Ever since the night that she beat those things that tried to harass her, she was never bothered again. The gossip on the forum was quickly covered with the exam fever.
The exams were going to take two days and Krystal had been long prepared. For the two days that she took her exams, she noticed that the invigilators had their eyes more on her which made her remember the bet she made with that maths teacher.
The exams for her were like the practice questions she did back at her place during her study sessions. There were like walkthroughs but as someone who didn’t want to boast, she didn’t leave the classroom after she was done writing.
She had to spend the rest of the exam time, looking through her paper and reading back in her virtual space. She could enter her mall with her conscious so she spent her time very wisely.
After two days, the stress of exams was gone and now everyone was waiting for the results to be announced. After the exams, Flora had invited her back to her place and she had agreed to go there the next day.
Krystal returned back to her villa, when she was busy watching T.V she received a call from the gate. She had visitors and since they were people she didn’t know; she decided to go and check them out herself.
When she arrived, she was surprised to find some familiar faces. Since they could trace her, it meant that the job was done. She went outside and led the guys to a café where they enjoyed some cake and juice before they get down to business.
“I won’t ask how you find my place, so did you get everything done?” she asked with raised eyebrows as she looked at them.
Seeing their naughty smile, it was obvious that the deed was done. The red-haired guy gave her a USB which she took with a smile.
“I will enjoy watching it, you did a great job. Now our debts had been canceled,” she said releasing them from the shackles.
“Thank you for giving us a second chance.”
She had been monitoring these guys ever since they left the villa complex and she knew that they were brewing something so she decided to get this over with.
“Tell me what you want. I have school in the morning,” she said while looking impatiently at the guys.
Seeing that they had been caught they fought among each other on who to represent them until the stick was given to the red-haired guy.
“We are very sorry for acting the way we did last time. Ever since that day, we have been enlightened and we want to follow you as our boss. Can you please take us in?”
Krystal laughed when she heard that bold confession. It really seems that whichever life she has, she will never escape the gangster life. Was this her path?
“What do I gain by taking you in?” she couldn’t help but become curious.
“We can make money while you study and do any kind of dirty work for you. Whatever you want us to do, we will do it,” another one stepped it and she stopped herself from laughing.
She could tell that these guys were older than her by at least one to two years and yet they were behaving like kids.
“And what am I supposed to give you in return? You can’t even fight me as a gang so what use do I have for you?”
“We can improve; you just need to believe us. You can do whatever you want with us.”
Seeing their sincerity in their eyes, she was touched. This was the first time that someone wanted to follow her on their own accord without flashing any money. In her previous life, she had to work hard in order to earn the respect and honor of those that followed her, and now with just a beating, she was getting followers already.
“I can accept you if you can achieve one thing,” she said while straightening her back.
“What is it?”
“You go back home, change your hair color to original and write a detailed portfolio about yourselves. You need to write everything about yourself and what you did. Don’t leave anything out and don’t worry I will not use those against you. I just want to see if I can trust you.”
“That is easy, we will go back and do that right away.”
“Good then, when you are done just call me,” she said and gave them her number.
After talking to the guys, she returned back to the villa and went to bed. The next day she went to school and due to the exams, that they just had, there were no lessons for them so she spent that time in the library reading some books that she didn’t have.
Flora found her in the library and she joined her on her reading adventure. After school, she returned back to the villa and prepared herself for that night’s dinner.
Krystal bought a purple gown for Flora that she asked her to buy the last time she visited her house. This time she didn’t wear anything from the system mall but a dress she bought the other day with Flora.
The car came to take her like last time and since they were on friendly terms now, it wasn’t awkward for her this time. She gave Flora her dress and watched her hug the dress like some treasure she smiled happily at her.
When dinner was being made Annie took her to the study to talk with her. She sat on one of the chairs and looked expectedly at the older woman. She was wondering what she wanted to talk about.
“I have tasted the produce that you brought that day and I am really interested in buying some. Like I said the other day, I don’t care about the price. What I need is to get my hands on it,” Annie spoke seriously and she saw the determination in her voice and eyes.
“How much do you want?”
“I need something that can last my family for a month. Can you manage to get me around 200 kg of rice?”
Hearing that huge number, she couldn’t help but blow out some air. That was a lot of rice and many gold pieces.
“The old man has spaghetti and macaroni too. I think that we can divide that huge number among the three. I can provide you with 60 kg for each grain type and including vegetables a lot of money will be needed,” she couldn’t help herself but bleed when she thought of the pieces, she will be losing just to buy this food.
Annie must have seen her bleeding heart that she passed a cheque to her. She picked the cheque and a smile formed on her face; this cheque will offset the number of gold pieces she will have to use to buy the food in the market.
“This will be enough; just give me a week and I will be having what you need. I will tell Flora and you may send someone to come and pick it up at my place,” she said with a smile.
“Okay, thanks in advance. Oh, another thing, is that designer still has more of those gowns?”
“Yes, there are other types too. Why do you ask?”
“I have my birthday coming and I wanted something unique, so I thought about you. Can you get me a gown?”
“Sure, I will get some pictures for you and you can pick which one you find suitable and I will get it for you.”
“I will wait for the good news then.”
After the successful negotiations, the two left the study and joined the others. Krystal got busy talking with Flora and her brothers. Whatever she didn’t understand, she could ask and they answered her.
When dinner was served, they had another peaceful moment and she had a sense of belonging among them. She thought of her brother and wondered how he was doing. Was he faring well with his family? She was going to work hard so that she will be able to see him.