Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 18-The Call That Changes Everything

Andreas P.O.V

I pace the small area of the cave, raking my hand through my hair every two minutes.

We’d know if she was dead, wouldn’t we?’ I ask Ares, the tremor in my voice giving away how worried I am.

We haven’t marked her. So we won’t know anything,’ Ares says, just as worried.

FUCK! I need to know if she’s okay.’ I squat down, rubbing my hands roughly over my face. Then I stand up, walk over to the cave’s opening, and look over the Moonstone territory. The moon is shining brightly, and it’s a clear night. ‘Maybe we should see if we can get to the hospital and find her.’

They’ve had extra patrols out looking for us. It isn’t safe,’ Ares warns.

I don’t care! I need to know that she’s okay!’

I’m just as worried as you are, Andreas. But we’re no good to her if we’re dead,’ he tries to calm me.

As I look over to the pack house, I sigh and lean against the cave’s entrance. Except for someone boarding up the window I broke, there has been no movement in Athena’s bedroom since the attack. I hear the vibration of my cell phone, so I go to my backpack and take it out. But it’s not a number I recognize, so I answer it and hold it to my ear, saying nothing.


“Athena?” I ask, relief washing over me instantly from hearing her voice.

“Who is this?” She asks quietly.

“My name is Andreas,” I say as I sit down on my sleeping bag, ecstatic to be speaking to her.

“You left your phone number for me at the motel. Why are you looking for me?”

“I’ve been trying to find lycans who are like me,” I stammer, unsure what to say now that I’m actually speaking with her.

“Okay… But how do you even know about me?”

“Alpha Peter. He gave me details of lycans he knew about who are different, and you were one of them.”

“But why are you trying to find me?”

“My pack was attacked like yours was. They were almost completely wiped out.” I explain to her, not able to hide the sadness in my voice. “I left my pack a few weeks after the attack, and I have been on the run for nearly five years. I decided it was time to try to find answers. So, I came looking for you.”

“How did you find out that I was here? Who did you speak to?” She asks, her voice slightly raised in panic.

“I contacted your pack. After speaking with your Gamma, Alex, he met with me, and I showed him my lycan to prove who I was,” I explain. “But you had already left the state by the time I got there, so he told me where to find you.”

“I don’t believe you. Alex would have told me. And instead of stalking me and following me here, you could have just given him your number so that I could just contact you,” she growls.

“People have been after me since I left my pack and have come dangerously close to killing me on several occasions, so I have to be careful who I reveal myself to. I begged him to keep it a secret, and he made me promise I’d be discreet in trying to contact you,” I explain.

“I’m sorry about your pack,” she apologizes softly after being silent for a few moments.

“Thanks… How are you feeling? I’m so sorry I couldn’t get to you sooner.” My lip trembles when I think about her almost being killed.

There’s silence on the other line for a few moments before she speaks again. “Wait… So, you’re…” she stops talking again.

“It would appear that we’re mates,” I say shyly, rubbing the back of my neck.

“Did you know that? Before last night, I mean?”

“I knew it when I saw you a few days ago on the outskirts of the Moonstone territory.”

“So, you saw me, and you didn’t think to say anything to me? To show yourself to me?” She growls angrily.

“I…” This is not how I wanted this to go. “I didn’t want to jeopardize your safety. Especially because I didn’t recognise the male you were with.”

“How could you possibly jeopardize my safety?”

“As I said, I’ve been hunted this whole time that I’ve been a rogue, Athena. I don’t know who is after me or why. I don’t know who I can trust,” I try to explain.

“I’m your mate. You’re supposed to be able to trust me,” she says sadly.

“I’m sorry, Athena,” I say, guilt washing over me. “But now that I know you’re my mate, I will do everything in my power to protect you. Even if that means I can’t be with you.”

“What? Why can’t we be together?”

“Being near me is dangerous, and I won’t put you in danger.”

“What’s the point of all this chosen bullshit if it means we can’t be together?” She asks, her voice trembling.

“Chosen? What do you mean?” I ask.

“I thought you said you know Alpha Peter?”

“I’ve never met him. We had spoken a few times, and he gave me a bit of information about others being different, like me. But he said it wasn’t safe to discuss things further over the phone and that if I wanted answers, I should go see him and Doctor Shields,” I explain. “He even tried to warn our pack about us being a target, but it was too late. When he told me it was because I was different, and that other lycans like me were being targeted, I lost it. I was the reason my entire pack nearly died. So, I decided to leave my pack to protect them, and asked him to give me the details of the lycans like me so that I could find you all. I managed to find one, but then I was nearly killed, so I went into hiding instead.”

“Well, Doctor Shields definitely can’t be trusted. He is currently being held in a holding cell for questioning.”

“For what?”

“He’s been working with the people that are behind all of this…”

“That fucker… I wonder if he knew he was going to be caught, so he hid his files, and that’s why I couldn’t find them…” I think aloud.

“What files?”

“Alpha Peter told me they have files on all the lycans they’ve been working with. That Doctor Shields kept an up-to-date list of everyone and their locations when he could. I assumed they’d be in his office, but now I’m wondering if he hid them…”

“Are you telling me you’re the one that broke into Doctor Shield’s office?” Athena asks, surprised.

“Erm… Yes…”

“I have those files,” Athena laughs softly. “Wait…” She trails off. “You’re Andreas Papatonis?”

“How did you know that?” I ask, stunned that she knows my surname.

“You’re one of the lycans listed in the files as missing because they didn’t know what happened to you,” she says.

“They have a file on me?”

“Not really. Just your name, your pack, and that Alpha Peter hadn’t spoken to you in a while,” she explains.

“Athena, I need to see these files,” I say, suddenly frantic.

“There really isn’t much in there. And the other stuff is just what Luna Rachel has put together about us, the chosen, and what they think it means. I don’t even know if I believe them,” she tells me.

“And she’s the one that thinks we’ve been chosen?”

“Yeah. It sounds completely crazy, but she believes we were chosen by the Moon Goddess, and that’s why we’re different,” she explains.

“I see. Please, Athena. There might be something in those files that can help piece some things together for me… Please let me see them,” I beg her.

“Okay… But how?”

“When are you going to be released from the hospital?” I ask.

“Tomorrow, I think they said. But I’m going to be surrounded by my family before they go back home.”

“I’ll work something out. Thank you, Athena. This means the world to me,” I say, suddenly feeling emotional.

“What are mates for?” She says, and I swear I can hear her smile through the phone.

“Call me tomorrow when you’re out of the hospital and alone, and we’ll try to find a time to meet,” I tell her.

“Okay. I better go,” she says.

“Okay, beautiful. Please don’t tell anyone who I am yet. I don’t want you in any further danger,” I whisper.

“I won’t. Goodnight, Andreas,” she whispers.

“Goodnight, Athena,” I say as I hang up the phone.

It feels like Ares is doing backflips in my mind. ‘Mate! Mate! We get to see our mate!’ He yells excitedly.

We still need to be careful, buddy. She’s still in danger. Last night showed that,’ I tell him.

We will kill anyone who tries to kill our mate,’ he growls.

You’ve got that right,’ I say as I stand and go back to the cave entrance, a feeling of hope washing over me for the first time in years.

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