Forever, Your company
Hunnie 👩🏻🦱
Here I am at midnight, cooking my salmon fillet that I was suppose to bring to work.
I threw the unthawed fish on a cast iron pan, and added broccoli around the edges of the pan, and closed it with a lid.
The aroma filled the air slowly, and I could hear Wolfy's big paws scratching away at my door. Ugh! I should have casted a noise cancellation spell.
The fat from the salmon oozed out like cheese and the broccoli was tenderly glistening from being mixed in with the salmon's natural oils. Ahhhhh...
I entered my room and Wolfy started to twirl around in place. His big body knocking against my wall and creaking my floors.
I hurriedly and carefully lowered the hot meal onto his towel and he went to town. I filled a pot of water for him and laid fast asleep.
I got up from bed when my alarm went off, and seen Wolfy, still laying in his corner. He lifted his head to meet my gaze as I got out of bed and came over to me.
I patted him and gave him an energy bar from my dresser, so I could go get dressed for the academy.
I made my way to my door while whispering out a noise cancellation spell. Our sisters in heaven knows I need this!
Opening the door, I was greeted to our 2nd in line sister, Dina making herself some tea.
"Morning Hun," she said raising her cup at me and smiling.
I smiled back at her and said good morning. She is always the nicest to me.That morning I took a nice 20 minute bath. Relying on Wolfy not to break down my door.
When I was done and walked in my room, I seen Wolfy standing in the corner, licking himself clean.
He was very eager to see me. He couldn't stop his happy feet. Marching in place like he was about to receive a treat.
I made my way to him. So happy to see his low and subtle green eyes. They always sent heat waves down my body.
I threw on a black long sleeveless dress and thong while my horn dog of a wolf just sat there panting and gazing down at my every movement.
I texted the girls to let them know I was bringing Wolfy today and rushed out to the kitchen with eyes gawking at me like a crazy woman.
"Oh hey sisters," I greeted them all with a bow and a smile.
"I'll be running a bit late today so please enter the portal without me. I'll make it before it closes." I scanned the 3 girls over that were sipping tea and eating bread with butter.
"Okay no problem, don't forget the teens ascension at 6 pm sharp" one of the twins, Leela said.
The others ignored me, like usual.
Nodding in agreement, I turned around and went back into my room to finish collecting all my belongings.
I chose my books to read throughout the day, and unhooked a strap from one of my brown purses. Then I peeped out my window to the backyard where the girls got into the portal.
"Our turn now Wolfy" I said climbing through my window for him to follow me.
The window wasn't that high, but still roughly a good jump. I slid out the window with my sandals in one hand, my bag in the other, and the bottom of my dress tied in a knot. I landed and motioned for Wolfy to come out like I've seen him do before.
He jumps out perfectly and I use a spell to shut and lock my window.
"You are coming to The Academy today pup!" Rubbing both of his soft fuzzy ears together, before putting the brown leather strap over his head.
I clasped both ends together, and voilà!
We have our selves a collared Wolfy.
"Oh, I'm so amazed by myself." I chuckled before giving him one last pat as we walked through the closing portal.
When we entered, we were met with heavy traffic of othe supernatural beings scurrying along the purple, grainy streets of Witchy World.
I also hated when the twins opens a portal smack dab in the middle of the road!
Most witches here had pets or 'Familiars' that they would bring to the academy. So seeing me with a wolf on a leash wasn't that much suspicious. Besides, I've tried that one before...
For the most part, Wolfy walked side by side with me, even when some beings were starting to touch and pet him.
He was turning out to be a good pup indeed. Maybe, he's from a large family and he got split up. 'Would they come looking for him?' I thought to myself.
My heart ached at that thought alone. I really wanted him forever now…
We made our way closer to the east side of the academy, it was mostly witches, vampires and wolves all in human form. So they all looked like me.
Everyone was avoiding our route, so Wolfy and I had plenty of space upon entering through the gates of the academy.
Wolfy and I made our way inside the academy and towards the food court. Seems like he's hungry. I had to let go of his collar because he was dragging me along. With trust, I let him roam around the halls and sniff whoever and whatever he wanted.
'If things go south, I DO NOT KNOW HIM!'
I will ditch him so quick and run! I chuckled to myself. I see him scurrying over to the tall golden doors that exited the east side corridors.
Pushing the door open, Wolfy charged through, not even waiting for me. My eyes were trying to keep up with his long slender body through the crowded halls of witches, giants and vampires.
"What are you going boy?" I yelled nervously not wanting to have to kill a few vampires accidentally while protecting him.
