Chapter 1

Hunter's POV

I feel like strangling myself. We have been on the road for 2 hours, 10 minutes and 50 seconds.


Make that 51 seconds and it's been the worst 2 hours of my life. One, I was in too much of a hurry to grab breakfast this morning, two, I dropped my phone and now the screen is cracked. Three, Taylor, the girl I've hooked up with a couple of time almost talked my ear off by telling me about the – in her own words "totes adore shoes"- she bought yesterday and how she can't wait to see me again cos it's been too long.

She saw me yesterday!

She doesn't seem to know the meaning of 'it's just sex'.

Even though that makes me sound like a jerk, we were both clear about what we wanted in the beginning but now, I don't think it's the same for her anymore

And the worst thing about this morning, my best bud, Dean, hasn't stopped singing (if it can actually be called singing, it's more like screeching, he's completely tone deaf) along to the songs being played on the radio since we've set out on this journey. I can't wait to get to our destination, which is the airport.

That brings me back to the matter at hand, I truly fucking hate our biology teacher Mr. Fiddles, who decided that traveling all the way to the wilderness, will sharpen our knowledge of how nature works.

Camping? Seriously?

It would have been fun if we were going there for relaxation, but according to Mr. Fiddles, it's a project. It doesn't mean people took him seriously though..........

"Take me to church, I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies, I'll tell you my sins...." Dean howls. God, his voice is terrible.

"Dude shut up, I might develop a brain tumor if you continue ..... Whatever it is you're doing, i'm pretty sure it's definitely not singing" I growl.

"Nah, you're just jealous that you're not as talented as I am. Don't worry, when I become a rock star, I'll take pity on you and give your sorry ass my left over groupies".

I snort "Yeah, I really can't wait. Now in the mean time, do my sorry ass a favor and shut the hell up".

"Geez, I wonder how I ended up being friends with someone who doesn't appreciate pure talent" he mutters under his breath.

"I heard that" I tell him.

"You were meant to" he replies.

I concentrate on driving again when Dean pipes up.

"Hey, what are you gonna do about Daisy, you do remember that you were paired up for this project right?"

My mood darkens again at the mention of Daisy. Hearing her name, one would think that she would be all sunshine and rainbows but I've never met anyone that catty in my entire life. And the thing I don't understand is why she's only bitchy to me. She's nice to everybody and She looks at Dean like he hung the moon but the guy is oblivious to anything other than party, girls and food.

We were assigned partners for this camp or whatever it is, to work together on our observations and make an interesting report. 60% of our grade depends on this report. All my friends are aware of her problem with me hence Dean's concern.

"I'll be alright" I tell him. God, I really hope she doesn't claw my eyes out or anything "I mean what's the worst that can happen".

Dean replies "if you say so".

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