another like he wasn't a billionaire, yes Mark is a humble and respectful man and I will always love him for that, he was Laughing and commanding everyone with his charm and his natural presence.
While Mark was busy greeting everyone my eyes fell on an handsome guy in the room, I found out his name was Thaddeus or Tad for short and as well as being a handsome guy he owns a restaurant and has different branches in the States, as well as in London. He has his own tv show and used to be a model. No wonder, with all his good looks.
"my god woman, give us ordinary men a chance with your eyes," my Sara said coming and pulling up a chair next to me. I only smirked looking over at him.
"you jealous "I played with him. He shouldn't be he got one hell of a stunner with him tonight.
Sara also happens to be one of my closest friends and I'm the reason she and her boyfriend Micheal are together to this day.
Micheal worked with the company about 3 years back and he had been an amazing editor for our new recipes but turns out he wanted to work for himself so he quit. Mr Smith who happens to be my boss was not happy at all that we were losing our best editor but nonetheless, we were all excited for him.
"nah bitch you're crazy" can't say he's lying I am little crazy.
I was about to say something else but someone beat me and came and whispered in my ear. Looks like it was my time to do this fucking speech. Lord knows what's going to come out of my mouth
"O God, you're speaking give us strength" Sara, Luke and Mr Smith said coming to sit at the table.
I glare at her before following the guy up to the stage. Everyone started to quiet down obviously realising our little break was over and now we had to get back to showbiz.
"5 minutes alright," the director said before opening the curtain for me to enter to the stage.
5 minutes isn't that long when you're actually doing it. This should be interesting.
I stepped onto the stage with confidence in letting my legs take me to the centre. I knew Mark would be more than happy because of the woman I have grown to be by the day, well I think I deserve an accolade for this kind of stuff.
I glanced at the audience and smiled brightly at them.
"it's an honour to be here standing in front of all you today. I have myself worked to get to the level of success I am at now, however, it hasn't all been that simple. I've faced failures a lot of them but I've always believed in myself in my dreams which has helped me to get up every day. You don't have to have a masters degree to be able to achieve and become successful. For these young people growing in this fast paced world I want to let you know that there will be challenges but if you truly believe in yourself then you can make it 100 percent.
I took a deep breath from the almost rant I went on. Mark was looking up at me proud. I smiled down at him. People started to clap obviously liking my speech but I wasn't completely done yet. As I looked around my eyes found him, he was staring at me like everyone else.
Just as I was about to continue my speech, I saw Betty and I mind that bicth who was my ex's Mistress, surprisingly she was with a gun and without a second to think I shouted to the room
People looked on with curiosity before I heard gun shots go off. That is when people started to scream and panic. My body was instantly brought down to the floor and covered by two rather large bodyguards.
All I could hear was the guys shouting telling people to take cover. I could not see anything I didn't really know what was happening I just hoped that Slot no longer had her gun.
"You bastards, flaunting your money when we are suffering, selfish ignorant bastards" she yelled as she was handcuffed and taken away.
How did she even get in here with a gun?
Finally, the men got off me and lifted me back up onto my feet. When I could finally see the whole room was stunned to silence. I saw the glimpse of Betty as she was being dragged out of the room.
"are you hurt," Sara said running up to the stage she checked my body for any signs of an injury but I wasn't hurt. Yes, maybe they did grab me quite roughly but I wasn't shot.
"no, I'm fine, what about everyone, did she shoot anyone?" I said checking around the room. Luckily for all of us, nobody was shot but there was a bullet lodged in the glass wall right beside me on the stage.
"no, her aim was poor everyone got down quick enough and then the police guards attacked her before she got a better aim" I know what shee was saying but I didn't save these people.
Was she aiming for me?My idiotic self was too busy staring at a guy that I didn't notice it earlier.
Sara and Luke finally got me off the stage since I was in shock. I told them I would be fine but it wasn't their choice to take me over to the police. instead the police officers asked for me to talk to them.
They were speaking to Mr Smith and Mark at that moment. When they saw me approaching, they all stopped and Mark excused himself walking past me. He didn't forget to brush his arm with mine.
He knows he's fucking sexy and that's a major turn on. Guys seem to be getting shyer these days feeling insecure and stuff which breaks my heart. Some women don't know how to treat a man.
"oh darling, you little angel, are you hurt and hope they didn't do anything to my darling" I heard a familiar voice say. I instantly recognised it was Dad, . He wrapped his arms around me.
"I'll take this one boys, continue and question others until you've got something" one of the Inspector said, I didn't have time to ask Dad how he found out about my presentation today....I had so many questions I wanted to ask. The inspector dragged me over to a table.
I sat down carefully and sighed with relief. Not the kind of day I was expecting.
"Ms Carter what happened today who was that woman," he asked me hoping they will be able to get some answers from me.
He watched for people listening in, obviously, every bit of information they have right now is of top importance to the police.
"She is one of my ex's Mistress, and she was also a friend when Mark and I were together "?
"Wait a minute was she just angry at you that you came back to California and close to Mark...oh... and was crazy" Inspector Andrew said trying to write some report on a piece of paper was he was holding
"no never in my life, I've seen someone who is jealous over a thing like this, and shocked but it's not because I know her its because she was in here with a fucking gun" I said hoping the inspector could sense my irritation for her
He grabbed my wrist.
"calm down Ms Carter, everything will be under control and Mark will also be interrogated" I guess he is right. The quicker I'm removed the better my life will be.
"did you see her come in, why were you staring that way in the first place." He asked me.
"well" I started to talk.
I tired to say something but I couldn't, because I wasn't ready to tell the inspector that I was staring at my ex, and Infact that would have made everything worse.