Responsibilities and Snacks!
Thanks to Evie, the coven all knew my paternal parents and grandparents were all users of the dark magic. It’s in my blood too.
Intertwining the dark magic with light magic spells, and then using a dark object to seal off the rest of the bad voodoo, was my way to control it. I was exceptionally good.
No one, not even Tenn or Lenah knows I have a dark object. I'm hoping one day they can ask how I harness the power or keep myself safe, because they they would know, it's simply the 24 karat gold bracelet I've worn on my ankle since 6th grade.
The anklet was given to me by my adoptive mother the day she picked me up from the orphanage. She always stressed and bragged that it was hollow and could hold magic essences of any type. Blessed by many monks and chanted over by many witches, it was strong enough to separate the bad from my body.
When I was 11, I chose to give it the dark magic's essence. It was an accidental night.
I was hurting.
I was hurting, because I just could NOT fit in with the rest of my middle school covened witches.
I was bullied, shunned for not being born into their coven and never taken seriously.
"Oh you come from a dark clan. You can't be a light witch in our coven!" They'd say.
The pain must've ignited something when I recited my very first dark spell.
Dark Protection.
Protection from the bullies and protection from myself.
Others would call this, selling your mind and body to the darkness, but I didn't sell it, I gave it a home in my bracelet. I asked for protection of my mind and soul in exchange for a home where they reside close to me. Making me very strong headed mentally.
That's what the dark magic liked.
An eye for an eye.
A sacrifice.
A host.
I say blessings and exorcise my anklet weekly, but on those days, I'm feeling spiritually exhausted. That's why I sleep so much, always trying to get my body to catch up.
Coming back to my senses, it seemed that the wolf could sense I was a bit sad, because he came right up to the edge of my bed and rested his head on my legs.
Looking up at me with his quivering eyebrows and deep green river eyes. I couldn't help but to let out a sob and hug his head.
I was even being pitied by a wolf.
"Awe, thank you Wolfy. I appreciate your love."
Running my fingers through his fur, I was imagining him being a very old, old wolf, since the size of him was rather large.
He had to be about 200 plus pounds and his whole body could easily tower over my 5'4, 145 pound frame.
I got down on the ground and sat besides Wolfy. Admiring the purple highlights in his fur. It feels familiar.
He laid down on his back the way a dog does when they want their belly rubbed. I examined his lightly tanned belly with a few little spots here and there, reaching mto rub his chest seeing as his wolfy parts covered 50% of his abdomen.
He’s been growing on me since I’ve met him.
Still rubbing his belly and watching his tongue fall out his muzzle in pants , I laid down on my side next to him. He seemed to be have been happy with the attention. He rolled over to his stomach and put his big'ole head on my shoulder which also covered my face.
Next thing I knew, I was slowly drifting away to sleep by the sound of his soft and low grumbling.
What woke me up was the feeling of a wet and rough pad up against my chest area and through my shirt. It was warm and damp, but kept lapping up and down across my neck and parts of my chest.
When I became conscious, I seen Wolfy in my view. Licking the v-line down from my sweater and his whole tongue was moving it with each swipe.
He was standing over my shoulder now and leaning. When I tried sitting up, he froze, and I was a bit startled, but it quickly died down once he jumped out of my opened window before I could even fully wake up!
"What the actual freak" my lips muttered quietly and tight in the disbelief.
I staggered to the window still trying to wake my limbs up.
Rolling my eyes and breaking into in a disbelieving smirk, I glanced out the window to see Wolfy a few meters away, taking a dump by the bushes.
Now his freshly poopy butt will be on my carpet!
When he was done doing his business he looked over to me and pranced over like he was a happiest pup alive with his tongue gliding through the sunsets breeze.
Without any hesitation, he jumps into my window, completely surprising me. I tried to make a run, but he caught my legs from under me as I hurried away.
We both got up from the floor all entangled, my legs over his head and his nose and paws under my bum.
