Chapter 1.1 – Quest in Azurath 1.1

Alex skilfully avoided the questions by talking the least possible about him while riding his horse next to James Macdonald. “I am used to having my employers doubting my skills in the first job, but then they realize I am way more powerful than the money they paid for my services, and they always hire me again.”

“Well, I will be one of them, for sure. Your services were extremely useful, and we completed this extremely dangerous Quest with none of us dying, and… I was told that you are also a powerful Mage, but I only saw you using a sword, daggers, bow, and your shield. I noticed you glowing a little with Magic when you were running at an incredible speed to that Orc, but it was only that time.”

Alex nodded with a serious face. “Lucky for you, because if I needed to use my Magic, that would mean that we were in serious danger.”

“You think we weren’t in danger this morning when those thirty Goblins ambushed us in that passage in the mountains?”

“No, that was only a warmup. I am used to more dangerous things. Goblins and Orcs are only threatening while their leader is alive. When he dies, they don’t know what to do, and they become easy prey.”

“I see… You are indeed very knowledgeable regarding Monsters, for someone of your age.”

Alex went silent for a while, and he then said, “I have far more experience than I should… Do you mind if we go faster? We are still at one day’s ride from the City, and I was hoping to arrive by tomorrow morning.”

James Macdonald kicked his horse’s sides and signalled the others to follow them. “Sure! I also want to celebrate this finished Quest and get our payment!”

At night, Alex was in the middle of his guard shift while everyone else was sleeping. The Orc’s meat got smoked, and he could finally relax when the Mermaid and the Fairy went to sleep and let him alone, it was tiring him having to avoid their advances. A low voice whispered near his right ear, “I thought they would never leave! So annoying!”

Alex caressed the tiny head of his Wind Spirit, seated on his shoulder. “Jealous are we, my cute Shinatobe? You know I only have eyes for you.”

The Spirit of five centimetres tall, with long blonde hair and dressed in a long white dress slapped his index finger. “You only say that because Sarutahiko Okami is not here. Fortunately for me, that annoying Spirit of the Earth went to visit Suijin, the Spirit of the Water, to see if he already made a contract with a Mage Summoner or not. If he is still free, maybe she can convince him to meet you.”

“What about Kagu-tsuchi, the Spirit of Fire?”

“He keeps on avoiding me. I guess he is still a little annoyed because I am spending a lot of time with you, and he may feel a little lonely. I am entitled to be at your side, considering that I inherited you. But I miss my kind Master, Yahei Brim. How is he?”

“My father is well. He sent you a kiss last time I talked with him, and I already gave you that kiss. I also miss my gentle Earth Spirit. She was the first Spirit to approach me not because she had to, but because she wanted, remember? You keep saying that you inherited me, like if I am a huge bother. I also inherited you when my father gave me this pendant and taught me how to travel to this World, or did you forget already?”

Shinatobe pouted. “I just don’t like the way Sarutahiko Okami is always flirting with you. I never said you were a bother, did I? I wouldn’t make a contract with you if I didn’t want to, no matter who your father is. It’s just… Sarutahiko Okami is older than me, and she always says she is way more experienced, regarding matters of the heart, and that annoys me so much…”

Alex caressed the Spirit’s left barefoot, making her smile from the tickles. “You could talk with her. I think she wouldn’t mind teaching you some of her experience.”

Shinatobe spoke, regretting immediately what she said, “Nah, I prefer learning from you, if you don’t mind. Oops… I said this out loud, didn’t I? Now, this is awkward…”

“I can pretend I didn’t hear it if that makes you feel any better.”

“Yes, please do. It’s probably better if I go for a night fly before I say something embarrassing again.”

Alex made a slight smile. “Or, and this is just an idea, you could sing for me one of your beautiful songs. You know how much I like to hear you sing. And we can talk some more after that, to forget this awkward moment.”

“Yes, I can do that. I will sing something that doesn’t make you sleepy, okay?”

Alex stared at the fire in front of him, listening to the song of his Wind Spirit. A song about times long gone, when Spirits roamed carefree, without fearing the Monsters that came from the strange Magical Voids in the sky that began appearing four hundred years ago.

His stepfather told him how a small dot of light appeared to him in his youth and gave him the pendant that granted him passage to that World, through any door on Earth. With his stepfather's explanations and after talking with Shinatobe, Alex understood that time was different between both Worlds. One hour on Earth was equal to ten hours on Azurath, but if he used the pendant, he could travel through both Worlds instantly, as if time didn’t pass on the World to where he was travelling.

That concept of Magic on doors that granted passage between Worlds through time and space was so unbelievable, that the first time he tried to calculate the amount of energy to do such a thing, he got a huge migraine. He had to accept what his stepfather told him, that World needed help, and he used to travel there when he was younger, but when he got older and it was too dangerous for him to rush into Quests, he kept the pendant hidden, until he found a worthy replacement. And he chose his adoptive son for that task.

Shinatobe finished her song, and they talked for quite some time about her life and adventures. Between her songs and stories, morning came, and Alex began preparing breakfast for everyone so that they could continue the voyage.

