Chapter 1


Cold wind ruffled my already disheveled hair as I ran towards my bakery. With much shaking hands I managed to shove the key in after multiple tries and turned. Running inside I locked the door away and ran behind the counter to hide. Making sure not to make a peep. Knowing no one could hear me, I couldn't take any chances.

After twenty minutes of hiding my lungs protests, warning me about withholding my breath. I suck in the air and slowly moved up, so only my eyes could see if I was being followed. Relief coursed through me when there was no one there. It was still dark outside, considering it was 3 am.

The reality of what happened just dawned upon me and a sound moved my insides as I started sobbing. I turned to my purse only then to notice I left it on the ground in the alley. And there was no way I was moving from this place.

My whole body shook from the sobs that wracked through my body. What just happened to us keeps flashing in front of my eyes.

I killed him. What have I done? And God I just left him there. Bleeding from so many places. I knew there wasn't anything left of him but I could’ve stayed.

‘Could you Mars? If you did you would’ve been next’ my gut said but the guilt and remorse i felt, I knew I could never be free from it.

“You look handsome today” I said as I shoved him with my shoulder, laughing with him.

“You don't look so bad yourself my Majesty” Mack bowed down in a form of some bad sort of male curtsy.

It had been one of the best days of my life. Okay that might not be fair, every day with Mack is the best day. We have been together for 5 years now. And there hasn’t been one moment that hasn’t been a complete bliss.

*“I was wondering if you can take some time off from your shop and we can go away for the weekend.” Mack said after we had stopped laughing. There was a glint in his eye, full of love and nervousness. Although I was used to seeing his eyes full of love for me this was the first time he was ever nervous.

*My heart skipped a beat when suddenly a thought popped in my mind. Maybe, just maybe it was finally time. Maybe he’ll finally ask me to be his forever.

The thought filled me with so much love and excitement, I started bouncing around. “Yes, we can definitely go. Where did you have in mind?”

*“I was thinking Hawaii?” he said, as he lifted out interlocked hands and gave it a kiss. “Or anywhere you want, I just want you with me”

*My smile could not have gotten bigger. “Hawaii is fine.” I said, smiling up at him. Usually people would call us the perfect couple seeing his six foot height to my five foot four. But I know how many times I've come close to sprain my neck looking up to him.

Not that i would change a single thing about him.

My train of thought got distrubed by a sound of some sort of a scream. The noise seemed to echo from the alley ahead of us. Mack tensed beside me and pulled me closer to him speeding up his steps. His face paled and his eyes widened with what looked like fear. I stopped short, causing Mack to come to a halt. He turned his wide eyes to me “Let's go babe. This is not the right time.”

*“We need to see what's going on. Maybe someone was really hurt.” I turned towards the alley. Mack turned me towards him, stopping me from taking a step.

“Mars that was a gunshot sound, and a scream of a man. It is dangerous enough that we are here in the middle of the night. Were just a block away from your shop, lets just go” I was shaking my head even before he was done talking.*

*My heart was in my throat as i thought of the man being hurt. I remember a similar thing that happened and I didnt do anything to stop it. “The shooter might be gone, and when have you ever backed off from helping someone in need? It could be a mugging. Lets just take the guy to the hospital or at least call the ambulance.”

Mack let out a breath as his eyes still filled with fear. His reaction was something I was unfamiliar with. I could never sleep if I knew I could help someone and didn't. Not after last time.

*“Okay, how about I leave you in your bakery and come back and help the guy?” He said and took my hand, starting to walk towards the other way. “This way we can help the guy and keep you safe.”

I shook my hand from his grip. “That's going to waste a lot of time and he might bleed out. Lets just go and see. It's not going to take long.” I ran quietly, not wanting to make any sound towards the alley and looked inside. It seemed empty so I decided to take a deeper look. “Come Mack, there's no one here”

*I took his hand, fear gripping my heart. Maybe they didn't leave? I shook my head because i couldn't think like that.

Moving deeper into the alley there was no one there, feeling confused, i turned towards Mack only to see him staring at something over my shoulder, his face white with fear. “Mack are you okay?” His hand clasped in mine was shaking badly and his eyes still didn't move from whatever was behind me, I turned to see what he was looking at and froze.

*It wasn't something but someone. Three someones. Fear raced up my spine and I held my breath. Taking slow steps backwards I collide with Mack.

