It is four-thirty, and I must be at Mr Wilson's house soon, I am nervous, to say the least. He is very sexy, and I do not want to screw up my chances with him, I mean the job. I quickly close shop, and I get into the work van; I start the engine and make my way to his house.
The directions he has given me were simple, within a few minutes, I am outside his gate. I beep, and a security guard steps out of the little room, he opens the gate and I drive in, he walks to my side and I open the window.
"Korey?" he asks.
I nod, “Yes, that is me.”
"Mr Wilson will be waiting for you. Just drive up the pathway to the black rose garden, he'll be there," the guard explains.
"Thank you."
I follow his directions and I park in front of the black rose garden. Black roses are common in this small town of Grenville. Now that I think of it, Mama June did say that only one person in this entire country has them, and that has to be the charming Mr Wilson. I get out of the truck and in the far distance can see Mr Wilson, he seems to be staring at something. I get out of the car and walk to him. I am amazed at how well-kept the roses were and wonder why he would need my help.
I stand behind him and once I see it, I cannot believe it; he is staring at Mama June's flower garden, that doorway must lead here.
"You're here."
I snap out of my thoughts, "Yes, I am."
"Like the roses?"
"Yes, I do. Very well-kept," I reply.
"I know, I take care of them myself," he turns around and his piercing green eyes bore into mine.
"So why do you need my help?"
He lets out a soft sigh and looks deep into my eyes, "I'll be busy with some things and would be able to attend to them as much, so I need someone well-trained to do so."
I nod nervously, "Okay,"
He steps closer to me and I feel my heart begin to beat faster, "Uhm Mr Wilson?"
"What is it?" he whispers.
"What are you doing?" I stutter.
He presses his lips against my forehead and instantly felt darkness swell up in my heart, like a dark raging storm within my soul, and then there was calmness. Memories of last night coming flooding back.
I gasp, “What the fuck did you just do?”
I look up at him, and he smiles at me, "I knew it was you,"
"What do you mean?"
He smirks, "You're the one that sneaked into my tunnel last night."
My eyes widen in shock, "That was your cave? And why the hell is it in Mama June's garden?"
"You'll figure it out eventually," he says and takes a step back, "Let me show you the shed."
He walks past me, I could not believe what had just happened, I stood there stiff and scared out of my mind. What was the darkness within me?
"Are you coming to Miss, Korey?" he calls out.
I turn to look at him and I nod, he begins to walk, and I follow behind him. He leads me to a small little wooden shed, he opens the door and we step in. It was a fully equipped shed, it had all the tools and chemicals needed to help me with my work.
"As you can see, I have everything here, all the chemicals, machines and tools, so there will be no need, just bring your sexy body and talented hands," he turns to me and smiles.
I blush, "Okay,"
Why do I keep blushing?!
"Please, if you do run out of anything, let me know or speak to any of my staff members,"
I nod, "I will."
"Any questions?"
Well, duh, "When do I start?"
"Tomorrow morning."
I grimace, "I have a delivery tomorrow morning for a client and if I don't deliver those flowers, Mama June will have my ass."
"Alright, just come after you've done the delivery. And how is Mama June, by the way?"
"You know her?"
“She’s a respected member of the community, and we do share the land that her flowers are on, so yes I do know her,”
“Oh, she’s okay,” I reply, I don’t know this guy and how come Mama June never told me anything about him, he could be a thug or part of the Mafia, although that would be cool.
"We'll discuss all the other details tomorrow when you arrive," he says as we walk out of the shed.
He walks me to my car, and I get in.
"Thank you, Miss Korey, for coming, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow."
"Likewise, Mr Wilson," I smile and start the engine.
"Have a good evening," he says, and I reverse the car out of the gates.
I let out a sigh as I drive back to the shop. He is so intense and weird, my kind of man, but I am not looking for a relationship, not when I am still trying to piece my life together.
And, I have a crush on someone else and I want to see if he could be a potential candidate. You cannot put all your eggs in one basket, right? And besides, I am way out of his league, he is rich, and I am barely getting by, he is hot, and I am average looking, we are never going to work out.
I park the car in the back and take the keys inside, but the door is already unlocked. I quietly enter the shop, pick up a shovel that is behind the door. I can hear shuffling and scrambling in Mama June's office, I kick the door open and raise my shovel in front of me, only to Chase looking through Mama June’s desk drawers.
He is wide, bright green eyes looking at me in fear. I lower my shovel and huff.
"What are you doing here?" I ask angrily, "I almost beat you with a shovel."
"Mama June sent me here to look for something" he stutters in fear.
"Oh, why did you not call or something, like a normal person", I say furiously.
“I did not think it would be a problem, Korey, I’m sorry,” he says with a frown.
He was right, he is the rightful owner of the place, and he can come in whenever he wants to, I feel bad now.
“I’m sorry for yelling,”
"It is okay, now can you help me but put the shovel down first."
I put the shovel down and walk to the desk, "What are we looking for exactly?"
"Her will,", he says, opening a drawer.
"A will, why would she be looking for a will?"
He shrugs, "I don't know. The doctor says she was good and still had many more years to live."
I flip through some files and finally find the will, "Found it."
Chase looks at me and smiles, “Thank you."
I hand it to him, and he smiles, "Korey?"
"I was wondering," he croaks, he cleared his throat.
Yes, finally he is going to ask me out!
"I was wondering if you'd like to."
"Miss Jones?"
Who in the world? I look towards the door and standing there I see Mr Wilson, he has this dark, possessive look in his eyes.
"Mr Wilson? What are you doing here?"
"Wade," Chase says coldly.
"You two know each other?" I gawk.
"Yes, we do, we know each other from way back,"
I look at Mr Wilson, "We weren't exactly the best of friends anymore."
"What do you want here? You know damn well you're not welcome here."
"I wanted to speak to Korey," he says, “And your grandmother and I do share this land Chase, in case you forgot.”
"Well, she's busy. Now leave!" Chase says loudly.
Wade glares at Chase but does not say a word as he turns around and leaves.
That was odd, like I said, he is weird.
"You need to stay away from him," Chase warns.
Now who the hell does he think he is, I mean, he is not my boyfriend nor is he, my father. Men show them any sign of you like them, and they already think they own you. He is the one I should stay away from.
I click my tongue, "You can't tell me what to do"
"Korey, I mean it," he pleads.
"Leave Chase, you've got your papers now leave."
He lets out a sigh and leaves the flower shop.
I have a bad feeling about all this, something just is not right.