Charles and Damien return from their shopping trip about two hours later, my hard-on had disappeared after drowning myself in a bottle of whiskey, I wasn’t really drunk but my head sure wasn’t thinking straight. My thoughts were all over the place, I'm usually in control of myself when I’m drunk but this time around I don’t think I've ever lost control of myself this much, it’s both terrifying and shocking at the same time and that’s never a good sign.
Charles walks through the door and I jump up, walk to him, and give him a big hug, squeezing him a little.
“Xander you smell bad man,” he says pushing me away.
Thanks for making me feel better Charles
“I’m sorry Charles,” I frown, feeling bad for upsetting him.
“You’ve been drinking, haven’t you?” he says looking at me worriedly.
Honestly, I never drink this much in a day, let alone a week. I'm an extremely strict person and I'm self-disciplined and right now all my rules have just flown out the window.
“I'm just trying to forget Charles,” I mumble softly, ashamed about what had happened.
“Forget what Andy?” he asks confusedly as he walked me back to the couch.
“Nikita,” I say looking at him in shame. I can tell he’s trying hard not to laugh at me, but he fails miserably.
“Xander has a little crush,” he coos, pinching my cheeks and I groan in annoyance.
“No, I don’t,” there is a moment of silence, “Do I?’”
“Do you?” he asks with a raised eyebrow, I let out a heavy sigh.
“I saw a picture of her and then my body reacted and my dick felt funny but it felt good and now I can’t stop thinking about her, help me,” I say and I could hear the desperation in my voice.
What is happening to me?
Never in my life have I ever felt so vulnerable and weak and all because of a woman. I am disgusted in myself; I'm letting a woman get the best of me, and my father would be so disappointed in me.
Charles lets out a chuckle and rubs my back.
“Why don’t you go to your room and take a shower and when you're done, we can talk about it over pizza and a glass of wine and juice for you, sound good?” he says, smiling at me.
I give him a little nod and I get up to go to my room.
On my way, there my subconscious would not stop giving me a lecture on how weak and pathetic I was being and believe me when I say this but the voice in my head is my dad or the voice of my dad. I was letting my guard down and disobeying my father’s rules.
Why was I letting my body do this to me? I should just hand over my empire to someone else because I am a failure.
I watch Xander as he makes his way up the stairs. My poor friend is so clueless about this whole love thing, luckily for him, he has a love guru for a best friend. It’s adorable, yet incredibly sad, like a lost puppy hoping to be picked up by a stranger.
Xander has a crush on his biggest competitor and potential partner, this is both good and bad because either he decides to hate her and ruin her life, making himself much worse than Hitler and Trump or he could fall in love with her and the world would be restored to its former glory.
Or he could lose everything including his dead father's trust and it was also good because maybe he can finally stop being a sexist and partially racist prick but right now, he could be heading in the right direction which is a good thing.
Damien walks in with all the bags in his arms, so I decided to do more than just shop for shoes, I bought the entire mall and I mean that figuratively because Xander owns most of the shops in the mall.
“Some assistance please,” Damien says almost dropping the bags and him. I quickly rush to help him, and we make our way to my room.
“Dae, we have a problem,” I say, I put the bags on the floor and I throwing myself on my bed. He looks at me and he places the bags on the floor and sighs.
“It’s Xander isn’t it?” I nod and he chuckles.
He starts unpacking the clothes from the bags.
“I don’t know how to help him. He has developed a crush on Nikiwe Mthethwa,” I explain, looking at the ceiling hoping the solution will fall from the ceiling.
“A crush on who?” he says loudly, shocked.
“Nikiwe bra…” I say but he cuts me off
Rude much…
“I know what you said, how the hell did that happen, isn’t she a client?” he says still shocked. He walks to the closet and begins packing the clothes neatly.
“He saw a picture of her and got super turned on and now he can’t stop thinking about the girl,” I explain, he finishes packing all the clothes and sits beside me.
“Poor guy, we can try and talk to him,” he says, I sit up and takes my hand and kisses it gently.
“You mean to give him the ‘the talk’,” I say almost whispering. He nods
I groan suddenly realizing how this was, I am about to go give my best friend the talk, the most mature and respectable person I know the sex talk, I always thought it would be him giving me the talk.