The men were hard to look at considering the darkness surrounding us but anyone could tell they were dangerous. All three were built differently. Broad and big.

*I tightened my grip on Mack's hand. “Mack lets go.” My voice was not above a whisper but somehow they heard. The guy in the middle stepped forward until he was a few feet away and that was when he came into light.

I stopped breathing. This guy was a big deal. The way he carried himself but said so. His eyes were dark with a mix of sage green. I've never seen eyes like this before. The most beautiful eyes but hold the world's horror in them, holding so much darkness that surrounds him. He had a huge scar from his left temple to cheek but that did not affect this man's beauty in any way. He was extremely handsome but that's not what I was thinking right now.

*I know this guy wanted us here from the way he's looking at both me and Mack. It was when his eyes settled on me that my shaking escalated and by breath came out fast. Why would he want anything to do with us? We don't even know him.

My question is answered when he finally says “Hello Mack. Long time no see.” His voice was strong and deep like himself and for that very reason a shiver of gear ran up my spine again. Mack stilled behind me and turned my head to look at him.

*What I saw on this face wasn't something I could ever imagine seeing. His eyes were wet with tears and when he looked at me they were filled with remorse. Confusion filled me with her reaction. “Mack, what's wrong? Who are these people?” I did not turn my back to the guy because its a given. Never turn your back to danger.

“I'm so sorry Marcella.” My breathing sped up. In all of the five years we have been together Mack only called me by my full name when we started dating. After that I was Mars. His Mars.

*“Enough.” One word from him snapped both our eyes towards him. This time his gaze was set at Mack and it was hard. His face was expressionless but his eyes spoke louder. Full of anger and disgust. “Now about that payment.”

“Mr. Knight please.” My insides coiled. Mack knew this man. Shit. What was going on. I felt like puking but I held myself. I couldn't show weakness no matter what was going on. I knew I was failing miserably but atleast I held my head high.

*“Who are you?” I was proud that my voice held strength. It took every bit of my existence not to flinch when his dark gaze fell on mine. His lips twitched with what could've been a smile. There was a spark of amusement and he didn't try to hide it.

“Why don't you ask your boyfriend here who I am? Or should I go ahead?” His second question was pointed at Mack but his eyes were set on me. I didn't like what I saw in them when he looked at me. Interest as well as amusement. He was looking at me like everything about me was interesting to him. I didn't like it one bit.

*“Mr Knight please, I...I have everything with me. Just give me a few hours and I'll come to you myself.” Mack pleaded but the Mystery Knight was already shaking his head. He pulled back and removed something from behind it and I knew what it was even before I saw it.

Within seconds we had a gun pointed at us and all i could think was what was going on. Mack held my shoulders and every inch of my body shook. Mack was indirectly using me as a shield. Even if i would die for him. This gesture felt like I was someone who he wouldn't think for a minute to sacrifice. I shook my head, removing that ridiculous thought from my head. Mack would never do that to me. This was just a normal reaction.

*Mystery’s eyes flashed when he saw Mack's hands on my shoulder and from the look of disgust on his face it was evident he was thinking the same thing as i did before and my stomach churned. What is going on?

I moved my shaking hands above me like something as futile as that could save from a bullet. “Sir what is doing one. Please just let us go. I swear we didn't see or hear anything”

*One of the guys behind him chuckled, though the voice was low, it embodied a new fear inside me. I felt Mack's hands slowly slide from my shoulders and I turned a quick peek behind to see if he was okay, only to find him take slow and shaky steps back.

My eyes widened as it took a few seconds for my confused brain to realize what he was doing. He was about to run and I wanted to scream out loud. I didn't want to believe he was going to leave me. All i wanted him to look at me, to tell me that he won't leave me here but his eyes were completely focused on Mystery and his gun.

*“Mack” I hissed at him but he did not look at me. He raised his hands the way i had, tremors running all over his arms as he suddenly took a leap backwards.

Before my brain could register what happened, I heard a bang and in a second Mack was on the floor with nothing left of him. My frozen body took a while to come out of its shock to realize that Mack was dead while he tried to run away. Without me.

*My knees weakened but I did not have time to waste. I turned towards the monster and saw him talking to his goons and took a sprint away from the madness. I did not have time to lose and with that thought I ran like my life depended upon it.

Because it was.

*I heard a shout behind me but my steps did not flatter. Never have i ran this fast before in my life. Leaving the only guy I ever loved in the pool of his own blood.

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