It’s been two days since the strikes started and today the strike ended: according to the news. Charles was discharged from the hospital yesterday and he is doing fine, well more than fine. Charles never lets anything get him down, no matter how tragic it can be. I remember after his father died, he had this smile on his face and he told me that why cry for someone who is going to be in a better place, we should rejoice and be happy for that is what they want us to feel and I’ll never forget that.
Right now, Charles is enjoying his day off with our new personal bodyguard Damien at the gym and I did not agree with it, Charles asked Damien and he agreed I couldn’t disagree because I was outnumbered. I thought he was joking when we were at the hospital, but it turns out he was dead serious. We had an entire argument on it before he made the call; I just thought it was an absurd idea. Charles only wanted to be near the guy because he had a major crush on the guy. I can’t win with Charles, so I let him do it. Honestly, I think it’s a clever idea to have a bodyguard and it gets Charles off my ass while I work.
I'm sitting in my home office doing some paperwork, completing the Japanese contract and I had made my choice and decided to sign it. I just must keep a close eye on them because they can be cheaters sometimes and decided to use cheap alternative products and I only accept the best environmentally friendly products.
Next was the South African contract, I slip the disk into my laptop and the first thing that pops up is a black woman with the name Nikiwe Ivana Mthethwa, I take the disk out and throw it in the trash, I get up from my chair and I leave my office to go get a bottle of whiskey and glass and maybe go join Charles at the gym.
Walking into the kitchen I see Charles sitting on the counter making out with Damien. I groan internally.
People eat there for crying out loud.
“Seriously guys,” I say stepping into the kitchen, Damien quickly pulls away with red cheeks and Charles chuckles, pulling the man into his arms and stroking his hair.
“You scared my baby,” Charles says with a pout and Damien sighs in defeat, he’s been trying to escape him, you can’t escape the arms of Charles.
“No, I didn’t,” I say glaring at him. He finally lets him go and he slides off the counter and he walks towards leaning against the counter next to me.
“Yeah. Anyway, have you gone through the South African contract?” he asks, looking at me.
“Yes and no,” I reply, I walk to the fridge and open it, grabbing a bottle of water.
“Meaning, I opened it if that counts, saw the first page, saw a woman, a black woman, closed it and threw it in the trash,” I explain, Charles has an unreadable expression on his face, he looks confused, disappointed and angry all at once.
“What is wrong with you?” he asks through gritted teeth.
“Charles no,” I reply, trying to avoid an argument in front of our new house guest.
“You bloody moron. How could you do that? I swear you're missing a few parts in your brain,” he yells angrily.
“Charles, you know how I feel about these types of situations,” I say defensively.
“That’s no excuse James,” he says slamming his fist on the counter, I don’t flinch, but Damien does.
“Charles this conversation is over,” I say and walk away.
“You need to stop being so scared Xander. Your empire is falling apart, the least you can do is take a risk and save it before there is nothing left for you to rebuild and I know you don’t want that,” Damien says as I continue to walk away. I stop dead in my tracks, and I turn around and look at the guy.
This man was way too wise to be a bodyguard, but he was wrong, or at least my ego says he is.
I shake my head and walk back to my office and I sit on the chair, I look at the disk in the rubbish and let out a sigh. Damien was right, being a businessman means taking a risk and if that’s what it will take to get my empire fixed then so be it, or I could look for another alternative.
I let out a sigh as I take the disk out of the rubbish, already regretting my decision.
Ten minutes into reading the contract, there is a knock at the door.
“Who is it?” I yell.
“Beyoncé,” Charles replies sarcastically. I roll my eyes at his childishness.
“Come in,” Charles barges in with Damien behind him, who closes the door softly.
“Xander, you busy?” he asks as he sits on my desk, he looks down at my laptop and smirks.
“Don’t say it. What do you want?” I say impatiently.
“I knew it!” he laughs loudly.
“Shut up Charles,” I groan, “I have decided to take Damien’s advice.”
“Seriously, after three years of telling you the same thing all it took was one person to get through to you,” he says frustrated.
“What can I say, he speaks my language,” I shrug, completely ignoring his outburst.
“You're so annoying,” he yells and walks to Damien.
“Anyway, what did you want?” I ask and Charles gives me the biggest smile.
“Well Damien and I were wondering if we could borrow Bertie for the day,” he says.
“What for?” I ask curiously.
“We want to go to the mall, I heard Vuitton just announced his new shoe and I need a pair,” he explains.
“What are you sixteen?” I say, Charles gasps dramatically; I roll my eyes and shake my head.
“Excuse me, Mr Forsythe, I am a grown-ass man who needs a new pair of shoes made by his favourite designer,” Charles says, I look at Damien for help and he raises his hands in defeat.
Thanks, Damien.
I sigh, “Okay, okay fine. You can take my car.”
“Thank you, Andy,” he squeals, and I throw my car keys at him and he catches them with one hand.
“You're such a pain sometimes,” I say, Damien, lets out a chuckle and Charles shoots him a deadly look.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, looking at him closely.
“So, I take it you guys are official?” Damien's cheeks turn red
“Yes,” Charles smiles fondly at his new lover.
“Don’t you think it’s too soon?” I say crossing my arms.
“Damien and I love each other Xander, don’t be a hater.”
“I’m not Dante, it’s just you’ve only known each other for two days,” I point out.
“Says the guy who hasn’t had a relationship his whole life,” Charles spits angrily.
“Char let's go,” Damien says pushing him out the door.
“Thanks for the car keys,” Damien smiles.
“No problem just doesn’t hurt my baby,’’ I yell as he closes the door.
“We won’t,” Charles yells back.
A few minutes later, I see them drive out the gate with my Bertie. I look back at my laptop and continue to read the contract and I must admit this was one hell of an offer. Everything was clear, no loophole, nothing. I just couldn’t believe it.
I quickly click on the Google icon on my laptop and typed in her name and click on Wikipedia. A beautiful picture of her is the first thing that catches m eye, curly black hair, the most beautiful brown eyes I have had ever since and a matching beautiful smile.
Nikiwe Ivana Mthethwa, age 23, founder and CEO of Abrahams incorporated the second richest person on earth after Xander James Forsythe. After building a multi-cultural company in South Africa at 20, Nikiwe took the business world by storm.
I stop reading and start going through pictures, one captures my attention, she’s lying on the beach, has sun-kissed skin, and she looked gorgeous, like a goddess. My body responds in a way I’ve never experienced, what Charles called a boner, I groan in annoyance and blush remembering that this was the first time I’ve ever been attracted to a woman, let alone a woman of colour, dark chocolate skin, it looks so soft and I bet she smells like chocolate to…
Wait for what?
“No, Xander,” I say to myself.
I close my laptop and get up from my chair, I notice the bulge in my pants, and I let out a sigh, how do you get rid of this thing?
I gather my thoughts and ignore it, hoping it disappears before Charles gets back.