Chapter 3
“Boys, look who we have here. The Asketill boys outside of the territory without a rogue in their possession. Looks like it’s open season.” One of the bigger men spat, glaring at us.
My body froze in place when I realized they were talking about the men behind me. They knew them somehow, and it clear they didn’t like each other.
“We were just leaving. Just wanted to rest before driving back up north. We caught a rogue yesterday. You were notified when we scented our mate. We’ll leave, and no blood will be shed. We’ve not broken our treaty.” Frode said, stepping in front of me.
The movement was meant to show he meant no harm, but I realized his real intention was just to put himself between the men threatening us and me. The man who spoke last just tipped his back and laughed like that was a ridiculous thought. My stomach sank, and I could all but taste their hate. I shrunk back against Sten’s warm body. His arm wrapped around me, giving me support. The man to the right of the one laughing, pulled out a cell phone and spoke quietly into it.
“He’s telling the truth, Jonah just called.” The guy said hanging up the phone.
The man who has been taunting the men around me looks angrier. I realize he really wanted to hurt them, even though they had done nothing. I’d never been around that kind of hatred, but I recognized the danger that lurked with it.
“Guess you better leave, and now.” The first man said.
“My stuff.” I said as they pushed me to the SUV.
“We’ll replace it, kitten.” Erik kept moving forward, not giving me a choice but to move with him.
The men surrounded me and ensured that they were between me and the hunters as we passed. Frode opened the back door and I slid into the middle seat, followed by Erik. Rune sat on my other side, while Sten took the passenger seat. Frode backed the SUV out of the parking lot and pulled out onto the road. We all rode in silence, but I could sense the anger in the air. It was so thick and heavy that it made me want to vomit. Frode steered us onto the road that would lead us to the highway.
“Did you recognize those hunters?” Sten asked Erik, who shook his head. “Well, they know us.”
“Of course, they do, we’re the heirs to Asketill Territory. We’re all but their main enemy.” Frode spat.
The anger in the air rose more, and vision swam. I was going to be sick.
“Pull over.” I bit out.
I felt all their eyes on me.
“Why?” Rune asked.
“Now.” I growled unbuckling, as Frode quickly pulled us over and we screeched to a half.
I climbed over Erik and fell out of the back door. My knees and palms burned as they were cut from the stones and gravel. I ignored and pushed myself up and ran to the ditch, just in time for my body to reject my breakfast. As I vomited, I felt warm hands pull my hair back out of my face and rub my back. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand as I body stopped heaving.
“You can feel it can’t you?” Sten asked as he continued to rub my back.
I nodded and took a steadying breath before pulling myself to my full height.
“I can help you control it, learn to block it. Our magic is similar but not the same. We’ll figure it out more as we learn just what you can do. If I’m right, your magic is old and there aren’t many, if any, others with your powers.” He said, pulling me against him.
I didn’t fight him. His body was warm, and his touch and tone were gentle and comforting. It was like the more time I spent with them the more I had to fight denying the pull between us.
“Is she alright?” Rune asked the edge of the road.
“Yes, just overwhelmed.” Sten said, turning us to walk back towards the car.
“Are you sure, she hit her head earlier. It’s not from her injury, right?” Rune asked, pulling at his fingers.
His nervous energy was almost overwhelming, and I stiffened before I could stop myself.
“It’s her magic and the bond. She was never taught control, so it’s affecting her physically. Rein in your emotions.” Sten growled at Rune as we passed and climbed back into the car.
“She’s an empath?” Frode asked.
“No, but it’s similar, I think anyway. I think her magic is older than ours. I think she’s from a line of magic we thought was dead. I want to talk to Dad before I get anyone’s hopes up.” Sten said.
Frode frowned but nodded.
“You heard him, keep your wolves and emotions in check. Until we mate everyone’s emotions and magic will be at a high.” Frode said as he pulled back onto the road after everyone was back in the car and settled.
“What does that mean?” I asked quietly.
“Shifters struggle with control until they are mated. But they are most volatile when they’ve found their mate but haven’t mated. We can control ourselves, and we will help you learn control. Our mating will be soon, but we don’t want to rush you into it. Plus, you know very little of our lifestyle. It would be unfair to mate you and make you learn everything as you experience it.” Sten said, placing a warm hand on my knee.
“That doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy some perks of the bond before then, though.” Erik said over his shoulder with a wink.
I felt heat curl in my lower abdomen and squeezed my thighs together. Rune groaned and let his head fall with a thud against the window.
“Tell us about you.” Sten said, changing the subject abruptly and causing Frode to chuckle.
“What about me?”
“How about your childhood?” Rune suggested.
I leaned back and blew out a hard sigh. Sten squeezed my leg.
“How about we just rest. It’s been a few busy days, and it’s a long drive. Frode, turn up the music.” Sten redirected our conversation, and I gave him a weak smile.
Frode shot Sten a glare but increase the volume of the music that was on and the five of us settled into a comfortable quiet as we listened to the music. It wasn’t long before the ride and warmth of the car was dragging me into sleep.
The sounds of birds singing were the first thing I recognized, then the warm breeze of a summer day. Blooming wildflower and the smells of the forest filled the air. Opening my eyes, I took in the beautiful blooming field I was in. I smiled, content, and closed my eyes again. Laying in the grass I continued to soak up the warm breeze and sun.
Then the air changed, it became charged with tension and the breeze changed. Instead of the comforting smell of the wild, a metallic smell so strong I could taste it was carried over me. My stomach fell. The unmistakable scent of blood, and a lot of it. My eyes snapped opened, and I recognized the field, but barely.
It was the same field that I was in before, but it was littered with bodies and gore. I started moving backwards but tripped over something. Something told me to leave and not look around.
My hands flew behind me to try to catch myself, but the ground was slippery, and I landed with a thud on my back. Despite the warning that rang through me to not look, I found I couldn’t help myself. The slippery ground was blood soaked and I had tripped over a familiar body-Rune. I rolled to my side and vomited violently. My head started pounding and I shook it to try and clear it. I felt like I was being tugged, but I wasn’t sure where. I tried to fight it; fear gripped me. What if it wanted to show me more? I was terrified that if I followed it, I would find more of my mates. Men I was just learning about, but already felt more connected to than anyone else in my life.
Sorrow filled me. Rune was gone. Sweet, young, cheerful Rune. I closed my eyes and tried to force the sight of him from my mind, but it didn’t work. My head pulsed with pain that matched my racing heart. The tugging grew harder, and the pain in my head increased. My vision turned spotty, and blackness overwhelmed me as I felt my body fall back against the hard ground.