"Hey Snow White!" Lenah's voice called out to me as We entered the food court.
The room was luminously lit. The natural lighting coming in from the overhead windows and every other window that lined the food court walls, made this room bright!
Fairies were flying high above the ceiling. Serving giants, and flying low to serve goblin and ghouls throughout the room. All the tables were filled and crowded with every supernatural early this morning.
"Wow! He's insanely huge Hun!" Tenn and Carney let out a gasp before standing up from their seats.
Wolfy stopped and sat high by my side as I took a seat.
"Don't worry you guys he's trained" I said breaking out into a joke. Tenn and Carney seemed to have liked that one. Especially from seeing him oh so obediently take a seat next to me.
Wolfy looked like he was trying to impress them. His chest was pointed up high, his paws neatly together in front of him and his mouth clamped shut. His black coat glistening like a chocolate glazed donut under the sun's escaped rays.
"Wow look at how good he is." Lenah says in disbelief.
"He's like her own personal body guard" Carney chimes in, finally taking her seat back at the table.
Tenn was still standing on the opposite side of the table clutching onto her purse and giving me that, "Girl, you didn't say he was this big," look.
"Tenn have a seat, he won't do anything. Trust me." I felt wolfy quickly lick my shoulder.
"He's really a good boy!" I said cheerfully while taking my spell books out. "He's been watching me practice my magic for almost a week now. He's odd"
With a stern look of caution plastered to her face, Tenn sat down next to Carney at the end of the table.
"Maybe he needs some kind of magical help?" She says, still keeping her eyes locked on Wolfy.
“I'll try a spell today. But I hope he isn't a man." I blushed.
The girls all laugh and ask if I've given him a name.
"Yes, his name is Wolfy!"
"Wolfy? Really Hunnie, you couldn't pick something that wasn't so obvious?" Tenn glares at me which sends us all over the edge and into our usual laughter.
We chatted it up for the next 10 minutes, talking about how bringing him into classes would be, and making Jahred, my ex , jealous. I didn't entertain their thoughts. I was more worried he would attack someone!
If it wasn't for hearing Wolfy's scoffed whimpers, I would have forgotten that he needs to eat too.
"Someone go get him food or I have to leave him here with you guys" I quickly responded with a sly grin and also remembering that I forgot my debit card today.
"I'll get it." Leneah offered while digging through her bag for cash.
"Here, I have a few singles, maybe get him the salmon jerky that I love so much" Carney waves.
She was a first generation vegan vampire. She only drinks synthetic blood that comes from fishes and plants.
"Mmmm" lenah groans, coming around the table and placing a tray of steak in front of Wolfy.
He leans his head over the table and licks the steak, then he bites down on the rare piece of meat that oozed out all types of aromatic smells our way.
He was impressing the girls one by one with his obedience and protection he had towards me.
He walked in the front of us and by surprise he always knew which classes we were headed to. It was actually creepy!
He would steal a few glances behind him to make sure we were still following him.
"I've never owned a animal, but I'm so in love with him. But I can't keep him" I said to the girls as we entered our last magical lecture for the day.
The class went by smoothly. On occasion, Wolfy would give off a very low bark in his chest when he seemed to get anxious, but then Carney would place a piece of dry salmon in his view.
My heart started racing again as my eyes traveled along the physique of my dark furry night. I didn't understand how to feel about him, but we all know he has to be returned back to the woods.
I summoned a portal behind my house, exhausted. Wolfy became very excited, wagging his tail left and right. Leaping around any fireflies that came his way.
"Come on Wolfy." I said patting the wall under my windowsill, to see if he’d jump like last time.
Instead, he ran full force into the woods. Taking me by surprise. I continued to make my way around the yard and to the front door. The house was chaotic!
Enchantment scrolls hovering everywhere, dresses lined up along the sofa, wands and white lights of energy circling around the girls as they ran amok.
I picked up a piece of homemade granola bar and popped it my mouth before entering my room.
There awaited Wolfy, sitting beautifully up against my dresser with his tail thumping rapidly and his nose twitching in my direction.
I suddenly remembered to try the spell to bring his a man fourth. If there was one.
I know I'll need sleep after this.
I recited the spell while blindingly looking at Wolfy.
" I, Hunnie Inzotta, calling out to the dark bright stars and signs to help the Motherly Moon Goddess, guide this howler of the woods and moon to change back on this night of The Aprilth Moon."
I closed my eyes to begin summoning my dark matter.
"As a witch of light and born of Sun, I accept the allegiance of the darkness to find the soul of this Wolf. I'll give you life, and you'll give me death. Just lend me the power to break his fence.!"