Nurse Hunnie

I gasp watching bloos stream down the pups leg.

Just breathe Hunnie. He's never hurt you before.

'Snip snip snip'

I inserted the blade under the first wire that was popping out. It seemed like he tried to pull at it a while ago, because it was fresh and mangled with his blood, leaving it to only tighten around his lower legs even more.

I felt sweat dripping down from my head onto the back of my neck. Inhaling deeply before touching his legs to really get under the other wires, I heard another low grumble leave his throat as the blade had slid against his legs and it startled me.

I wasn't sure if I could do this without hurting him and we all know how animals can act when they are injured or in pain.

And I was not prepared to fight this bear-wolf today!

"Dear sisters please watch over me in this moment, it's me Hunnie Inzotta" I prayed softly before jamming the shears under the tightly pressed bloodied wire and exhaled slowly. 'Snip'

He lifted his head and I froze, waiting for some sort of reaction.

Oops. Did I hurt him?

"Hmmm Hmmmm." He whimpered again looking away.

I hurriedly clamped the shears shut on the other remaining parts of the barb wire.

"Can I tie something around your legs, Mr. wolf?" I softly asked, as I reached out to cut away at the last wires.

He always held such a high and magnificent aura. Maybe he was an alpha of his pack, or a great hunter! He also always smelled very sweet like licorice. I wonder if he had human owners or something. His fur was too tamed to be an animal of the night.

I leaned over, to carefully discard of the wires, and noticed he slightly turned. I was then met with his hot and steamy, musky breath coming out of his nostrils.

He licks across my lips and my whole body shudders. He's never done that before, but then again, I've never been this close to his face.

I felt my heart racing. Why do I get so strange around this animal?

Yuck, his breath smells like a penny!

Ew is that blood!

He tried again to slobber on me. This time tilting his head to the side and charging towards my lips. He was adorable and could resemble an over sized German Shepard dog.

I wiped my lips and met his enormous, fireflies of eyes as they sink and bore into mine.

His glowing green orbits pierced deep into my hazelnut, golden ones and we stilled, staring at each other for a moment. Observing his pearly white fangs that slightly hung out his mouth and his pointy furry ears that were now standing straight up.

Ever so boldly today, I rubbed his thick, silky ears, with both hands feeling the silky, leathery texture absorb onto my fingertips.

His ears twitched under me and I giggled. They were so soft and he was actually letting me rub them!

Why haven't I done this before! I've definitely gotten used to him since the first day I met him!

The first time he found me in the woods I used my magic to fly out of here. There was no way I was going to entertain a humongous wolf and die a single witch...

I did want to embrace him in so many other ways for some reason.

Feel all of his fur.

Hug him.

Touch his ears and his muzzle again.

It was tempting.

I was constantly thinking about my fuzzy stalker, even when I was home or in the academy. Wherever I went honestly. I couldn't believe an animal like him has found me on so many different occasions and locations of these woods!

A dark witch like myself has always been one with nature. Hence being so deep in the woods to practice my magic. Who would of thought I'd befriend a giant beast.

He was a beautiful and gorgeous black wolf. His canines always looked a bit scary when his mouth was open, but he was elegant looking and fierce, with such a powerful aura.

I shook my head at the assumption that he could have been anything more than a creation by the heavens.

What is this perposturous feeling?!!

"Butterflies?" I questioned myself.

I always thought I should be more scared than what my mind has been allowing me to be. Why wasn't I scared of this big beast?

I've been grateful for his company these past few days. I really needed it. My coven always shuns me away and my friends were always busy with human college....


I packed up my gear and books and made an effort to leave the area. Waiting for his on coming wrath to be released. A few bellowing growls and running in circles.

He seems to hate goodbyes.


I wasn't ready for his nonsense today.

I dug around in my bag and seen what kind of treats I had today that I could use as distraction.

Only a few mints and some crackers. I opened them all for him, and set down in the opposite direction I'd be leaving.

I see his nose twitches and he starts whimpering.

Oh man.... He knows what time it is.

I wondered why he always gets this way?

This damn wolf acted like he owned me. Maybe, I should stop showing him so much love and hospitality.

Especially, before he decided to end up on my lawn one day.

"Alright buddy, I have class today." I threw my bag over my shoulder and turned my back to him.

It broke my heart to hear him even cry like that. I'll see you tomorrow pup. It'll be a brand new day!

Leaving him where he was at, I started my hike back home forgetting all about my furry friend. We usually part ways when I use my magic barrier to float ascended me over the trees. I get home quicker that way, but he's been so good today and isn't acting ferocious.

I brought my phone out and began scrolling through my social media accounts and spying on my friends.

A brush across my waist made me spin around like a mad woman!

Looking to my side, I see the black polar bear of a wolf, just trotting along side of me. I knew I smelled his fruity scent!

"Good boy, but you can't follow me." I patted his back.

He coughs up one of the wrappers from my energy bars and starts whimpering up a storm again.

GAHHHHH! I don't have any more food on me!!!


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