"She fired you?"
I nod, "Yeah."
"Why? How?" Wades asks furiously.
I shrug, "I don't know, she says she wants to keep her business within the family."
It was bullshit but I had to respect Mama June's wishes.
"You need to come with me to drop off the truck and all the other stuff."
He nods, "Let's go."
I picked up the car keys and my phone and we walked outside, there we found a grey-haired lady, she was beautiful, she is tall and slim, she looks like she is in her early fifties.
"Nana, we are going out, we'll be back soon."
She looks at Wade's and smiles, "Going on a date?"
My cheeks heat up.
"No, we are not, she needs to go drop off some things at her old job."
She gasps, "She got fired?"
"Yes, and they asked her to return everything they own."
"Well, I'll be damned, just unbelievable. Korey dear, I'm so sorry."
"It's okay ma'am, I'll survive."
"Please call me Gertie or Nana."
I smile, "Okay."
"Okay, what?"
I chuckled, "Okay nana."
She gives me a pat on the shoulder, "Now go and be back before dinner."
Wade groans, "We are adults Nana."
"Not to me you're not," she says firmly, "I'm way older than the bother of you."
Wade rolls his eyes, "Of course you are Nana. You've been around since the dawn of time."
She winks, "Exactly."
I laugh as we walk away, "She's funny."
"That joke is as old as time," he sighs, embarrassed.
"Just like her?"
He chuckles, "Most likely."
We get into the car park, and he calls his driver, asking him to follow us to the flower shop, he offers to drive, and I give him the keys and we get into the truck and leave.
I'm nervous the whole ride there, I do not know what to feel, I am angry and conflicted, she fired me for a very stupid reason, and I thought I was family to her, but I guess you don't know anybody.
"Don't stress too much about it, Korey?" Wade says.
I sigh, "I'm confused Wade, she called me her granddaughter, she treated me like family and now,"
"She says you not, I understand but you need to remember that she's getting old, and she is just making sure her family is secure," he explains.
It made sense, "I guess you're right; I'd probably do the same."
He gets to the flower shop and parks the car, "You ready?"
I shake my head, "Hell nah."
"Well too bad, we are here," he laughs.
We get out of the truck and walk into the flower shop, I see Chase behind the counter, there are no customers in the shop.
"Korey hey," he greets cheerfully.
"Hi, I'm here to drop off the truck," I say, not wanting to entertain him.
"Oh okay, Mama June isn't back yet, you can wait for her if you'd like."
"No, I'm just here to pick up my paycheck and belongings."
He looks at Wade, "I see you brought fuckboy with you."
This little motherfucker, "Chase if you don't watch your mouth."
He frowns playfully, "Aww did I hurt your little playboy's feelings."
"Listen here Chase, we are just here to pick up her stuff and leave, get cracking with that paycheck."
Chase huffs and walks back behind the counter and starts sorting out my paycheck, I walk to the back and get all my things and put them in the box. I picked up a picture of Mama and Papa June and I, my heart is broken, I have worked hard to help them and be the best florist I can be, and this is how they repay me. I place the picture down, pick up my box and walk to the front of the shop, where I find Wade and Chase glaring at each other, you could almost cut the air with a chainsaw it was so damn thick.
"I'm done," I say, and Wade looks at me, he kisses the side of my head and takes the box from my hands.
"Let's go, baby."
Just as we are about to leave Mama June shows up.
"Korey dear, I'm glad I caught you in time," she says with a smile. She tries to hug me, and I put my hand in front of me, she stops and frowns.
"I know you're mad at me, but I did what I had to do."
"And firing me was what you had to do. It's cool, I understand," I say on the brink of tears, "I thought I was like family to you."
"Honey, I'm sorry" she cries.
"Are you sorry?" I say, tears falling down my cheeks.
She reaches out to touch me and I step back, "Don't."
She breaks down and starts to cry.
"Korey let's go," Wade says.
I look into Mama June's eyes for a moment, and I see something in her eyes, a reflection of Chase but it did not look like him, his eyes are red, and he has horns on his head. I turned around and I looked at him, but he still looked the same.
What the hell did I just see?
Wade takes my hand, and he pulls me out of the shop, he is a driver is parked outside, he gives him the box and we get into the car.
"Korey, I'm so sorry" he whispers as he pulls me into his arms.
All I do is break down and cry, I am hurt, beyond hurt, I feel betrayed by the one person I trusted the most.
Wades rub my back as a cry my eyes out and I think I hear him say something.
Persephone, you are ready now.
What could I be ready for at this point in my life? Everything is in a shambles; I am all alone again and this time I do not think I will survive.