The day went by with a fast trot of the horses and a few quick stops for resting in the middle, and a pleasant lunch with the Mermaid and the Fairy messing with each other.

By dinnertime, they entered the gates of the ‘City of Keldunes’, the Capital of the ‘Kingdom of Bouria’.

At the Guild of Adventurers, James Macdonald showed to the receptionist the pile of tiny Magical Orbs his Party took from the Goblins, and Alex Brim pointed to the big Orb on his hand that he took from the Four-Armed Orc, putting it on his belt purse again. The receptionist signed the Quest form and put a stamp on it, delivering the original to James Macdonald and keeping the copy for the records of the Guild. She then gave him the payment, and James Macdonald delivered the three gold coins that he owed to Alex, plus his share of the Orc’s meat. He paid in advance two gold coins when they first met, and with that last payment, Alex’s contract ended.

Alex made a deep bow and said, “It was a pleasure working with you and your Party, Mister James. If you need my services again, please contact my agent.”

James pointed to a little girl of eight years old dressed in a long white dress and with long blonde hair and green eyes that was smiling at them from a nearby table. “You mean her, right? How did such a young girl become your agent, and why you let her accept Quests on your behalf? Do you trust her that much? Because she can one day make a blunder and accept a Quest or a job that is too dangerous because of her inexperience.”

Alex waved at the smiling blonde little girl and answered, “I trust her with my life, Mister James. Now if you excuse me, I must go.”

Suddenly, Anika Wright put her hand on the back of Alex’s head and pulled him near, giving him a long kiss. She then let him go and said with a kinky smile, “Until we meet again, Alex. Perhaps on our next encounter, we could talk some more, because I really enjoyed our talk last night. I bet the flat-board Fairy is throwing daggers at me with her eyes right now, but I don’t care. It’s not my fault if she is so shy for her age.”

Alex poked Anika’s nose. “You should be a little more prudish, beautiful Mermaid. Kissing a man like that can give him the wrong hint.”

“I know very well what I am doing, Alex, and so do you. Besides, if I don’t do things like this, you might think that I am joking, when I am not.”

Anika winked one eye and left to join the other members of her Party at a table in the left corner of the room, with Wenammy looking angrily at her, that she quickly changed to a timid smile and a wave towards Alex when she saw him looking.

Alex waved back at her and her companions and went to meet his agent, the Wind Spirit Shinatobe, disguised as a little girl. He kissed her forehead and sat at her side.

Alex lowered his voice and asked with a smile, “Hello, pretty one. You waited for me for how long?”

“I flew ahead of you and arrived minutes ago. I already checked your rented room, the cleaning lady was there and cleaned the mess you made last time.”

“Yeah, that was stupid of me, trying a new Wind Spell and using so much Magic. I should have started with just a small whirlpool instead of that big tornado. I didn’t even have time to clean everything, because it was time to talk with Mister James Macdonald because of his Quest. Thanks for dispersing the Magic before I broke this Guild.”

Shinatobe made a proud pose by looking to the side and raising her chin. “That was nothing for a being as powerful as me! You are returning to your place, right?”

“Yes, I need to sleep early. Tomorrow is my first day in School and I can’t be late. I already missed the reception, I can’t skip the first day of class as well!”

Shinatobe nodded and took a sip of the juice in front of her while pointing to a cup next to it. “Have a drink with me and relax for a while, then you can go.”

Alex grabbed the cup and took a big gulp. He then faced Shinatobe and said, “Even if I stay on Earth for a month, you won’t notice, right? Because when I come back, the time will be the same.”

“Yeah, it will only pass one or two seconds. But for you, it won’t be. You could even forget everything about me if you take too long to return.”

“Never, my cute Shinatobe, never. Here, this big Magic Orb is yours. Eat the Magic when no one is around and keep the crystal for me. I need to find an artisan to make me something from it.”

Shinatobe giggled and took another sip of her juice while quickly grabbing the Orb. They talked for a while and when she noticed that the Mermaid Anika Wright was looking at them for far too long, she signalled Alex to go. He kissed her forehead again and went to the upper floor and opened the second door on the right of the corridor where the rooms for rent were.

After closing the door and the curtain of the window that led to the main street, he touched the pendant that was hidden under his shirt, and right before opening the closet door, he whispered, “By the power of the fallen Spirits, open a Passage to Earth!”

When the closet opened, a faint glow was inside, instead of the empty space to put clothes like in any other closet. Alex entered, closing the door behind him. Another door appeared in front of him, and when Alex opened it, he entered his room on Earth. He stretched his arms and said in a low voice, “I should have eaten something before returning, but Shinatobe was getting annoyed by the stare of that crazy and extremely beautiful Mermaid. Well, time for a quick bath, and then I am going to make a snack before doing some work. I have some reports to finish so that tomorrow I can focus solely on my new life as a High School student.”

Alex Brim looked at the big mirror on the wall and untied his low ponytail, smiling at his Earth persona, Sakamo Ryu. “I hope you are as excited as I am, Ryu! So, bath, eat, work!”

Sakamo Ryu took off his clothes and weapons and put them in the closet and went to the bathroom for a well-deserved bath.

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