Chapter 10. Ascension
Hunnie 👸🏻
Dreaming that very good dream again.
My king of a husband came to see me before I left to go to the Covenant's Ascension party.
He laid me down in my bed and licked the swollen buds of my nipples. Instantly sending a warm sensation between my thighs. He kissed me all over and ran his fingers along my stomach and down to my core.
That hypnotic, baby faced, King.
When I came to my senses and no longer unconscious, I seen it was Wolfy leaning over me and grazing my nipples with his tongue!!!
I froze, not knowing what to do. Good thing he wasn't a man!!
He had his paw rested on my bed and his long tongue kept coming out and flicking at my breast.
My body was not denying the sensation that was forming down below. I started to feel a bit uncomfortable with this predicament. Morally.
"Hey...Get..Off!" I shoved his huge head away from above me.
Yet, he still didn't stop licking. Instead he places his heavy paws onto my shoulder, holding me in place!
He starts to ease off, when I rolled my body out of bed, but his tongue still managed to get a couple more licks around my neck and face.
I don't recalls taking my clothes before my nap either!
"So shameful, bad boy!" I pointed in his direction which sent him wagging his tail even more and trying to nibble at my finger.
I clasped my hands together and said another noise cancellation spell before wrapping a towel around me and exiting to the bathroom.
I could hear whimpers from Wolfy as I left, but I needed to focus on tonight's event.
I entered in, wiping my now moist lady parts. I can't believe my body would betray me to a CANINE!
'Oh my gosh! I'm sick!
The house was still chaotic with one hour before ascension!
I quickly scurried to my room and Wolfy wasn't there.
Shaking off the mixed feelings I had towards him, I threw on a new pair of panties and slipped my legs through the pants of my long, midnight purple romper. It fit me elegantly, and tight around my hips. Hugging at my thighs and breast.
I didn't wear a brassiere, my ladies sat pretty perfect for my weight and height.
Besides, I had more ass than breast my whole life, so bras was never a thing for me.
I used to get made fun of for having small breast in school.
Mostly by Evie, the one who also called me prude in 5th grade. For goodness sake! I was not thinking about sex that early, more like breaking my dark spells virginity!
As I got ready and straightened my curly hair, I heard a thud outside my window. I went to go look and it was Wolfy, pushing around the pot from yesterday.
"Come come" I said waving my hands.
When he didn't listen, I walked away and slid on my gold heels.
I left my window fully opened and sat a pot of water down for Wolfy. I couldn't waste any more time with him, as Tenn was already on her way.
He will either be here or not when I get home. I didn't care. He needs to return back home anyways...
I sprayed my perfume along my collar bone and exited my room with my red crossbody.
All the girls were dressed so beautifully, but still had time to give me compliments as I made my way to the front door. The only time they say anything to me….
"Looking great sister."
"Wow, your million dollar backside."
"I love that royal purple against your skin Hun."
I found myself opening the door to Tenn's baby blue station wagon. The car ride was filled with thoughts from two very nervous witches.
"Damn it, I can't believe they made me a judge. It isn't my first time, but I'm so nervous Hunnie,"
"That must be very nerve racking , I'm nervous too, I don't want to forget anything about the covenant's rules." I said, with undeniable doubt and concern laced in my words.
"No way girl, you will do great. You know all of our rules and rituals. Just focus on the covenant ways and practices tonight. You got this!”
Tenn always had meaning behind her words, but I loved her for being real with me. I'm sure she worries I'll stray off my path from joining the coven, and use most of my energy into dark magic practices.
It was my duty tonight, from Elder witch to explain our coven's rules tonight. Which I found ironical that they had chose me.
When we got to our covens temple, that was tucked away in the forest by a river, we were greeted to rows of cars parked with every single coven member that represented the state's Witches and Wizards.
The first hours of the night I was incredibly nervous and shaking. I was standing by the large, wooden double doors fiddling with my thumb and occasionally watching my "coven" goof around with each other.
Only our elder witches and wizards were still running around chaotically. Everyone else was either playing with magic or chatting with guest.
I was greeting everyone that came through the doors until the teens who were ascending came through. I bowed to all ten girls and their parents, pointing them to their table across the room. They all bowed in return, with even some of their mothers complimenting my outfit.
Tenn was sitting in the far corner of the room, her brown luminous skin glowing heavenly under the moons light. The yellow background behind her insinuating her meloninn even more!
