Chapter 3
Esmeralda's POV
A breathy sigh escapes my mouth at his gentle touch and I unconsciously lean my face forward and close my eyes. His gentle hands disappear a second later and my body mourns the loss of his warmth.
What am I saying? This is not me. Why am I acting like this? He's my boss for God's sake!
He obviously thinks I'm someone else, which I'm definitely not but why am I not protesting for him to not touch me?
I just broke up with Jack so I can't say it's because i'm starved of affection.
I open my eyes and look up to see his face revealing nothing.
"Good morning Miss. Griffin" He picks up his briefcase and turns to go into his office.
I nod shakily because I'm pretty sure I won't be able to form words if I open my mouth.
Is this how every day will be like?
Immediately his door closes, I collapse in my chair then take a deep breath.
Who is this Daisy? Why is he mistaking me for her? And why am I liking his touch?
I shake my head, I seriously can't be thinking about this right now. I have a new job and it's something I need to focus on. To prove people like Jack wrong.
Fifteen minutes later, Mrs. White comes in to show me the ropes and show me around. I spend the rest of the morning doing that. There really isn't anything much to do today, tomorrow is the day I start the real work.
Now there is only one thing I need to do before the end of the day and that is to prepare Mr. Stone's schedule for the month. The hard part is that, I have to do it with him.
I pick up my notepad and pen then move to his door. I hesitate before knocking, and when I finally do, there is no response. I knock again and again but still no response and before my brain can tell me that this is a bad idea, I open the door and go inside. I mean he could be injured or something....
Shut up Esme, you just want to snoop around his office, don't make excuses.
I'm really starting to hate my subconscious voice. The door closes after me and I walk forward slowly.
"Mr. Stone?" I call out since there is no one in his office and I didn't see him go out unless he had already gone out when Mrs. White was showing me around. But why would he leave his office unlocked?
I really should get out of here now. I turn to go back outside when something catches my attention through my peripheral vision. My curiosity gets the best of me and I approach the picture hanging on the wall almost sacredly. It looked out of place in a office this fancy.
Get out of here! Now!
I don't listen to the sane voice in my head and I finally get close enough to see the picture properly. I gasp when I see the people in the picture.
It's a picture of me well a girl exactly like me and a younger version of Mr. Stone. He was holding her waist from the behind while he rested his head on her shoulder. The girl was wearing a baseball cap bigger than her head probably for Mr. Stone. She was smiling really wide in the picture and Mr. Stone was smiling at her instead of looking at the camera.
My hands unconsciously reach forward and remove the picture frame from the wall. I keep staring at the picture in wonderment. Why do I find this picture so fascinating? Jack and I have many pictures like this and I don't stare at them like a loon.
A sudden migraine hits me and my head feels like it's spinning for a second. My brain goes haywire again and random things start popping up. Things like the sound of my laughter, a guy's laughter and the flash of a camera.
I make a move to return the picture. I suddenly don't feel so good.
"What the fuck are you doing with that picture?" A very deep and extremely pissed voice asks coolly from behind me and I drop the picture in shock.
The glass frame shatters and all I can do is watch it scatter all over the floor.. I turn slowly to face a really angry Mr. Stone. His eyes are trained on the picture lying on the ground. His fists are clenched tightly and I gulp in fear.
I hurriedly pick up the remainder of the picture and try to clean it with my blouse.
"I'm so s-s-sorry Mr. Stone, I didn't mean to d-drop it" I stammer out.
"What. The. Fuck. are. You. doing in. My. Damn. Office?" He asks his voice deeper than usual hinting at the fact that I'm as good as dead.
"I'm really sorry Mr. Stone" I say my voice shaking. I start backing away when he starts walking forward. He looks lethal.
I feel my back hit the wall after a few more backward steps and I really start panicking. He keeps walking towards me until he enters my personal space. I hold the picture frame to my chest as if it can protect me.
He snatches the picture from me and a tiny glass remaining on the frame tears through one of my fingers. I'm too afraid to feel the pain though.
"Don't you ever come into this office when I'm not there and don't you ever think about touching anything in here. You're here to work and reluctance to do what you're meant to do means you lose this job, got it?" He asks lowly and I nod my head hastily.
"Now GET OUT!" He yells and I jump in fear almost in tears.
I run outside his office before he decides to punish me for what I did by firing me and rush to the ladies room. I try to compose myself but I can't stop shaking.
Why did I go snooping around his office?
I notice my finger has started to bleed and I rinse the blood out. It stings and I grit my teeth. I've always had very low physical pain tolerance.
I finally calm down and go back to knock on his office door. As much as I don't want to go back in there, I have a job to do or else I'll get fired.
He asks me to come in and I open the door as hesitantly as I can to delay seeing him. When the door opens wide, I walk in just as his phone rings.
He picks it up and I keep standing there fiddling with my fingers.
"What?" He yells looking shocked.
"You've found her?" He asks again standing up and picking up his keys.
"Wait right there, I'm on my way" He starts to walk towards his office door and I hurriedly move out.
I don't want to be alone in his office ever again.
"Call Mr. Heart right now. I'll be there soon" he says before hanging up and rushing out of the office.
Why is he so shocked?
Who is the person that was found?
And why does the name Mr Heart sound so familiar?