Plot Changer
Hunnie's 🐕 P.O.V
I never shifted while drunk before. It actually felt pretty good. The water was nice and warm, just like my chest right now.
I got out of the ocean and had goosebumps all along my fur and fingertips. It was making my body feel like dancing.
I started prancing along the tip of my paws, trying to get this fury body to look like It's dancing. I found myself tip-toeing along the border of the forest and noticed it was pretty lit inside.
The trees around the area were glowing green and so were their barks. Like the forest came alive and harnessed all the moons light into one small, woodsy area. I tried using my snout to sniff in the direction out of curiosity, but all I smelled was something sweet, like licorice and it was warmer over there.
All I could say was, I'm glad I was drunk because I was still afraid of the woods, but I'm still close to the ocean and not deep like last time.
As soon as my paws stepped a few feet by the area, a large gathering of green fireflies came flooding from the ground. I got startled at first but quickly dashed through the group and ran in circles around them all.
It was pure ecstasy to me. I've always been a witch with nature, and experiencing nature like this, in a wolf form, sent a different type of tingle through my body.
I stuck my tongue out accidentally and collected a few fireflies on it. I had no idea how to manage spitting in his form, but I attempted to stick out my long, slimy tongue and blew air out, when all of a sudden I saw two huge fireflies making their way towards me.
My tongue was hanging out of my until I realized the two big fireflies were actually huge green eyes.
Huge green eyes that belonged to that same enormous black wolf. Then, I swallowed my tongue along with some of the insects.
He found me!
I wasn't sure if I should scream or play dead, as he began inching his way towards me, but he found me.
I started to choke on how far back my tongue went and began taking steps backwards towards the beach again, but the wolf was taking longer strides towards me.
His head low and his nose twitching as he approaches me. He came right up to my snout and stuck his tongue out to lick it. On reaction, I sank lower to the ground.
His body was towering over mine and he continued to roughly swipe at my jaw. Making me lose balance.
"Okay! Okay!" I began saying in my head.
His tongue was practically cleaning my teeth. I guess he was cleaning the fireflies from my mouth. I don't know. His actions sent tingles through my body, but what if he was doing that because I tasted good!
"Hello!" I heard a deep and husky voice say.
I turned my head back and forth looking to see where the voice came from. Then I looked at the wolf to see if he heard it too.
"It's my voice." The wolf nudges me with his big head and swipes a lick up my face.
I immediately throw my self back accidentally from shock and couldn't even roll over to get up. I was stuck and hallucinating.
"What? He can talk?!" I thought to myself in hysterics.
"Of course I can talk. Only in our heads." The voice replied back to me again.
The wolf was showing all his teeth as though he was trying to smile.
He then proceeds to grab the skin around my neck and lifts me off the ground to sit. I fix my posture and lock my eyes onto his own. His big green orbs were piercing into my golden hazel ones. Capturing my soul.
He was a bit intimidating, so we stand like that for a few minutes. More so of me, because I can't seem to take my eyes off of his.
"You weren't born a wolf." I hear the wolf groan in my head again and he pushes his nose up against mine.
I was shocked at his remark, but then the smell of his hot breath soothed me indefinitely.
"N-No.." I voiced our in my thoughts.
"Wolves can talk to each other like this." His deep and masculine voice rings out.
"Oh..." I was very feeling very nervous for some reason.
He start licking my face casually and I couldn't hold my self upright anymore. He was practically pushing me backwards with each swipe. Sending tingles and prickles down my stomach. He was making me feel odd and warm, and this all didn't feel right to me.
"Why...are ....you doing this?" I managed to turn away from his licks and cocked my head to the side.
"I'm kissing you." He says casually and continues licking me.
My body shivered and I wasn't quite able to process what was going on. A part of me wanted him to continue doing whatever he wanted to do to me, while another part of me was scared shitless.
"W-Why...are you kissing...m-me?" My trembling voice stutters out. He pauses his actions and leans closer to me and licks my floppy ears.
"Because you smell nice!" He groans again and another wave of shivers were sent tingling down my spine.
"Wh-Wh-Who..a-arre Y—You?" I asked out. Trying to ignore his statement about me smelling nice.
But, he too, smelled nice as well. His odor was different. Sweet like cinnamon, but with a spicy tang to his aroma.
He ignored my question and pushed me backwards with his nose. I couldn't hold my balance, so I went toppling over on my back.
His huge frame hovered over me. His large, black head covered the view of the whole moon. I was stuck shaking under him and with my paw ever so lightly pushing against his broad chest.
"Are you afraid of me?" He asked. Sniffing and licking my face some more.
"Mmmm, that's too bad" he groaned out and started to lap away at my fur on my chest, then down the way down to my midsection.
"Huh?...what..are you ...doing?" I gasped out in our minds.
He brought his head lower and ran his long, wet tongue over my little, wolfy, lady-bits.
"Why are you! What are you doing that for?!" I shrieked.
I was feeling so embarrassed. This animal was trying to get freaky with me.
"I want to mate with you.." The wolf breathes out.
My breath hitches and my head became lighter from trying to hold my breath. I felt little tingles running over my lady parts at his remark.
"What? What's mating?"
"Just sex...it's casual. Wolves do it." He informs me.
The thought of figuring out how to have sex in this wolf form almost made me pass out.
What a fucking plot changer!
I run away from one drunk man to another male animal. Tsk tsk.
"Oh lord sisters, why didn't I just stay in the village," I prayed to myself and then I heard him chuckle in my head.
"Get up and lay all the way down." H strains his voice.
I found my petite, fury body rolling over underneath his large chest and positioning myself like a good ole pup.
Then it hit me. What the hell was I doing?!!
It's my first time!
I look back at him as he's lowering himself , trying to position over me,
"But..But...I-I'm a virgin.." I almost cry out.