“Oh, come on, he is a grown man and besides like you said he needs our help,” he says, giving my hand another light kiss, I smile at him and he smiles back.
He is so perfect, too perfect…
“Alright fine but if he beats me or goes cold, I'm going to kill you,” I say in a serious tone.
“Are you threatening me?” he asks in disbelief.
“Yes, because you're the bottom," I reply confidently.
“Says who?” he asks as he towers over, pushing me back down on to the bed while looking at me with his mesmerizing green eyes. I suddenly realize that he was much bigger than me.
“Says me,” I say but my voice breaks in nervousness.
“Why do you sound nervous?” he asks with a smirk.
“I'm not nervous,” I stutter.
“Then why did you stutter?” he asks kissing my neck softly, the kisses send a shiver down my spine and I cave in.
“You can top,” I finally surrender, knowing that I wouldn’t win.
“Are you sure?” He asks, kissing my earlobe.
“Yes, very sure,” I moan. He quickly gets off me and holds out his hand.
“Good, now let’s go help Xander,” he says, I take his hand and before I could get up, I see it, his bulge and he wasn’t even hard. I groan internally and I get up.
“This is going to be a long talk,” I say, Damien just chuckles, and we make our back downstairs.
Xander is sitting on the couch watching the news with a glass of whiskey in his hand and like always he is shirtless in pyjama pants, that man’s body is a threat to the male species, it’s simply beautiful and yes, I know he is my best friend but admiring does not hurt.
“Hey Andy, are you doing okay?” I ask nervously hoping he doesn’t go all soft on me. I walk over to the couch and sit next to him; he doesn’t even turn to look at me.
“Yes, I'm okay. I was drunk and I wasn’t thinking straight but it’s over now. We are not talking about it, ever,” he replies with no emotion whatsoever, it’s almost like he was told to say it, it sounded robotic.
I look at Damien in confusion and he shrugs.
Xander needs one hell of a beating from me…
“Okay then,” I finally say, “Who wants pizza?”
“I'm up for it,” Xander replies raising his whiskey glass.
This boy needs Jesus…
I'm sitting on the couch when Charles and Damien walk in.
“Hey Andy, are you doing okay?” he asks as he sits beside me, I don’t want to look at him because I know he’ll know I'm not; I have to avoid eye contact at all times.
“Yes, I'm okay. I was drunk and I wasn’t thinking straight but it’s over now. We are not talking about it, ever,” I reply obviously lying through my teeth, but I don’t have a choice I have to because if I don’t hell be on my ass forever.
There is a pregnant pause before anyone says anything.
“Okay then,” Charles finally says, “Who wants pizza?”
“I'm up for it,” I say raising my whiskey glass, I really shouldn’t be drinking but whiskey does me a lot of favours.
It helps me calm down and come to my senses and I thank god I did. I can’t love a woman; I’ll never love a woman especially a black woman, pure insanity. My father was right about women, they make you weak and stupid and you don’t even realize it until it’s too late. They distract you and lead you astray and when you finally come to your senses it’s too late, they’ve destroyed everything and left you with nothing but the clothes on your back.
Women are worthless and disgusting, posing half-naked and some of them naked just to make money, to sell lipstick or a handbag and the funny thing is they let men make them do it and they chose to do it. Such lying, filthy, deceitful whores, Nikiwe had me there, smart woman, trying to lure me with her looks. I'm way too smart for that trick.
From now on I'm not letting my guard. I am an asshole, a jackass, the world’s most arrogant, most hated yet still loved by people and the richest man on earth, an ego bigger than the universe, ruler of the biggest empire in the world. I, Xander James Forsythe will not compete with a woman, ever. Her company will be mine and I will take it from her one way or another even if it means killing her.
“Xander, are you talking to yourself again?” Charles asks from the kitchen.
“No just doing some calculations,” I lie.
“Okay, don’t go crazy on us man,” Charles says looking at me worriedly.
“Charles let him be,” Damien says.
“Thank you, Mr Harris,” I say as I get up from the couch.
“I'm going to be in my office, call me when the pizza is here,” I say as I walk up the stairs.
I get into my office and finish reading the contract, then it hits me, Nikiwe is a smart woman but not smarter than me. I can’t make her give her company to her, I’ll have to find a way to get it from her without raising suspicion and causing a lot of havoc but how?