
This morning after the episode that was displayed by mum and I, due to the excessive yelling and crying, our neighbors had called the police on us thinking something bad was going on. Mum had to look for excuses for the police.

Oh God I hate my myself at times like this. Why did I have to put her in this weird position every time. I stood up from the bed then went into the bathroom. School was going to start at exactly 9am, now its 7:30am so I still had at least one hour and some minutes to get dressed and do stuffs.

As I came out of the bathroom, I dried my damp hair with the air drier and brushed it to straighten it but since I was born with natural curls, it was useless to straighten my hair as it has now tangled back to its curls.. I slipped on my underwear and stood in front of the closet, thinking of what to wear. After twenty minutes of staring at a pile of clothes, I finally decided on my blue jean shorts and a white retro crop top that mum had gotten for me in Boston. Then I wore my white canvas and grabbed my bag.

With one more glance at the mirror, I left the room. Downstairs as usual mum had gone to work leaving a note on the fridge. Mum was a manager in the Gold enterprise. So she wasn't always home.

Good morning honey, I had an emergency meeting this morning so I had to leave early. Help yourself to breakfast but I will be home early I promise.

Love mum.

I smiled as I opened the fridge, took out some frosted flakes, milk and a bowl and spoon. I poured myself some frosted flakes and quietly ate it. After I was done, I cleaned my bowl and packed myself some chicken nuggets for lunch. I headed out of the house but not before taking my black hoodie as mum always puts one on the cloth rack before leaving for work every morning. After closing the door, I kept the keys under the foyer, in case mum came home before me.

As I stood at the bus stop, waiting for the bus to arrive, I pulled my hoodie over my head and fixed my earpiece into my ear. After waiting for like five minutes, I spot the bus from afar before it finally stopped in front of me. The door swiftly opened to reveal the bus driver smiling at me like he does every morning. I tucked my cell phone into my hood pocket and fixed my two hands into the pockets.

" another long day ahead, I can do it" I braced myself as I entered the bus. I looked around the bus to see that thankfully no one was looking at me, I walked to the only empty space in the bus beside the window. I removed the hoodie from my head as I increased the volume of the song, looking outside the window as I sighed.



I watched as she entered the bus, whoever she was, she was always holding her breathe whenever she entered the bus every morning. I watched her face as it lit up in joy, God knows why. She walked forward with her eyes wide open searching for an empty space. Her sea blue eyes glittered with joy as she sighted the chair right in front of us. She sat in front of us the she removed the black hoodie from her head, revealing beautiful red curls. Then she faced the window.

I could hear her take a deep breathe. She was an unknown girl. I always think of who she really is but its best that some questions are best left unanswered. But part of me still takes the bus every day to see her.

" dude" curt said brushing his fist against my shoulder. I paled up before smiling at him, taking my eyes off the girl in front of us.

" what you thinking of dude?" He asked again and the rest of them nodded, wanting to know.

" nothing, I wasn't even thinking" I lied and they all rolled their eyes. Its clear they don't believe me.

" you were clearly smiling. I even thought I saw a blush on your cheek. We clearly saw it" Cole said patting me on the back.

" I.. I wasn't.." I was interrupted by Shawn who smiled at me.

" great sex. As usual man" Shawn said for me. I quickly caught in what he was saying. He literally just saved my butt.

" hm. Always the sex. Who was it this Friday?" Kelvin asked and smirked.

" Alison" I said and smiled widely. They all yelled and patted me in excitement.

Through out the rest of the ride to school, we just kept talking about Friday night but I couldn't stop myself from glancing at the unknown girl in front of me occasionally.


" thanks man for saving my ass in the bus" I said to Shawn after we got down from the bus. Cole, Curt and kelvin had gone over to geometrics. So currently Shawn and I were in the hallway beside our lockers.

"No problem man. You looked confused there" he said as he put some materials into his bag. To be precise, music materials.

" yeah I was really confused. Didn't even know why myself" I said frowning as I picked my English, geography and science tablets and put them into my bags.

" are you sure? Anything wrong at home?" Shawn asked as he closed his locker.

" Nope, still the same" I said then I closed my locker too. I rested my back against the locker, frowning as I knew he was talking about my dad. I didn't want to talk about it. Or him.

" I know you don't want to talk about it Adam. Its okay, I have music class first then chemistry and then we have science together. See you during science then" he said before punching me slightly on the shoulder.

" yeah see you. I'd better go too" I said as Shawn nodded his head before leaving me.


The sound of the bell pulled me out of my trance as I hurried off to my English class..

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