
With that excitement over, The Adrenalin finally cleared from his mind; he had also worked out a great deal of his frustration beheading the thug. He finally gets a good look at the woman.he could tell that what he asumed is woman was, in fact, a woman not some man that looked like a women at first glance. like he thought .she was wearing armor like his. but It looks a lot older, and it did not have some of the same decerations; it was just smooth armor and was worn; like it has taken a few hits, it did not cover all her whole body. What he notices about her now are her arms.

What he had Mistaken For as clothes were, in fact, green scale and clawed hands. Her face was like humans other than the sides of her head. Her witch was lizard-like. She looks some form of half-human half-lizard. She merged flawlessly. She also had a tail he didn’t know about till now. Like her, it was covered in scale, how he missed it, and how her armor was built to let the thing out he did not know. Her eyes were a yellow silted type, almost like lizards, and she had blond hair that was a bit messy “thanks, but I didn’t need the help,” she said with a smooth, calm tone, her tongue flicking out a bit too as she told doubling letters s’s.

He was a few feet from her, so he closed ground on her draws closer To her, getting within arms reach of her. “I know that, but I couldn’t let a lady as lovely as you fight on your own it didn’t seem right” she sheaths her sword with little effort like she practiced it a great many times. Her once it was fully sheathed. She looks him over real good, and her eyes go a bit wide.

“your human,” she said, stating it as a fact, she didn’t seem disgusted with him, but she did seem surprised he bows, Trying to be graceful. The lizard woman nod simply ”yes, lady, I am human, and you’re not . I know they we’re all different one way or the other, but don’t let that get you down. You’re still adorable,” he says smoothly and with great seriousness. She blushes a bit and starts cleaning herself off a bit. wipe iv what little blood that was on her sword off into the grass

”you lovely lady. So what’s your name? ? My name is lance Holden: by the way?,” he asks, extending his hand to her. she looks at him od ”you ssome ssort of noble?” she asked as. Still, without any hesitations, she shacks his hand firmly, what, he notes is that her skin is neither warm nor cold ”alas no, my dear everyone from where I come from has two names,” he says explaining himself to the lovely lizard lady” very well my name is Grinta, “ she says hissing her s’s he nods not even caring about that “so what are you doing out in this forest ?,” he asks with interest” I’m looking for ssome banditss. But what about you, what bringss you into this foresst,” she asks with confusion like she was trying to put a puzzle together in her head.

“to be quite frank, I was somewhere else. And then I found myself in this forest” she looks at him strangely but nods, not seeming to dought his words” what are you, ssome ssort of a wizard, “she asks. He shrugs. As if unsure

“I wouldn’t know the first thing about any magic at the moment, but someone once told me I’d be an apt student also I don’t have anything better to do, so I’ll help you with those bandits,” he says. She looks at him oddly” not very many humanss outsside the guild are willing to work with demon kin without ssome ssort of compenssation.” Still, she turns around and heads off deeper into the forest, heading southwest as if she was following some strange sense of direction. He follows closely behind her, giving her a good five feet to be excellent.

” so how many thieves?” he asks as they move through the forest, “ I think around ten. Sstill, there could be more. They have not trained to fight together and just seem like riffraff, nothing I cannot handle on my own, “she said with confidence ” why are not you working with a group not that you need help. Still, you never know how a fight will turn out it is better safe than sorry, she huffed” I was working with a group, but they turned on me because I wasn’t human. That I’m not one lesst bit ssurprissed about sseeing as they were not part of the guild, they were just ssome wondering mercenariess unsskilled oness I’m ssure, I’ll have ssome choice things to ssay to the guild about them” they continued to move through the forest. He noted that her tail never seemed to touch the ground, not that it was not long enough to drag on the floor, but it was more like she kept it up out of habit.

” you’re brave to try the thieves alone,” he says with awe. She nods “if you ssay sso, , but I would have turned back if you haven’t offered to help me with them, though I’m ssure I can handle them mysself, it’ss all-wayss good to have back up.” She said with a steady voice; he did not have to stare at her lovely back sidelong, though he did not mind it one bit. They come to a typical dark cave. There did not seem to be anything special about it. the floor was disturbed as if it came under constant footwork “thiss iss the foot traffic “this is the trouble we’re going at this somewhat blind, “ Grinta said as they entered the cave, and it grows dark a tingle passes over them, and female shoots come form beep in the cave-like they know that the two of them are coming ”dam they have a mage!” Grinta says. Eye starting to run, and they draw closer to a haphazard barracked, the three thieves dressed in leather each carry swords. They come to an open area. They were moving through some opening in the abstract wall from behind the cover. They and the thieves are hind the cover in open slits in it have bows and arrows trained on them “you better use your magic to the best you can slave,” the lead bandits say a man behind everyone said the coward was hiding“yes, master,” a female voice says subdued. he could see through the barricade which, and who was given giving the woman orders, he did not want to kill a woman so with great speed and straight, he runs in towards the female voice plowing through some of the haphazard Barricades, and the female let’s out a yell as wood splinters cascade around. She begins to chant, he does not pause and his sword swings with the flat side of it, quickly connecting agents the woman’s head, not as hard as he can hit her, but just hard enough to knock her out.

The chanting stops, and with a glance, he confirms that yes, the mage is falling to the

Ground out cold, after she hits the floor, with a thud, sthe turns to the scraggly man who gave the order and ran toward him. the man is so shocked that he does not manage to get any other order or form any guard up. Then, with one swift movement, he beheads the thief with his sword—arrow whistle bye him ,and the ones that hit him are stopped with a clang against his armor. Well, the other thieves were not as shocked, and in answer to his bold move, arrows fly towards him, whistling, bye him and other arrows great him head-on, but the ones that hit him are opped with a clang by his armor. He turns to the next closest, a short thief with long hair. And he runs towards him, the thief, as more arrows go to where he used to be. It seemed he was too fast for the archers to get a good beat on him.

Before a thief can restring his bow, lance cuts the man down the sword cleaves, bloodily, through the thief’s chest; blood now mars it, filling the groves of his perfect sword, as he saw Grinta taking out one of the other thieves that were holding a bow. He turns toward one of the other thugs, and with great speed and skill, they cut through the last six bandits; in quick order, their agility and coordination leave alto to be desired, and they insist on every one of them fighting to the death“it looks like we got them all now,” he.” he said breathing a sigh of relief not that the duty was hard he was just glad it was over so fast.

He goes to the dropped female mage .he did not get a good look at her at first: He had just taken her out as fast as possible. Around her neck was a steel band, and it seemed to be alive with magic. He turns her over and. with the greatest of care. When she is entirely over. he Takes a good look at her? She had furry arms, legs, , she had a cat-like tail, And she had cat ears on the top of her head that twitched with her heartbeat. She had small breasts but not tiny; they seem to be a nice b cup; Grinta comes over and takes a look at her “a beast folk cat persson, a different type of demon kin. I can tell she is a sslaveslave by the caller around her neck,” she says plainly, “what should we do with her? “he asks with a tone that he was not pleased with the word enslaved person. Grinta looks around, all but ignores his dislike. Instead of looking at all the dead thieves,” you killed her masster. And ssensse her masster was a lawbreaker ,sshe now belongss to you. Sshe, now your problem,” Grinta says dismissively, but she helps him sit the cat woman up, then grinta leaves her to him and goes through all the thief’s ill-gotten gain; he was waiting for the cat girl to wake up while his partner picks through the thieves’ stuff.

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