Chapter 8: Samael

Students started trickling into the class eager to scoop of the first row of seats. I had arrived early, having decided to skip breakfast and I took my regular seat in the back, my feet were already kicked up and my arms behind my head. I had planned to catch some zzz’s this class, since I had slept like shit last night, but I felt the pull of my mate before I noticed her presence. Aphelion and Beckett had walked her to class. They were grinning ear to ear, and Beckett said something that made her blush, before Aphelion scooped her into a kiss worthy of the greatest romance novel causing her to blush even fiercer. I could hear Beckett shouting they’d see her at lunch before leaving and making their way to sparring class.

Katrina’s eyes swept the room, her gaze locking on mine. She glared at me, before taking a seat at the very front of the class, determined not to acknowledge my presence. I guess I deserved that. But the damn woman was so infuriating. She didn’t even let me finish my statement. Sure, I could have polished my speech a bit more but I had never been good at public speaking. But her anger wasn’t the worst part. No the worst part was her entire body being covered in hellfire. There was no doubt about it, my mate was a angel demon crossbreed something or should I say someone who shouldn’t even exist.

Fortification between an angel and demon was forbidden and the production of offspring was thought to be impossible. It’s not that Katrina’s powers infuriated me, it was more like they terrified me, and not in a way that I find her powers scary, but more in a way that they could paint a gigantic target on my mate’s head making her public enemy number one. When I saw Katrina use hellfire I was almost certain I knew who her parents were. Two angels, a fallen and an archangel who had disappeared around the same time. No one had really thought much about their disappearances, archangels and fallen angels disappeared all the time, but maybe their disappearance was connected. It would explain why Katrina exhibited both of their powers. I needed to visit the underworld to confirm my suspicions and I would need to take Katrina with me, which seemed like an impossible task.

I let out a sigh as I gathered my items and walked down to the front row. “Move.” I growled at one of the male students who had decided to sit by Katrina, one look at me, and he jumped out of his seat, running to the third row.

“Well I’m glad to see your rudeness isn’t only targeted at me.” Katrina replied side eyeing me.

“Listen Katrina, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot.” I began before she rudely interrupted me.

“Samael, I honestly could care less about how you feel. You are an insufferable asshole and I would rather you not talk to me right now.” Katrina replied, crossing her arms and starring at the chalk board waiting for the lesson to begin.

“Ka…” I began again trying to get her to listen to me.

“Shh.” She shushed me. “Class is starting and unlike you I need these lessons, I’m not automatically an entitled heir to a kingdom."

I rolled my eyes at her trying to tame my anger. I needed to remain calm and not let my temper get the best of me; and while I might be heir to one of the four kingdoms, it definitely hadn’t been a picnic living in the shadows of my parents "Says the heiress to all four kingdoms.” I can’t help it but put my two cents in, what can I say, I’ve never been the one to not finish an argument.

Katrina started to reply to my comment, but stopped as soon as she heard the teacher’s voice. “Good Morning Class. Today we will be going over the history of Archangels, the first archangel we will be discussing is Michael. Tell me, what do you know about Michael so far?”

Today’s topic peaked my interest. While I had already learned everything there is to know about the Archangels, I wouldn’t mind a refresher course on Michael; especially if he was who I expected him to be.

“He was the first angel.” Chipped in a voice from the middle row.

“He vanished unexpectedly causing the Heavens to lose power.”

“Very good, very good.” The professor said clapping his hands. “I can see that you all know a bit about Michael, so it’ll make this lesson all the easier. Michael was the first of the seven archangels, he was followed by Raphael, Gabriel, Jophiel, Ariel, Azarael and Chamuel. The Archangel Michael was the strongest of the seven, he was a warrior, a protector of the kingdom. When Michael disappeared the kingdom spilt into four; the Sky Kingdom, The Earth Kingdom, The Sea Kingdom, and The Underground Kingdom,” the professor said his chin pointing to me when he got to Underground Kingdom.

I rolled my eyes, I hated it that people only thought of me as an heir or only wanted to be around me for my Godly status. It’s why I only hung out with the other Heirs, I didn’t give a damn if people thought of me as stuck up.

