Chapter Three
“I’m sorry, Rex.” Jayme said, “I’m trying to keep myself together.”
“I really do understand… So, to change the subject some, when are you due?” Rex asked, knowing she was obviously pregnant.
“Actually, Christmas day.” Jayme answered.
“Really? So you’re like… seven months?”
“Yes.” Jayme answered.
“Do you know what you’re having?” Rex asked.
“No. We wanted to wait…” Jayme said in a low voice.
“That’s commendable.” Rex said. “I’m not sure I could wait…”
“Oh, you have no kids? Have you never been married?”
“Well, yes, I’ve been married… and divorced. But we were only married or six months and she didn’t want children. And I’m really glad we didn’t.”
“Oh?” Jayme sounded interested.
“Yes, I was married right out of high school. I went into the police academy, she went to her drug dealers house, and, got pregnant.” Rex said.
“Oh wow. Sorry.” Jayme said.
“It was almost ten years ago.” Rex said. “I don’t even think about it anymore.”
Jayme looked at him and shook her head. “Well, I’m really glad I ran into you.”
“You have no idea…” Rex said as he looked at her then smiled. “I could’ve never forgotten you.”
Jayme smiled back at him. “Me either, about you.”
Reaching her hand out towards him, he met her hand with his and slipped his fingers between hers. “I really don’t want to drop you off and leave, I want to spend some time with you, catch up.”
“I believe we would’ve if I wouldn’t have had to come back so soon. But I’m fascinated to know if they have any leads.”
“I am too.” Rex said.
The closer they grew to Silver Creek, the darker it became. Parking beside the building beneath the bright lights of the parking lot, Rex turned off the car. “I’m going to make sure you get assistance before I leave so I’ll walk in with you.”
“Ok.” Jayme said and opened her door.
Walking in the building, she recognized an officer who spoke with her at the scene. He looked to see her enter and began walking toward her. “Hi, I’m Under Sheriff Adams, from Hillman County.” Rex said as he held his hand out for a handshake.
Jayme looked at Rex, not realizing he was the under sheriff. She watched as Rex and the other officer shook hands. “Well, sir, I thank you for bringing her to us. Was she in some sort of trouble?” He asked, not realizing they were just old friends.
“No, of course not. We’re just old friends who just reacquainted with each other.” Rex smiled then looked at Jayme. “Ok, I’ll leave you, but please, look me up when you’re back in town.” He said and leaned to kiss her on the cheek.
“I think you know I will.” Jayme said and reached to hug him.
She watched while Rex walked out the door, then turned to the detective. “I’m sorry, I forgot to inform you that I was going to my parents. Am I in trouble for that?”
“No. I just wanted to ask you more questions. Can you follow me?”
“Yes.” Jayme said and followed the detective to an interrogation room.
Opening the door, she held it for her then let it swing shut. “Have a seat. Can I get you some coffee, or something?”
“No, thank you, I’m fine. What did you find out?” Jayme said.
“Mrs. McNally, were you aware that your husband has been having an affair?”
“What? No.” Jayme denied.
“Yes. Her name is Kelly Taylor. And it’s been happening for about three years.”
“Three years? That can’t be right, we just married six months ago.”
“It’s very true. She was an assistant in his office. She was reported missing two days ago.”
“What!” Feeling dizzy, Jayme laid her head against her hands. What was happening?
“Right now, we’re searching for this man…” The detective pushed two pictures toward Jayme.
Lifting her head, she looked at the pictures. It was a man who appeared tall, with dishwater blonde hair. His facial hair and mustache was untrimmed and barbaric looking. But there was something about his blue eyes, a familiarity. But Jayme couldn’t pin point it. “Who’s this?” She asked.
“That is James, or Jimmy Taylor. He’s Kelly’s husband, who, so far, has been unreachable. He’s wanted as a person of interest, but for now, only to ask questions.”
“Oh my God… Do I need to worry about him coming after me?”
“That’s hard to say it’s possible but not routine. Usually, if the husband kills the wife, and/or her lover, they are satisfied and sometimes even just turn themselves in. I don’t know if that’s what happened, that’s what were trying to find out.”
“I really don’t know anything, obviously, I didn’t know he was having an affair for three years. Damn, we were together the entire length of their affair.” Jayme said, now apparently infuriated.
“I understand your agony, I really do. If there is anything you can remember, anything odd or off, please let me know.” The detective said and slid a business card across the table.
Picking up the card, she looked at it. His name was Detective John Jacobson. Looking back up at him, she looked angry and sad at the same time. “Yes, of course… can I go now?”
“Yes.” Detective Jacobson answered.
Shoving the card in her purse as she stood up, Jayme gave the detective a glance with a slight smile before walking from the room. From the police station, her house was only a few miles away, just out of town. Walking through the cold night, Jayme reached her house in just under an hour. Her legs were numb by the time she unlocked the door.
The house was dark and eerily quiet. It gave her chills and made her hair stand on end. She knew she would never be able to sleep in this house ever again. At all cost, she avoided the office while she gathered some things. She had decided to return to her parents house, at least for a few days. Leaving the house, she locked the doors, left on the porch light and stuffed her things into her car.
Backing down the driveway, she wanted to head home but she knew it would mean two hours of driving everyday, to work. Her alternative was to stay in a hotel room. She knew she would have to sell the house she lived in with Scott. It would be too painful. She also knew she would have to choose between keeping her job or moving back home, otherwise she would have to make the two hour drive daily.
It reminded Jayme that she needed to contact her employer and report why she wasn’t at work that morning. But it was too late now, she’d have to call in the morning, hoping she still had a job. As she backed into the road, she looked at the gas gauge and knew she would have to stop sooner than later. But she had enough for now as she headed out of town.
Driving through the dark night, her mind thought of Scott and the murder, and the suspect, but sometimes she would catch herself thinking of Rex. By the time she reached the next town, pulling into a gas station, she felt as if she could barely keep her eyes open. Filling up her tanks, she tried to use her debit card at the cashier but it was denied. She was shocked and embarrassed and didn’t understand why her card was denied. Instead, she paid in cash.
By the time she was back on the road, it was midnight. She still had over a half an hour on the road. She opened her window some for the cool air and turned up the radio to try to keep her alert. The traffic was sparse and she had the road to herself at this time of night. She would be home before the bars closed and all the drunken traffic would be on the road.
Trying to cheer herself up, she sang along with the radio with the songs to which she knew the words. She loved country music, it was what she was raised on. It goes with her country girl attitude. Jayme lived close enough to the city while she was in college that she had had enough of city life. She longed to be home. For a short time, Silver Creek was close enough.
Pulling into her parents driveway, there were no lights on. She shut off the car and got out. Pulling her things out of the back of the car, she walked a few feet before the porch light flashed on. Setting the suitcase down at her feet, Jayme searched through her keys until she found the right one.
Quietly, she entered the house. It appeared that her parents were already in bed. They had to work in the morning. Locking the door, Jayme grabbed her suitcase and carried all her things up to her room. Throwing everything on her bed, she walked over and closed her bedroom door before flipping on the light.
She put her things off to the side of the room for the night, then changed into her pajamas. Laying down in her bed, it seemed like she laid there for some time before she could fall asleep, even though she almost fell asleep in the car.