Read with BonusRead with Bonus


When Dean had Mary stuck to the wall, they had no idea that Favour was passing by and being the busy body and amebo person she is, she peeped and saw the compromising position they were in.

She immediately snapped a picture and ran to the cafeteria. Not bothering to listen in on the conversation.

Afterall the picture says it all.

She thought of who to share the gossip with and remembered that Diane has always liked Dean, and claims to be his girlfriend even though everyone knows it's a lie. If she showed her the picture and added a little spice she'll confront Mary therefore creating drama.

She smiled and went to Diane who is at her usual table with her friends talking about the things they did during the weekend.

"My uncle came to visit and took me out to shoprite,he asked me to get whatever I wanted, it was so fun! I even got you guys this chocolates. I'm sure you'll love." Diane rambled on about her weekend

"I have amazing news for you" Favour interrupted her rambling which caused her to frown and look at her with annoyance.

"Parrot! You always have news to share." Diane said in disinterest

"That's very rude and this news is very special and different from the rest. Do you want to hear it or not?" Favour asked in annoyance

"Just say it and leave." Diane said

She never liked Favour, the girl was always talking and looking for something to gossip about. Not to mention that she is always trying to cling to her.

"Your supposed boyfriend is now with someone else" She smirked at the look that crossed Diane and Dorathys face.

"What do you mean by that?" Diane angrily screamed

"You need to calm down girl, you should hold your anger for when I'm done telling you the whole gist first" she mischievously smiled loving the effect her words are having on Diane and her companion.

"Just speak already!" Diane said

She opened her phone and handed it to Diane.

Diane couldn't believe her eyes. In the picture Mary was leaning on the wall with Deans body pressed into hers.

His hands were on both sides of her head and their lips were so close that it was almost touching.

"What is this?" She angrily asked, her face was contorted in a deep frown as rage built in her eyes.

"I believe you have functioning eyes Diane" Favour mocked with a smile.

Dorathy collected the phone from Diane and nearly fainted after seeing the picture.

"What is this Favour?" She asked

"I believe it's called a picture" she mocked knowing how angry it'll make them.

They have always ignored her when she approached them and now that she had the opportunity to take her revenge she was going to use it to her advantage.

"Stop messing around Favour, you know what I meant" Dorathy whose getting irritated said

"Your supposed boyfriend has got himself a new girlfriend" She laughed and walked away to share her new discovery with other willing ears.

By the time Mary and Dean left the janitors closet and reached the cafeteria. The whole school has heard about the latest gist.

Mary walked into the Cafeteria with a playful smile on her face, a disorriented and angry Dean following behind her.

He put on a fake smile and approached his friends who were at their usual table.

Alex and Kayode started whistling and hailing him getting other students attention.

"Sharp shooter, you didn't tell us about you and Miss fiesty's relationship" Alex said grinning

"Yeah Bro, when did it all start? Was all that constant fighting and insults just an act to keep it a secret?" Kayode who was extremely curious about his cousins new relationship asked.

He knows that Dean doesn't do relationships, which just added to his confusion when Favour approached him and Alex with the gossip and picture of Dean and Mary about to kiss.

He found it funny at first because Dean kisses alot of girls but never once dated anyone, but then he remembered the looks and smiles Mary and Dean kept exchanging during the assembly and when she called him on their way to the cafeteria, Dean has never smiled at a girl in that way. Not even Diane who was his main fuck buddy.

"I don't understand what you'll are talking about" Dean replied with a confused look.

"Stop with the drama idiot, the whole school now knows that you and Mj are a couple" Alex rolled his eyes

"What!" Dean chocked out

"Don't act surprised, Favour snapped a pic of you two kissing and said she overheard the both of you talking about your relationship" Kayode said

"You've got to be kidding me!" Dean shouted.

He turned around looking round the cafeteria for Mary, he saw her pressing her phone while Diane and Dorathy were standing right in front of her and angrily shouting.

"I'm sure she did this" he muttered

"We are talking to you Mary!" Diane angrily screetched

She has been talking to Mary for the past five minutes but she completely ignored her existence and choose to press her phone while talking to Angela.

"Why are you so loud? Have you heard yourself? You sound like a dying cat when screaming" Mary glared at her with her hands placed on her ears

"Yes and I sound much better than you do bimbo" Diane heatedly replied

"Is that so?" Mary asked in a disinterested voice

"Obviously and that's not why I'm here" she glared at Mary

"Why are you here then? To spoil my mood and waste my time?" She shot back

"No. I'm here to warn you to stay away from my man" she leaned down so she can glare into Mary's eyes.

"What man are you talking about?" Mary cocked her head to the side

"I'm talking about MY boyfriend, Dean sta...." She got cut off by Mary's laughter

"Are you kidding me?....*laughs* came all the way to my seat to tell me to stay away from Dean?." Diane's glare intensified, she didn't know what Mary found funny about her warning.

"Yes, I'm warning you to stay away from Dean, I don't want your disgusting self to come close to him ever!" She looked at Mary's puzzled face and walked away with her friend following behind.

Mary didn't understand what it was about dean that was worth threatening her over. She admits the guy is good looking but he wasn't even that good looking!.

From all that she has seen and heard from Angela he is a player. And she is definitely not into that type of guys, especially not the one that insulted her and had sex with her teacher.

The fool even threatned her and roughly grabbed her fragile neck.

She was disappointed that she got threatened to stay away from the one fool she truly wants to never see. That in itself is a low blow to her massive ego.

Diane could have just told her and she would gladly do so but since she threatened her, she'll have to start seeing Dean more often to rile Diana up. She loved provoking people and getting under their skins.

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