"You can take today off. I'll tell Max to fill-in for you today."
"Thanks, Sir. It isn't necessary." The waitress assured.
"Order for table 19!" Isabella yelled from outside. The girl grabbed two mugs and poured tea inside. When she was done, she placed two stakes in a plate on the tray and carried it on her right hand as she stepped outside majestically.
She walked up to Isabella and dropped the tray on the table.
"What took you so long?" Isabella whispered.
"Oh." Isabella narrowed her eyes.
She looked at us in admiration. This is exactly the kind of relationship she wanted. Cute, peaceful, loving. "I want a man who will love me like this." She whispered loudly, curling her arms around.
"Everything is not like the eyes sees." I snapped. I caught her staring at us. "1 year" I continued.
Taking a sip out of the glass of lemonade, my eyes scanned the Restaurant then I continued, "We've been married for a year. Our lawyer is coming with the divorce papers. We are getting divorced today."
Not really what she expected to hear. Anyone who saw us would think us to be the perfect couple. She moved back a little before staring back at me. "But, you love each other. The news says that."
"That's what we want the news to think." I could read the shock and disbelief in her innocent eyes.
"How? Why?" I took a sip out of my mug before continuing. She blinked twice.
"It all happened one very morning,
"Here's your change." The cab driver stretched his hand outside the cab. "If I may ask, why are you in a haste?" he horned for the lady across the road. When she shook her head, he returned his gaze at me.
"It's my boring sister's wedding arrangement." I rolled my eyes like they were on a rollercoaster.
"Wow! She's damn hot."
"Asshole." I smirked. "Everyone keeps calling her hot. Asin, if she's hot, I'm cold." I'm already in a bad mood and he's trying to get me even angrier.
"Come on, you know I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I was just teasing. Is the wedding happening now?" His apology from like a sarcasm but I wasn't willing to give it a thought.
"No. Preparations are being done. She's probably upstairs testing her make up or doing a pedicure and manicure. With or without make up, she looks the same to me." That's of she's even upstairs. She's the mischievous one and I have to take the blame all the time. I can't for her to leave. I have the rooms all to myself. I grinned maniacally.
After we were done chatting, I picked up my purse I forgot in the cab and the basket of fruits I bought before heading for the door.
When I got to the door, I turned the door knob and entered. The house was full with people doing one chores or the other. Taylor, my cousin was holding a basket full of flower designs, my younger sister, Mia held unto the remaining invitation cards while my mum instructed her employees on whatever. I don't care. Some of the decorators I recognized from my mum's second wedding arranged the flowers and even fixed new curtains.
Just for a wedding of one day. I sighed and sat down close to Mia then patted her on her back gently. "Want some?" Extending some fruits to her with a welcoming smile in my face, my heart leaped.
"Nope. I'll eat enough at my sister's wedding. Go bug someone else. I'm busy."
My younger sister and I didn't get along well. Probably because she was my step sister and she was directly related to Lisa, everyone's favorite and the most annoying human I had ever met. When I tried to get up from the couch, I bumped into one of my mum's employees. She turned and threw me a stern look. My mum wasn't really good at hiding her anger.
The look in her eyes made my stomach feel as if it was ripped out of my body. It had been that way since I was a kid. Maybe I was scared of her. I couldn't tell if it was fear or love that kept me in that house. Once when I was 8, Lisa and I had a dispute, she flogged me really hard but surprisingly came back the night after to nurse my wounds. She obviously loved me. But it was a confusing kind of love. Our mother and daughter bond was a beautiful one until Lisa's father showed up on our doorstep with his daughter. Everything changed that instant. All the love and attention meant for me was immediately given to an undeserving person. I could recollect her once telling me, Lisa didn't get to see her mum. That's why she loved her and took her as her child. But it was only an excuse. An emotional blackmail to keep me grounded.
Lisa received love from both extended families. She was everyone's first priority. During high school days, I used to win awards for the most intelligent student. Any child who made such achievements usually went to their parents first to get blessings and probably gifts. Mine was different. Rather than rejoicing with me, they sympathized with Lisa. Festive seasons were the worst in the Browns family. "We are the same age!" I used to yell but all screaming and crying fell on deaf ears as Lisa took the lead in receiving gifts. And today, she was getting married first. Maybe I really didn't care much about her wedding. After all, I wasn't interested in marrying a guy I didn't love. Not especially one with a bad reputation.
Lisa was going to get married into the Smith family. The Politician's first son. The boy with a bad reputation. Such a good title to give a novel if you asked me. Liam Smith. Rich, handsome and obviously had everything a girl dreamed of. Well, I haven't seen him before but the Internet says so.
With all the success, he had a scandal attached to his name. Liam was accused of raping a rich man's daughter who's identity was not revealed. According to the news, He compelled her to abort the child, abused her physically and emotionally. My parents knew all these but still insisted on Lisa getting married to him because they had no other choice.
Lisa's dad had a strong relationship with the Politician until something horrendous happened that created a rift between them. Due to their fight, my step dad was asked to pay up an old debt he owed the Politician. Politicians are very cunning. Mr. Smith deniably knew my dad couldn't afford it. If you asked me then I would say it was only a trap to entangle my dad and force him to get his daughter married to their filthy son. Just when I tried to talk to my dad, a letter was delivered on our doorstep. "Is this the residence of Mr. Brown?" I remembered the mailman yelling. "Get your daughter married to my son." I recalled reading the last line of the letter. That was the first time I felt so elated that I wasn't my parents first option. Lisa will leave this house tomorrow and that's all that matters. I sighed.
