Chapter 7
Candles flicker. Light smoke floats slowly upwards. The strong smell of vanilla fills my senses.
“Close your eyes and relax, clear your mind, Kayla, or the spell will not work again,” Grandmother chides me.
Easy for her to say, she is not the one sitting cross-legged in the middle of the cold damp attic floor.
Closing my eyes, I try to clear my mind, but I feel silly. Here I am sitting in the middle of a chalk drawn pentagram. Three candles surround me. One sits directly in front of me, which is green. The candle of the earth and nature, my grandmother tells me.
Two candles sit behind me on the edge of the pentagram, equally spaced from each other. One is blue. The candle stands for water. The last one is red which supposedly represents fire.
My grandmother holds a white candle while she chants words I do not understand, just gibberish to me. The white candle represents white magic.
Taking deep breaths, slowly breathing out through my nose, my head begins to feel light.
Wind slowly begins to pick up. The cool breeze tickles my skin. The wind grows stronger. My hair whips into my face.
Bang! Everything clatters to the ground; it had all been caught up in the strong currents moments before.
I jump to my feet, my heart racing, and a slight buzzing in my ears.
I point at my grandmother sending, daggers her way.
“You are a crazy old woman. What the hell was that?”
I cannot believe I have just sat and encouraged her with this nonsense of magic. Against my better judgment I backed down. What harm can it do? I thought. Just sit pretend you believe her, then when nothing happens tell her she is crazy and that you refuse to carry on with this game. The wind just had to pick up and add more confusion to my already jumbled mind. She more than likely has a fan hidden, ready to trick me into believing.
“I have just unbound your powers. Be careful with your emotions, Kayla, as you will find that your emotions are the trigger to your abilities,” she warns. Of course, what does she think this is charmed? I get mad and boom, there goes the kitchen bin.
Shaking my head, I walk out of the attic, down the grand staircase and into the cold afternoon. My bear arms quickly begin stinging with the cold, so I end up folding them over my chest. I refuse to go back just yet, dreading what the crazy lady has in store for me next.
Following the dirt road, I venture off the path and into the canopy of trees. Just behind the trees lies a large meadow. Opening and closing my eyes, I stare in disbelief. The sun shines brightly onto the open space. Stepping into the meadow, the sunrays wash over me. Instantly my chilled skin begins to warm.
The field is a beautiful, lush green, brighter than any field I have ever seen. Wildflowers, pretty and vibrant, sway merrily in the slight breeze, proudly releasing their sweet fragrance.
Sitting down, the grass is soft and smooth against my fingertips. Lying flat on my back, I enjoy the blazing ball of fire as it gently heats my skin.
Getting to my feet, I begin to walk forward, eager to explore more. At least the countryside is refreshing.
I walk across two meadows, both just as beautiful and exotic, before I come upon a large stretch of trees.
To my amazement the leaves are browns, reds and gold’s. They glisten with specks of frost as the weather changes dramatically.
Rushing water fills my ears. Stepping into the woods, I follow the sound.
The bright sun begins to fade as the woods turn dark and damp with small openings of light where the sun’s rays have penetrated the canopy, lighting up my way.
Leaves crunch loudly with each step I take. Birds sing happily from the treetops, their merry song flooding my heart with happiness.
The more I walk, the louder the gushing water becomes. Following the path, I come upon a small stream which grows wider as I follow it. The steady water begins to run faster until the current becomes rapid and strong.
The stream turns into a large pool, which foams, and froths as copious amounts of water come crashing down.
A magnificent waterfall stands tall and proud, the sound deafening as the clear liquid bounces off nearby boulders.
My face stares back at me. Sliver liquid shimmers, acting as a mirror as sunlight hits its dazzling surface, causing my reflection to come forth.
My loose curls frame my face as they sway freely in the wind. My bright blue eyes stand clear against the ripples. I walk closer to the waterfall, which looks inviting and mystic.
The ground turns to large rocks covered in green slime. Carefully, I begin to make my way across. The pool of water swirls rapidly, as fast currents run downstream. Large deadly boulders scatter the stream.
Concentrating, putting one foot in front of the other, a flat banking comes into view.
Small yellow beady eyes stare at me. Olive green scaly skin glistens with water.
Snap! The beast lunges for me, missing my leg by a millimetre as I dive for a large boulder.
The beast’s sharp pointy tail whips towards me. Taking another leap, my feet slip. Gripping onto a rock for life, the beast shows its pearly white teeth before snapping for me again.
“Arrrrgh!” I scream as I hit the water with rapid force. The cold-water seeps into my skin, chilling me to the bone, the breath knocked out of my lungs. I choke on the liquid.
My body begins to be dragged with a powerful force, pulling me downstream.
I fight drastically against the currents, with little luck as I get swept away. My head submerges.
I start kicking and flapping my arms and legs wildly to no avail. Searing hot pain shoots down my leg. Bobbing to the surface, I take uneven, painful breaths. The water has turned a light red, almost pink.
The beast appears feet away, its jaw snapping furiously. Kicking my legs, following the fast current, I become one with the water as I move quickly downstream, the beast too close for comfort.
The scaly tail whips my arm, causing me to go under. I swallow a boat load of water.
Coming to the surface I gasp for breath, spitting the excess water out in the process.
Crack! My head hits a boulder, knocking me under once again, stunning me as my vision becomes blurred. Hot agonizing pain shoots through my skull, leaving behind a dull ache.
Once again, I pull myself to the surface, my breathing difficult, raspy. The water begins to steady.
My left leg immobile, numb, I push with all my might, swimming as fast as I can. A loud splash makes me push harder.
Abnormal noises make me stop. I turn my body slightly. A tall young man with golden blond hair wrestles with the beasts. He holds its jaw firmly shut.
He plunges a knife, fast and swiftly into the monster. He pierces through the scaly flesh. The beast thrashes around a few moments before becoming still.