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New week

The weekend came and went by Peacefully, which means it's a new week.

Monday, the worst day of the week. Mary hated mondays. And she

It was a picture of Clara, the girl who had always wanted to steal her position in Cresent High Abuja, Surrounded by boys and girl she instantly felt jealous. That was her Spot.

She reached the third floor and was about to turn left when she heard moaning and groaning coming from the janitors closet.had no idea why she was on her way to school so early.

She scrolled through her Instagram page smiling until she saw something that caught her attention.

Her curiosity was piqued. Who would come to school so early just to go to the janitors closet and make strange sounds.

She got to the door and heard a faint panting sound accompanied by the moans, she wondered what was happening.

She quietly opened the door and saw something that made her eyes widen. She was so shocked that she nearly lost her footing but composed herself.

Right in the closet was Dean and the new teacher Miss Ruth fucking.

Dean's trouser was hung low and his shirt was off, showing his delicious muscles as they contrast with each thrust.

His dick was ramming into her and he had his head thrown back in pleasure, groans escaping his pink lips.

While Miss Ruth's Skirt was lifted off showing her rough lap. Her eyes were close as she moaned.

Mary smirked as a devious plan came to her mind. She slowly brought her bag to the front and unzipped it quietly. She brought out her phone and took a video of them with a huge smile on her face, knowing it would come in handy soon.

She happily skipped to class.

On the assembly ground that morning she kept looking at Dean with a mischievous smile.

At first Dean didn't know this until Alex, one of his friends touched him and pointed at Mary.

He glared at her but she smiled sweetly at him making him to question her behavior.

Just yesterday she was insulting him and now she was smiling so sweetly as if she was inviting him.

He smirked at that thought, He knew he was good looking and all the girls wanted a piece of him but he didn't think it will take him throwing her stuff to get her to like him too.

He turned to Alex and gave him a sly smirk "I told you she'll eventually fall for me just like the other girls...didn't I?"

Alex looked at him and quietly laughed. "Are you kidding me, that girl insulted the hell out of you yesterday and did you forget that you destroyed her things?." Kayode who was standing in front of him and heard the discussion said.

"Shut up bro, can't you see how she is looking at me" he nodded in Mary's direction.

"For all you know she could be doing that to lure you to her, so she can get her revenge" Kayode said and both him and alex laughed.

"That may be true but I'm way too smart to fall into her trap" He replied dismissively.

He caught Mary's stare again and winked at her, causing her to giggle.

His thought was 'I'm too good, she's right where I want her and all I had to do was throw her stuff in the bin'.

While Mary's thoughts were 'Smile while you can fool, cause when my revenge starts you won't get time to' she chuckled causing Angela to turn and give her a questioning look.

Mary felt pumped with joy. She felt her insides jumping with anticipation. She felt like a villian in a movie and the thought made her laugh.

Diane who was at the very back of the girls line with her girls noticed the exchange of smiles between Mary and Dean with an angry look. She was furious, not only did Mary insult her but she was trying to steal her man from her.

It was break time and Mary was standing at the hallway eagerly waiting for Dean to show up. She was tapping her foot impatiently on the floor with her hands folded on her chest waiting for the arrival of the king.

Her entire demeanor lightened up immediately she saw him approaching her with his friends.

She gave him a flirtatious smile and pointed to the janitors closet. She started walking slowly, swaying her hips in the process.

Dean smirked at that and winked at his friends as he rushed after her. Leaving them all shocked.

He entered the closet and faced Mary.

"What's up?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"The sky, I thought you were smart enough to know that" Mary replied in a mocking voice.

Dean's smile changed into a scowl.

"What is wrong with you? I thought you wanted to say something beneficial but No! You just called me here to waste my time" He glared and made to walk away

"I'll stop right there if I were you and listen"

"Listen to you? Do I look like someone who is so jobless that I'll waste my precious time listening to you? Heck I don't even have the time to look at you!" Dean spat with a heated look on his face. He didn't know why but Mary knew how to get his emotions from zero to hundred in mere seconds. It was as thought she was created solely to annoy him.

"Wait oooo...You mean I came all the way here to listen to you? Well sorry to burst your bubble Ms bat but people around here listen to me and not the other way around" He glared

"I'm sure people around here have never seen you having sex in the janitors closet now have they?" She laughed

He laughed along with her, causing her to arch her eyebrow and give him a strange look.

"What's with the look Mj? You thought that was a shocker? You'll be surprised when I tell you the number of girls I've had sex with in this closet" he smirked smugly.

"Interesting but does anyone have a Video of you actually doing it" She shot back with a devious smile.

"No and even if you do have a video it won't be useful" he stated in a matter of fact tune

"I know that stupid, but this video is special, remember what you did this morning?" She smirked

"Yes and it was fun" He shot back

"Can you guess how fun it will be when the principal gets the video and shares it with the council members?"

The smile on his face immediately wiped off.

His father is one of the school's council members and a very close friend of the principal, if Mary really has the video of him having sex with Miss Ruth and it gets seen by the principal he will be done for.

His father is going to be so angry and disappointed in him, he can't even imagine his mothers reaction and the punishment he will face.

But what if Mary was just bluffing and didn't have any video?

"Seeing is believing, I don't think you have any video" He spoke unsure

"I knew you'll say that" she laughs and unlocks her phone playing the video.

"What do you think? Am I not just great? I mean look at the lightening and how clear the video is? It looks like a professional filmed it!" She mocked.

Dean quickly leaned and made to grab the video but Mary was quick and immediately turned off her phone and put it in her bra.

"Don't even think about it Princey." She laughed

Dean's demeanor changed from anger to rage, in an instant he has Mary against the wall, pressing her with his body.

He had his hands on both side of her head, and if he didn't look do furious it would have been a very romantic position. "Listen to me and listen good" Dean growled sending a shiver down Mary's spine.

"You will delete that video and never speak about it to anyone....else I'll make your life in this school a living nightmare" He said in a dangerously low tune.

"It seems you have forgotten your position on this matter Dean, you have no right to threaten me, and by now you should know that I'm not scared of your pathetic ass. I advice you back the fuck up and apologize or the principal gets the video. Imagine your sweet Ruth getting fired and disgraced, and the look on your parents faces when they get called to school and shown your epic video" She threatened.

Dean immediately stepped back as though her body burned him. He looked at her with hate burning in his eyes.

"Now that's a good boy" she smirked and walked out of the closet.

As he watched her leave her felt her strangling her or beating her to a pulp but her threat still lingered in his head. And no matter how bad he was he could never beat a woman. He was knew better.

But is that witch even a woman? He thought with an annoying look.

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