“Michael exhibited a lot of strength, more so than the other archangels, his strength could almost match those of the Gods. There were many Gods who were actually terrified of him, when Michael disappeared, many Gods were to blame. One of them being Hades.”

The class gasped and looked at me, like perhaps I would give some inside information or deny it, I even saw Katrina give me a glance. My hands were clenched in a fist. I had heard the damned rumors and that’s what they were rumors. “Shall I tell my father that a teacher is this school is being treasonous to the Underground Kingdom?” I growled out starring at the Professor.

“Please No, dear Prince, I did not mean ill will. In order to teach about Michael, I have to include the speculation of your father.” The professor said worry in his eyes.

“As I’ve told you many times throughout the year, my name is Samael, please refer to me as such.”

“Y..Yes, Of course Samael, my apologies.” The professor quivered out.

I could see a small crooked smile on Katrina’s face, which perplexed me, what is she smiling about, she should hate this demonstration of me being a pompous ass. “You can carry on Professor.”

“Okay, where was I… Yes, the speculation of Hades. Many Gods and Goddesses thought the Hades was the one behind Michael’s disappearance; the reason behind that being Lilith, the strongest of the fallen angels, disappeared the very same day. They say Lilith was the only fallen strong enough to withstand Michael’s heavenly light. Hades’ name was eventually cleared by none other than Zeus. On the day that Michael disappeared the four brothers; Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, and Ares were in a meeting; upon what they were discussing is still unknown to this day.”

The room was silent for a moment, the professor pausing for a dramatic effect.

“Wouldn’t a battle between Lilith and Michael, cause mass destruction? Why would people assume Lilith was the cause for Michael’s downfall when there was no evidence of a battle between the two?” Astrid, the daughter of Hel asked. Astrid was one of the many woman, my dad had wanted me to woe to strengthen the power of the underworld; what my father didn’t know was that Astrid didn’t want a King, she wanted nothing to do with the underworld. Astrid had grown up on Earth with her human father, and planned on returning back to live with him after graduation.

“Yes, that is true, Astrid. There should have been evidence of a battle, with Lilith’s Hellfire and Michael’s Heavenly Light, there would no doubt be mass destruction. Now who can tell me about Michael’s power of Heavenly Light?”

To my surprise, Katrina spoke up. “It is improperly named. There is nothing Heavenly about it. Any human who witnesses Heavenly Light dies at the sight on it.”

I could hear snickers around the classroom. It was frowned upon to speak ill of the powers bestowed upon the archangels.

“While part of your statement is true, Humans do die at the sight of Heavenly Light, there hasn’t been one reported record of Heavenly Light occurring on Earth; except recently.” The professor said looking straight at Katrina, who coward down in her seat.

I could feel my rage building up inside of me, how dare the professor shame my mate. Blue flames erupted all over my entire body as I leered at the professor, challenging him to say something else about my mate. The professor cleared his throat nervously once he felt my gaze on him. Katrina reached over grabbing my hands. I looked over at her as she shook her head at me mouthing it’s not worth it. I glazed down at our connected hands, feeling a slight chill where they touched; amazed that my flames didn’t harm her. Anyone else who tried to touch them, watched in horror as their skin melted off their body. Katrina’s touch calmed the rage inside me, my fires slowly dying out.

“Heavenly light is a power that destroys all darkness in this world. Humans are all created with a darkness inside of them; thanks to the betrayal of Eve to our original God; Jehovah.” The professor continues, “Michael was the only one blessed with Heavenly light; that is until now.” The professor said looking towards Katrina once again. This time the class gasped; understanding what the professor was insinuating.

“Well i guess the cat’s out of the bag now.” Katrina grumbled.

“Don’t worry love, I’ll protect you from all the questions.” I replied to her, earning myself a smile.

“Katrina; I need to ask you something.” She turns her full attention towards me now, ignoring the rest of the Professor’s lesson; “Will you come to the underworld with me this weekend?”

***Just a remindee to my more factual readers; the divine academy is a stroy that includes all the Gods and Goddesses of every religion. And in this novel I've made Ares, Zues' brother for the sake of the story. I hope you continue to enjoy Divine Academy.

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