
"You're pregnant," Chanel says to herself.

Kira nods, "Yes."

"Angelo's baby?" I question, "I don't mean to sound rude but I'm just shocked."

"Yes, it is his baby, we've been on and off for six years and now I'm carrying his baby." she smiles faintly.

"Oh, were you guys together at the beginning of December?" Chanel asks, trying not to sound obvious.

Kira nods again, "No, I was away but we went to the Bahama's at the end of that month."

Chanel wants to cringe; she had slept with him that month but at least she wrapped it up that night. She felt guilty, why didn't he say anything to her about his lover, at that point they had known each other for over six months. How they met was a different story.

Chanel is doing an 'accounting' job for a company, when he bumps into Angelo at the firm, he asked her out for a drink one thing led to another and they ended up having sex before Chanel called it off, before he could get attached, because she didn't want to get attached to him and now, she works at his company as his junior accountant.

This is awkward, Chanel thought.

She closes the water and leaves the bathroom.

"You can take a bath. Let me know when you're done," she says from outside.

"Okay, thank you," Kira yells back.

Chanel walks to the kitchen and pours herself a glass of wine.

What the hell? She thought Angelo had a lot of explaining to do when he got out of jail. She poured herself another glass and needs to get a meal for her and Kira, she's now sure that she's spending the night.

After ordering some McDonald's and setting the food on the table Kira walks out wrapped in a towel.

"Do you have some spare clothes I can borrow?" She asks shyly.

Chanel gives her a faint smile, "Yes I do."

She leads her to the guest bedroom, walks to the drawers, pulls out a pink silk nightdress she had barely worn and gives it to her.

"Thank you," Kira says, Chanel gives her a faint welcome and leaves the room to pour herself another glass of wine.

Kira walks out and sits on the couch; Chanel joins her, and they begin to eat in silence.

Just then there is a knock on the door, Kira jumps.

"Stay here okay," Chanel commands, Kira nods fearfully.

Chanel walks up to the door and grabs the baseball bat behind it.

"Who is it?" She calls out.

"It's us," Vincent says, Chanel sighs and peeps through the peephole, it is them.

That was fast, I guess money talks.

She opens the door, and they walk in, they barely look like they were in prison. Kira runs up to Angelo, practically jumping into his arms and begins to sob.

Vincent gives Chanel a grin, "Run into my arms Amore"

"In your wildest dreams," Chanel scoffs and closes the door putting the baseball bat in the corner.

"So, what happened?"

"Well just as we had planned," Vincent grins, he walks into the kitchen and drinks straight from the wine bottle that's on the counter.

"What had you planned?" She presses on.

"Nothing that concerns you," Vincent winks.

He can be such a dick sometimes, Chanel thought.

"I missed you so much baby," she hears Kira cry.

"I missed you too Fiore," he says kissing her deeply.

"Why don't you kiss me like that?" Vincent asks as he puts the bottle down.

"Because you're a dick," Chanel answers with a teasing smile.

"Oh, you love me, Amore."

"Says who, Vince?" Chanel rolls her eyes.

"Your eyes and your body, it wants me," he says seductively.

Oh, snap, here we go again. Chanel thinks.

He steps closer and lets his hot breath fan over her chocolate brown skin, causing goosebumps to form, she immediately began to soak her panties.

She felt betrayed by her own body.

"See," Vincent whispers into her ear, "Your body craves me."

Chanel looks into his blue eyes and can see the lust building up in his eyes.

"Let's take this elsewhere," Vincent says, he takes her hand and the fires ignited.

"We are going to bed; we'll see you in the morning," Vincent says and bids his brother and lover good night and pulls Chanel into her bedroom.

As soon as the door's closed, Chanel's pressed up against it, locking lips with Vincent, feeling his manhood pressing against her body, he was big and hard.

"I've been waiting to have you for so long," Vincent says in between kisses.

Chanel moans in response, not being able to formulate words because of the intense pleasure.

She's thrown onto her bed and has her dress ripped right off her body, exposing her lace lingerie, a red lace bra with a matching thong. Vincent licks his lips rips off her panties and starts to caress her, her body quivered and shook under his touch.

"Please Vincent," she moans.

"Please what?" His voice had gotten deep, like three octaves lower.

"Fuck me," she begs.

"Not yet baby girl" and he slides his big fingers into her tight wet pussy.

"Oh yes," she moans, "More."

"You're an eager beaver aren't you Amore?" Vincent smirks.

"Shut up," she growls, and Vincent pulls his finger out of her.

"No," Chanel frowns, "I'm sorry I'll behave."

Vincent shakes his head, "No Amore, that's all you're getting."

Chanel could not believe that he had done that.

"You fucking asshole," she yells frustratedly, "How could you do this to me?"

"Because I can," he shrugs and then licks his fingers, moaning softly, "you taste good Amore,"

Chanel rolls her eyes, "Fuck YOU!"

Before Vincent can respond, there is a knock on the door.

"What is it?" He calls out.

"It's Kira. She's bleeding" Angelo says crying, "I don't know what's wrong with her"

Vincent opens the door and walks out instructing Chanel to stay inside, sadly Chanel already knew what was going on and an all too familiar episode.

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