The room dimmers down once all the teens were seated and a few of our Elders step on a platform to speak to the church room.
Now it was que to educate the teens on the how the coven works together while the adults talked.
They were seated opposite their parents on benches. I approached the table while their parents listened in and explained the ways of the Coven in our simple, yet demanding culture.
"Hi ladies, I'm Hunnie Inzotta, and I'll be explaining what'll be happening tonight..."
I went on for a good 10 minutes trying my hardest to keep it brief and not stray away from the actual reason they were here or getting too personal.
They've come to ascend, and become one with their brothers and sisters.
None of them had any questions, which I figured they wouldn't. I still didn't get what my whole purpose of being here was. It was a big slap in the face. I'm twenty-three and still haven't ascended into this coven...
I felt a pull towards the side french windows of our church. I left the girls on a good note, " Remember, showing your coven that you can excel and contribute to them is a plus! Trust your instincts always, and I hope I can be around to see you lovely roses blossom."
I bowed to them, as they started clapping for me and I whisked away trying to not bring any unwanted attention, while everyone was now listening to Jahred and Evie talk about their roles as our state's top witches.
Heading up to the window, I glanced outside to the moons bright glow, and the dark trees that surrounded the sides of the old church. I squinted around while listening to the harmonious voices chanting away from behind and I thought I could make out blue fireflies. Blue!
Glowing along the bushes.
The coven was now introducing the new teenage witches and their families background. I walked over to a pitch that held some juice in it.
As I got closer a shield popped up demanding to know my birth year and scanning over my face.'Hmm. Must be alcohol,' The voices inside screamed out with joy!
I let the body recognition scan me over. Nice little parental spell they got going on!
To my surprise Evie was walking over to me with a drink already in her hand. A beer to be exact. We all know Evie is my nemesis, but she continues to think we are still friends.
"Hey, I was starting to get frustrated that I'd be the only one drinking so early in the night." She chuckled at me like we were best of friends.
I chucked back softly not wanting to engage in any more words with her and poured my drink. I made my way around her. She knows I don't like her and I will not accept nor play into her devious games ever again.
"Your ass looks great in that suit by the way." She continued, as I was already facing away from her.
"Thank you," I said shooting her the fakest smile ever and making sure my hips swayed a little more than usual.
I kept feeling a sensation of worry every time I passed the windows again. This time sipping on my margarita and smiling with a bow to any eyes that watched me move around the room.
Everyone was loosening up and the party was about to happen.
I nearly choked on my drink as I seen Wolfy's head pop up by the windowsill.
'Oh my heavens, NOO!! Not now Wolfy!' Yelling to myself in my head, I couldn't bear what would happen if my coven seen a wolf prying into their windows.
I clicked and clacked my heels all the way to the windows and pushed his head out hoping no one had seen anything.
Closing the windows, I turned around so quickly bringing my lips to my glass taking a long sip before looking ahead into the crowds. Good thing no one was looking. I need to get out of here, and NOW!
Filling up another glass as all the teens demonstrated their strength and weaknesses in front of the judge, I quickly tried to get Tenn's attention and motion that I was leaving.
When she finally looked at me. I pointed to my wrist and made a sleeping gesture with my hands. She smiled and nodded.
'Jeez Wolfy, what are you doing here!!'
When I got outside, it was quite and extremely dark out. I trotted down the steps and into the lot where the cars were all parked and still no Wolfy in sight.
As I got to the long drive way out the woods I heard whimpers. I looked in every direction to see where it could be coming from, but it was too dark.
When I got to the end of the long driveway, I was beginning to stagger a bit. The alcohol was finally starting to kick in. I texted a Uber driver to bring me home and that was when something furry brushed across my side.
Barely looking down to see Wolfy, sitting in front of me by the roadside and wagging his tail. His ears were low and his eyes appeared to be a shade of blue this time around.
I took a few tipsy steps towards him and he hiked himself up on his hind legs. Almost resting his paws directly onto my shoulders, but quickly positioned himself back into an anxious sitting position.
He was dancing with happy feet like a good little boy, but held a tint of sadness in his eyes. I couldn't lie, I was stunned and impressed that he came all this way. Driving, it would take a half hour, I couldn't even imagine how long it took him!!
That's beyond impressive, no guy has ever travelled this far for me, let alone an animal!
Does he belong to me now?