Chapter 5


Pain coursed through my entire being as I slowly started to gain consciousness but my eyes still remained tightly shut. It wasn't as though I couldn't open them. I just didn't want to. I didn't want to know where my sister's betrayal led me to.

A small part of me didn't want to accept what has happened to me in the last two weeks. A tear slowly escaped my tightly shut lids, convincing me more of my weakness. I was never strong enough to hide my emotional self.

“Now now. Why the tears mia belleza?” The familiarity of his voice froze my entire being. It was quite evident to me who owned that voice but my mind was still filled with denial about the whole situation.

I mistook the dread that filled me earlier that it was regarding everything that has happened to me. But it was for the devil whose presence filled the space. Knight. My body started shaking as fear took root deep within me.

He let out a chuckle and i tried to stop my shakes. No more will i give him any part of me. He already took a lot of my mind in the last two weeks. “Why don't you open your beautiful eyes and take a look at your new home?” The sinister in his voice was making my insides churn but somewhere I had a flare of defiance still left in me that didn't follow his request and kept my eyes shut.

He tsked and suddenly light but firm footsteps moved towards where i was laid. I tried to move further away from the sound. It was then I felt the inability to move my arms. He restrained my arms. The reality of the situation fell on me and I blacked out. I heard a piercing scream from a distance. I felt movement on my body but couldn't connect any dots.

“Marcella!” A voice from a distance screamed at me but it was no use. I was falling and there was nothing and no one that could catch me. A thought that played like a mantra in mind as I lost consciousness again.


The sudden sound of her piercing scream was so unexpected that it took me a moment to shake away the stillness that took over me. Never in my life has anything left that shaken up as she did with her cry filled with so much pain.

Her defiance towards my order was exciting but the gut-wrenching sobs that shook her body were painful to watch.

I rushed towards her and tried to get a hold of her seizuring body “Marcella!” I screamed to get her back but she was too far gone. I immediately started loosening the ropes that shackled her arms in place, ignoring the obscure feeling of guilt and pushing it away.

This was not how I played the whole scenario in my mind.

“Jonah!” At my voice, he came rushing in and immediately froze as he saw the situation happening. I didn't have time for such insolence. “Take care of this.” I growled and pushed away from her, it was then she completely blacked out and slumped in her awkward state of disheveled arms and legs.

Not being able to look at the pitiful sight anymore, I left the room, but not before giving my last word. “Make sure this doesn't happen again.”

I knew it wasn’t Jon’s fault but the situation went downhill so fast I still couldn't comprehend it.

“You need to stay away then.” Jonah's deep voice growled behind and it was a mere second that his bulky body was slammed into the wall with my forearm against his neck.

I’ve had enough people thinking they can cross me. This is where I draw the line.

“What did you say to me?” He might be bulkier and have more muscles but I was faster and smarter. Brother or not, no one gets to speak to me like that. My word was law and will be till the day I die.

His eyes flashed but he lowered his gaze. “All I'm saying is that she has gone through enough. We didn't bring her here to hurt her. We just want her whore of a sister.”

I tightened my hold at his concern over someone who wasn't his. “Do pray tell brother, what does that have to do with me staying away.” Darkness swelled around me as the thought of him keeping me away from her crowded me.

“She has seen you kill her man and her sister has been MIA since the day it happened. Believe it or not but this is a shitstorm for a girl who has a perfect life just nine fucking days ago.” He said but his voice didn't carry that confidence it did before as my red mist colored my vision.

Her man.

He knew when to stop and he should've after his first word. Just five hours here and the girl has already caused such a reckon.

“Make sure she's well nourished after waking up. She has a long day ahead of her.” A spark of disapproval flashed in his eyes but pushed past him without giving a glance at the one who was the cause of all of this. The cause of me losing control and that can't happen.

I knew Jonah was against this plan the second I delivered my order. But nothing in this world can be upto our liking. Not if we want to survive. And the sister of hers will be the downfall of not just me but every single one of my men. I’ve already lost a loyal man to her. There wont be more.

That a problem that needs to be resolved as soon as possible and the only person who can work this out for us is the one who would rather seize herself up but look at me. The one who she thinks is the devil amongst all.

Not that she's wrong.

I slammed the door to my office, yanking my tie off as anger burned through every cell in my body. This day just won't end before driving me straight to the fucking wall

That old fucker just wont give up. Pouring myself a drink I slumped in the chair in front of the fire.

Taking in the drink in one go I threw the glass across the room, breaking it into a million pieces. “Fuck!”

A knock sounded and i didnt have to turn to know who it was. He didn't wait for my permission and waltzed in. I stood up and went to the bar again but this time took two glasses.

I pass the one to Jonah with a nod. He took a moment and stared at it. It was the first time this was happening but I won't apologize. He crossed a line. But so did I.

“You remember the pact?” His voice was low. Not like the scary bastard he usually is. This time he wasn't my second in-command but my brother. We might not be blood related but he was my brother from the moment I saw him and Dominic bundled up at the corner of the orphanage near the trash. These shivering twins were just five at the time.

“Just because we are surrounded by our own hell and demons, doesn't mean i’ll forget a single promise i made to you and Dominic.”

He accepted that with a nod and took a drink. “How many?”


His curse fueled my anger at the man who has sworn to drag me to hell and back and today he has started a war that will end with either me or him on the winning line. Tony Benito winning is nothing any of us wants to see in our lifetime.

Tony was the man to dragged us into this forsaken world. At that time this was the most kindness anyone ever showed us. Giving us food, a place to live, and most of all control over our own life. But that kindness was masked by evil much worse than the devil in hell.

The evil that made me sacrifice my whole existence to protect the two people who mean the world to me. Not that they’ll ever know. No one can know and the cause of that evil will be six feet under the ground in no time.

“Compensate the families and add more securities at all of the other warehouses.” It was time to give back to the people who lost their lives for me. The men who are now dead because of Tony and I'll make sure their death is not in vain.

“It's time for the war of the century.”

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