Chapter 8

Daisy's POV

I exit the trailer and start to walk in the direction of the tent when I spot Chloe and Bloom watching something on their phone and giggling afar off and I turn to move in their direction instead.

"Hey, what are you cork screws up to?" I say hugging them both.

They start to giggle again and my curiosity starts to pique. "It's" giggle "just so" laughs "funny" Chloe manages to cackle out between her laughs.

"What's funny?" I say giggling even though I don't know what they were laughing about but Chloe's laugh was just so infectious.

"This" Bloom answers shoving the phone they were staring at earlier in my face.

I notice a paused video and I restart it. It was a video starring Mr. Fiddles when he gathered the students in the cleared space to give them their assignment for the camp. Clearly, I overslept.

Mr. Fiddles back was facing the tree that his boxer was hung but he was completely unaware of it.

"Your project assignment is to find a medicinal plant, study it, recognize it, state its uses and the product it can be made into". Mr. Fiddles bellows trying to fall into the role of authority since he was the teacher in charge.

He continues to order them what he wants done and the consequences of not completing the project by the end of the week when Mark suddenly speaks up.

"'ve got a little something there" he says pointing to the boxer gloriously hanging on the tree branch.

Mr. Fiddles face reddens in recognition but he quickly covers it up. "Who is the shameless rascal that decided to turn his underwear into a flag?" he asks obviously trying to not show it was his.

"I believe it might be yours" Dean points out in the video and I take a little moment to sigh at his perfectness.

"Why would that horrible thing belong to me" Mr. Fiddles asks feigning disgust.

"Because it has your name on it" Dean says walking towards the boxers and lifting it up to reveal the boxer's band that clearly says in bold written letters. 'To FIDDLES MY BABY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY. LOVE, MAMA '

Mr. Fiddles face turns into the color of a fire truck as he snatches his property from a smirking Dean and tucks it in his pocket. He glares at all the students present in the cleared space and storms off.

He had always reminded me of Mr. Crocker in Fairy Odd Parents. I'm just saying.

The video finishes after the 4 minutes, 20 seconds it lasted and I burst into laughter.

"That was hilarious!" I croak out still laughing.

"I know right? I mean did you........" Bloom pauses trying to breath between her laughter "...see his face?" she finishes. I try to stop laughing but the harder I try the more it increases.

"What's so funny?" A deep voice whispers in my ear and a sense of déjà' vu washes over me. I turn and see Hunter standing beside me, his hands in his pockets looking completely relaxed.

I hadn't thought everything that happened last night through yet so I don't know how to act around him. His friends approach us from the opposite side Hunter came from.

"You look like death" is the first thing Dean says to Hunter when they finally reach where we were standing.

I look up at him and see nothing different from his usually perfect face.

"I feel like death, I didn't sleep a wink last night thanks to someone" he replies while staring me in the eye as if to say 'that's right, it's your fault'.

Everyone turns to give me questioning looks but I ignore them.

"We should get started on our project" Bloom says to Chloe probably trying to avoid seeing Blake any longer.

Chloe easily picks up the hidden message and they both say their 'see you later' and walk off to God knows where. The guys also go to find their own partners leaving only me and Hunter.

"So........" I trail off not knowing what to say to him. "Let's go get started" I finally say.

He nods and starts walking in the direction of the river prompting me to follow him.

"I have an idea of what plant we can work on, it's called a sage plant" He says. "I noticed some growing by the river earlier" He adds.

He continues to talk not once mentioning what happened last night. And even though I don't want to talk about it especially with Hunter, I know I should say thanks.

"Hey, Hunter" I call out to him drawing his attention to me.

"Thanks for last night" I say awkwardly. If anyone had ever told me I'd be saying thank you to Hunter one day, I would have laughed in that person's face and called him/her crazy.

He smirks and raises an eyebrow "There's no need to thank me, consider what I did as a reward for the strip tease you gave me when you were preparing for bed last night". He says then continues to walk away.

My jaw drops open, literally.

I thought he was asleep! That jerk!!

All mushy feelings -that Hunter might actually be a nice guy- that I'd developed overnight vanishes like smoke and I feel like strangling him. Now this was what I was used to.

I run and finally catch up with him by the river and see him bending while picking up pebbles to throw in the river.

It's revenge time.

I try my best to sneak up on him. You'd think I would have learned my lesson since the last time I tried it didn't work out so well for me but I obviously didn't.

I get close enough to push him in the river and pull back my hand ready to push him in. As if he has a Daisy radar, he turns to face me just as I push him making him catch my wrist trying to maintain balance. But since I weighed nothing compared to him, we both go tumbling in the water.

Damn it! Another failed attempt at revenge.

I fall on top of him and his hands wrap around my waist making me feel as if I was in some kind of romance novel. Only if this was a romance novel, it would be a tragedy in which the girl ends up killing the boy.

I groan as I feel water seeping in my clothes. "I hate you" I say glaring at him.

He doesn't answer and look at his face to see him smirking. "What's so funny?" I snap.

"You look like a little kitten when angry" he answers still not letting go of his hold on me.

"Let me go" I puff out angrily.

Thankfully, he obliges and I stand up and walk to the river bank; water dripping from my clothes. Hunter follows and takes off his shirt and I find my eyes automatically moving down his chest. There's only one world for it; WOW!

"Take a picture, hippo, it lasts longer" Hunter says cockily.


"Who's Hippo?" I ask him.

He gives me a 'duh' look "Have you forgotten the tip toeing incident?" he asks.

I remember my first failed revenge plan yesterday and my face heats up. But seriously, Hippo? That's the most uncute nickname of all uncute nicknames, not that I want a cute nickname from Hunter or anything.

I ignore him and take off my jacket while making my way back to the tent. I hear his loud chuckle as I continue to walk away.

When I was about 100 meters to the tent, I start hearing whimpers and the little bush beside the path starts to rumble. I know I should probably run but curiosity killed the cat, right?

I take slow cautious steps towards the bush and pick up a tiny stick since it was the best I could get at that moment to ward off any potential danger.

"I've got a stick and I'm not afraid to use it" I say trying to scare off whatever it was that was in the bush. Something suddenly jumps out and I throw away the stick and start to run like hell was after me.

As I continue to run, I hear a tiny bark and turn back to see a tiny Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dog staring at me with pleading eyes.

What's a puppy doing here all alone? Is it lost? Is his owner around here somewhere? I rule out the last question because the school had rented out the entire camping area for the week.

The dog walks up to me and licks my toes that were exposed from the sandal I wore. I think it stole my heart that moment but I can't keep it. What if Hunter the spawn of the devil sees it? I can't even imagine that scenario.

"Shoo, go back to your owner" I say waving my hand to make it go away.

It whimpers again as if it understood what I said.

I sigh, "You don't understand, it's not you, it's me" I try again.

I can't believe I'm actually speaking to a dog as if I'm breaking up with it. Could this morning get any crazier?

It continues to stare at me and I sigh, giving up and scoop it into my arms. It licks my face happily and gives me a look filled with adoration.

I take it into the tent and quickly go outside to check if the coast is clear. I return back inside and see the puppy giving me an innocent look.

"What did you do?" I ask giving it a suspicious look.

I look around the tent to check if anything was out of place when I see something brown on Hunter's bed.

It better not be what I think it is!

I move closer to inspect it to see poop coiled like an icing on a cake decorating Hunter's bed.

Oh my God!

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