My Mate
Time Unknown
Mysterious Woman 📯
"Ugh" groaned a seductively, achey, young woman.
She was lying in bed, with a stiff and sore body. It felt as though someone ran her over with a car.
Could she even move? How long has she been out for?
She blinked a few times and realized she was still naked in a room that wasn't hers. Her maids must've not entered in fear The Beast might still be inside.
She got up from her bed slowly. Feeling aches everywhere. Standing to her feet, she walks over to the vanity and wipes her eyes clean before looking into the pristine oval shaped mirror.
Staring back at her was a woman whoms neck and chest was filled with love bites. Purple and red marks hugged her neck like it was a suction pool for love.
Her heart fluttered at the thoughts of the vicious and merciless man that left these behind. She couldn't believe he would enjoy her company in bed. Then to also bed her on so many different occasions and even multiple times a day! Boy she felt important!
She turns her head to look for her flimsy two piece lingerie that laid on the floor. As she turns her head back to face the mirror a sharp and sudden pain takes over the muscles in her neck area and she brings her shaky hands over to the bruised spot.
When she looks in the vanity mirror again, she sees four deep puncture wounds left behind and hidden by her bruised love marks. When she brushes her anxious fingers across the wound, she feels flutters and goosebumps flow through her body like never before!
"What is this feeling?" She whispers to herself. In fear the vampires and wolves around this place might overhear her.
"Miss? Are you awake yet?" Came a voice from the other side of the bedroom door. She sprung up from her vanity chair as if she was caught stealing.
The door creaks open and two maidens wearing an all white transparent dress with a flowery headband steps inside. They seemed very worried for the unknown woman. She means much to their people so her safety was their priority.
"Oh miss! You are ok!" Cried one of the maiden nymphs. "How do you feel. It's been two whole days! We were worried sick!" The other maiden voices.
The woman nearly stumbles to the ground as she tried lifting her feet into her silky undergarments.
"Two days? Sisters, what are you saying?"
"You've been asleep for two whole days after...well after he...—"
"Oh my!" The unknown, curvy woman gasps. She brings her hands to her mouth. Something clicks in her head.
Her maids begin helping her get dressed. Connecting all her jewelry to her undergarments and making sure her hair was back up again in a sleek ponytail.
They dress her up and escort her off the property into a carriage where another two maids were there waiting for her arrival.
"I can't believe I've been marked!" The woman thinks to herself.
"How happy am I that I was chosen! Uncle will be so proud of me!" She begins biting at her nail as her body washes over with many different emotions.
No one on her island ever had a mate, and if they did, they already left to explore the world together.
She could already feel the difference in her body due to his venom. His energy was working it's way in with her weak one. Now she can feel all of him. Well not too much of him, as he seemed to be far way right now.
The other maids in the carriage stare at her in curiousness, but continued to cuddle her battered body. They haven't even realized she's been marked yet!
When they arrive to their island an hour later, they escort the bitten woman to a nice hot bath to soothe her internally. They know the man very well and knows he can get very rough and had many different kinks he liked getting into.
They saw the bite mark on her neck finally, but didn't pay it any mind. As he always heals his bite marks, so this too should be fading pretty soon.
As the woman got out of the bath and dressed, she requested for her uncle to come see her and a set of maids scurried to fetch him while another set disappeared to bring the woman some food.
It has been two days after all. She must be extremely hungry after seeing him. Who knew he could fuck a woman so hard she sleeps for two whole days!
"I must hurry and tell my Island! They need to know as soon as possible so I can always look my best for him!" The woman thinks out loud to herself.
"Neice! What's going on? You called for me?" Said the big belly, crowned bald man. "I'm so sorry, are you alright? I've heard you slept for two days my love."
"Yes uncle! I am fine. Look!" The curvy and excited woman shrieks out! She stretches her neck to one side.
"Oh my... what is it?" The frigid old man ask, as he adjusts his bifocals.
"A mark uncle! An alphas mark! I was bitten by him!"
The old man held onto his chest before stumbling onto the closest seat. With wide eyes he viewed the neck of his niece in awe and blinked a few times for confirmation.
"Is this for real? Oh my.. we will be protected for life now!" The bellied man says and keeping his eyes trained on the neck of his niece.
"I knew I was doing the right thing in offering you up. You've made me and your people so proud from this moment." The woman's uncle said with tears streaming down his face.
"What do I do? Should I tell his people?" The marked woman asked out.
"Well of course. We can't hide anything like this from them. This is big news right? Let's celebrate my love. Congratulations to a new queen of our kingdom!"
"I think it was meant to be." The young woman gets up and paces back and forth.
"He deflowered me after all, and treated my body to the most amazing sensations I could ever ask for! I love him already and couldn't ask for a better soul mate than The King himself.