I didn’t want to squish his head with anymore of my body weight and he kept tugging his paws and nose from underneath me.
Finally propping my self up with my elbows and twisting my hips to lift my weight over his head, we untangled.
He was such a gentle beast that kept taking me by surprise all night. He didn't make any noises or chewed on anything except my sheets that hung over the edge and when it came time for my normal magical studies, he would sit down next to me and stare at the pages.
Sometimes even putting his paw on pages.
"What is it love?" I asked.
'What if he really was a man and needed to be changed back?'
I doubt he could be an actual man, seeing as I found him wondering in the woods instead of the streets, plus I'd think he would know how to communicate a lot better than whimpers and growls. He still communicates well, but not well enough to be considered a man.
Wolfy cocked his head to the side and brought his mouth over to my hand. He began licking it so aggressively like I had the taste of food on it. Maybe he was hungry again? He lowered his mouth from my hands and started to also lick my knees viciously like he wanted to chew the meat off of my body.
I began I chuckle as soon as it started to tickle. Trying to push away his head from my knee cap, I sat up in my bed and brought both of my feet onto the ground. Wolfy was still licking away at my knees carefully, yet aggressively and it sent chills down my spine and to my core. -I couldn't help but to keep on laughing at the sensation.
'This damn wolf is tickling me! He needs to stop his foolish seduction!' Screaming on the inside as the sensation became inbearable and I felt a little aroused down below.
I couldn't move his head away from my knees, so I leaned back in my bed to bring my leg over his head, only to find his long, moist, snout, shoving deeply between my thighs.
I was not expecting it at all and the whole positioning sent me into an even bigger laughing fit.
There's definitely no treasure there for you buddy.
"Hey! Stop!..." I yelled between the laughter that was consuming me completely.
I had to lock his head between my knees, so his nose couldn't go up any higher!
I felt his little wet nose wiggling between my legs and his head kept swaying back and forth like he was sniffing out something.
" Okay, that's enough" I said, bringing my legs in the air to get it over his head.
I was still laughing at his playfulness, but it soon subsided, after I shooed him over to his corner. I loved that he listened to me and didn't do anything to make me afraid.
'I really might keep you long term pup' the thought came to my mind.
Leaving my window all the way up , I got into my bed, putting all my spell books away and falling to my slumber.
I had such a vivid dream that it felt even so real on my body. How could my mind remember the feeling or the sensation? Especially if it's never happened before. It was a great dream, anyways.
In the dream, I was a Queen to a King that lived in a very far away Kingdom.
Supernaturals of every creation was playing and working along side one another and worshipped us.
The one who worshipped me the most was my husband, everyday and night.
The dream was so real to me, I could feel it all. I remember being satisfied and please by him tremendously. No matter what his royal duties were that day, he would always find time to come and see me.
'Wow! What a splendid dream!’
'Oh Wolfy must be back' I thought to myself subconsciously.
I could feel him licking away at my exposed thigh that was hanging out the blankets. I was to exhausted to wake up and shoo him away. It also felt relaxing and made me want to fall deeper into my sleep.
"..Wolf..eeee" I groaned out trying to get his attention.
I felt his paws clawing gently at my hip, as if he was trying to dig his favorite toy out from underneath the porch.
"Ahhh... go.. away" I mumbled out and flinging my hands out from under my pillow, hoping he'd take the hint. Instead he stop slobbering on my thighs and came over to my arm, pushing it up with his nose.
For a second I thought he left, but no. He went back at my thighs, this time trying to push me over with his nose. I kept feeling him tuck his nose right at my hip bone and trying to lift me.
Already annoyed that I was losing sleep, I subconsciously turn over on my side like he wanted me to. Not even thinking, I felt his wet nose press against my belly button before clawing at the seams of my panties.
In completely shock of how close he was to ripping my panties off, I jolted up into a sitting position.
Wolfy jumped back like he was in trouble and quickly paced over to his corner. I was going to lay back down on impulse, but seen he had come back over with his noodle pot that was of course, empty!!