Chapter 3- A New Person
I reached the river. Did I stay here? Did I wait for Rose? She told me to keep following the river but to where? My best friend just had people attack her with big purple balls! I was running. Again, the wind almost speaking to me to keep on going.
I ran along the river, never looking behind in fear of what I would find. I ran till the water met a large pool. I had never followed the river, but the place was a peaceful meadow. Trees reached high into the sky. The grass tall, grazing my shins, blowing easily in the breeze. Flowers created a polka dot effect throughout the field around the edge of the pool. I closed my eyes letting the breeze move around me and hearing the gentle movement of the water. Then I collapsed, as if the adrenaline that had surged on my movement could not take any more. I felt spent, and even though I knew I should probably keep going or at least hide I did not have the power to make my legs move. So instead, I laid down in the grass and let the exhaustion overcome me.
“Rose, why is she just laying here?” I heard a gruff melodious voice above me. The voice seemed to be upset but calm all at the same time.
“Why would I know? I was off fighting the wicked witch. I told her to run and that is what she did.” Rose said defensively.
“Did they see where she ran to? Did you lead them right to her?” Again, the voice was gruff and upset letting a bit more anger out with each word he spoke. I wanted to move and not just be left in such a vulnerable position, but I also wanted to listen and hear what they were saying.
“No… I did not. They disappeared when they realized that I had the upper hand. I took a super large loop around and made sure I was not followed.” Rose let out a deep breath. The man with her let out a sigh and spoke, “Well, what do we do now?”
“We have to tell her everything. I am not sure what she heard in that lab. But we have to let her know who she is and why she is here.” Rose stated it so matter of factly. All I could hear however was that they wanted to let me know who I was. I knew who I was! I was Grace Ann Walker, best friend to Rose, coffee getter, lab nerd, and daughter to a loving couple who were killed in a car accident long before their time. Maybe I could get away from these crazy people. Though a deep part of me knew they were not crazy. I knew deep inside that there was some truth to the crazy of today. I had to decide if I was going to open my eyes and make a run for it or stay and listen to my friend.
Clay POV
“We have to tell her everything.” I heard my sister say. I could tell that Gracie was now awake and listening to us. She looked so peaceful when I walked up to her and found her asleep in the grass. How anyone could have witches out after them and just take a nap was beyond me. However, considering how far she had run, I am sure exhaustion overtook her.
I had never met Gracie before. I am 4 years older than my sister and kept to myself and the pack. That did not keep me from being able to hear all about Grace and how amazing she was. She is the Golden Wolf after all. She better be something special with all the protection we have given her since her parents had died when she was 16. The Dark witches had caused their car to go off the bridge. Our pack had given her many different people to watch out for her and protect her from the dark witches. When she received the job at the lab, we all were on the edge of our seats. We didn’t know if we should interfere or not. Rose was the one who had the idea of setting up a place at the coffee shop next door. That way she was right there in case of trouble. Which there had been no trouble until today.
Realizing that Rose was waiting for a reply from me, I looked up at her. “Um… yea.. we should probably tell her but are you going to be the one to do it? She doesn’t really know the rest of us.”
“Oh the big bad soon to be alpha cant handle telling a girl that she is the ‘Golden Wolf’ and will bring peace to the supernatural world?” Rose mocks me, but I also know that Grace is listening to what we are saying. At this statement, Grace’s eyes shoot open.
“Supernatural world!” Grace shouted as she stood up and started to back away from both of us.
“C’mon Gracie. I will explain everything, but I need you to stay calm.” Rose looked over at her. I couldn’t think of anything. Grace was just staring at me. I was just staring at her, unable to look away from her beautiful green eyes with the golden rings. “Okay… well you look calm now.” The breeze moved and blew her hair into her face. Which broke the trance that she seemed to be under.
“Noooo… I am not calm. I am.. I am.. crazy.. I am… What was that back there?!” She shouted at Rose. She was still keeping a steady look on me.
That is her. My wolf Alex stated in my mind. That is who we have been waiting for. She is our mate.
Are you sure Alex? I ask even though I know the answer. I had smelled the strong scent of roses and vanilla when I came into the meadow, but was unable to place it until I looked her in the eyes.
Yes! Do you think I wouldn’t know our mate? Didn’t the good old witch say that the golden wolf would mate with an alpha?
Yes, but I never dreamed that it would be me.
Well go to her!
I can’t. We do not want her to freak out even more! I go through the silly conversation in my head. The woman didn’t even know there were such thing as wolf shifters, let alone lifelong mates.
That’s when I realize she is still just staring at me, Rose is also staring at me.
“Grace.” I stated as calmly as I could. “You are not crazy. We would love to tell you everything, but we need to know you won’t run away and get caught with those people.” I peeled my eyes away from Grace and looked at Rose who was nodding her agreement.
Grace seemed to think about it a minute still staring it seemed right into my soul trying to determine if I was telling the truth or not. After a moment she shook her head and sat down in the grass. She looked at me, took a deep breath and said, “Who are you?”