"Hannah," My mum snapped her fingers. "You've been staring at me with your mouth open for the past 5 minutes. Are you okay?" She pointed at the guest toilet when an employee approached us.
"Yes mum." Even if I wasn't okay, why would she care. Her other daughter's wedding was more important. Rolling my hair in a bun, my hand reached for the band on the table then used it in packing my hair up.
"Good. Honey, I want tomorrow to be perfect. It's your sister's big day. Nothing can afford to go wrong." The look in her eyes was enough to reveal the construction of the heart.
"I know, mum. I'll help you arrange." That is the only thing I'm asked to do. It's not like I'll be given a shout out at her wedding. I reasoned.
"No, dear. The only thing you can do for me right now is to stay quietly in your room. This is a huge moment for all of us. If anything should go wrong, Mr. Smith won't spare us." A hard line formed between her eyebrows.
I gazed heavenward and clenched my fist before responding, "But mum, she's my sister. Why shouldn't I partake in anything?" This is unfair.
"I know. You will be doing her a huge favour by staying in your room. Let's not argue over this right now, okay?"
"Okay." I quickly blinked away the tears in my eyes and picked up my fruits. Mia was allowed to stay in the sitting room but I wasn't. What a toxic family I came from. My mouth mumbled.
I ascended the stairs absentmindedly. When I got to my room, my right hand pulled the door knob and entered. Lisa was sitting on my bed. As always she wanted everything I had. What is she doing here? Has she come to rub salt in my wound or what. Charming. I couldn't stop thinking about what she wanted this time. Placing the basket of fruits on the table, my hoodie flew across the room before opening the wardrobe. "Why are you here?" Selected a random cloth and wore it. Without looking at her, my voice echoed the question a second time.
"Do I need a reason to be in my sister's room?" She deadpanned, arms folded like a resisting child.
"Yes!" Ignoring her taunts had been a routine for me but just this once, I felt the rising urge to respond in the same tone. "Wait. Since when did you start calling me 'sister'. Last I checked, I was your mother's other daughter."
"You still are. I figured, since today will be my last day in this house, I just want to give you a gift. I wanted to get you something but I realized that everything I got for you was what I wanted. So I took them."
I rolled my eyes in agitation before sitting on the bed. There was something wrong with her but I couldn't figure out what. Her face looked pale even in that sarcastic smile. My hands pulled out my boots then dropped them on the shoe rack.
Talking with each other was something we never really did. Anytime you saw us talking, it was probably a conflict or mum's birthday when Lisa threw one of her crazy parties for her. I cleared my throat before whispering out the words in my mind, hoping she wouldn't hear me. "What's wrong?"
"Why do you care. For all I know, you want me to leave this house."
Yes. Gaslighting oneself and the other person was a thing she had. "Yes. I do want you to leave." I affirmed, nibbling on my lower lip. "You've always wanted to marry a handsome billionaire. That dream is going to become a reality tomorrow." Why is she glaring at me that way? Mum already asked me to stay away. If anything should go wrong then I'll take the fall. I sighed.
"And you? What kind of a man do you want to marry?"
Wow. I can't believe I never really thought about this question. 21 years and still naive. What a shame. I covered my face with both hands then replied, "I can't believe I'm discussing this with you but, I want a sensible husband. Not dominant as portrayed in novels. Someone who can defend me outside and sees my family as his. I know I shouldn't be saying this right now but, I also want to marry someone I truly love." My heart raced as if I had just answered a difficult question in an exam Hall.
"Lucky you. You will meet that man someday. For me, that's just going to be a dream. I'm marrying a renowned billionaire but he's not the one my heart beats for. I wish I could love him the way almost every girl does but I can't. If you were in my position, what would you do?"
"Honestly, I'll run far away. Just joking." I laughed. The seriousness on her face worried me. "If you really love mum and dad, you wouldn't do such a thing." I hope she doesn't take my advice to heart. There would be serious drama if she did.
"Remember when we were little and mum used to shout at you?" Lisa brushed her make over. She pulled out the drawer close to the bed and took the earrings inside.
"I wouldn't use the word used to because she still shouts at me, but proceed." And she's taking my things again. Calm down, Hannah. Just today, let it slide.
"You would run away from the house from the back. Which door do you use in going out?"
"There's a small door behind dad's big portrait in Uncle Ben's room. It leads to the garden outside. Why are you asking?" Maybe I should have asked this question first before blurting out the truth to her. Nobody asked a question without having a reason. Is she? No, she wouldn't. I shook my head.
"Cigarettes for the last time." After wearing the earrings, she wiggled her pack of cigarettes in my face and grinned. "Mum won't let me but I can't help it. You can't tell tell her though."
As if she would believe me. "Why do I care what you do with your life. I would be the happiest if something were to happen to you. Now get out of my room. I want to sleep." She's being too nice. Usually in movies when people were this nice it was either they were going to die or run away. Either ways, I had no time to think about her problems.
"It's just 8pm."
"Mum told me not to come downstairs. I'm just trying to be a good daughter." Yeah. Pull the strings as much as you want, I don't care.
"That's good. Whenever you are around, you ruin all the fun."
"What?" She strolled out of the room. Kettle calling pot black. She's the real pain in the ass. I grumbled. I bounced on the bed and lay down. Picking up my Bible from my bed, my lips mumbled the scriptures, Revelation 1, before going to bed. Tomorrow will be the last day I will have to put up with Lisa. For the first time ever, I felt very happy and expectant of the new day.