Chapter 2.
Chapter 2.
*I feel his body pressing to mine making me moan deeply, his hands travel up my body as I move along retracing his touch, his lips on my neck sending shocks through me.
“You’re so beautiful.” Parkers voice makes me melt, I relax in to him and enjoy the feeling he gives me when I’m suddenly jolted awake abruptly.*
I land on the floor with a thud as my hands go to my face rubbing my eyes hard, I groan rolling in to the fetal position as the light pours in through the window forcing me up. My heart aches realizing it was just a dream, it felt so real, his skin against mine the way he smells everything was so real.
I stand pulling myself back in to my bed as I groan pulling the covers back over myself, my mind wanders to my meeting with the moon goddess last night. I need to find my mother and kill her, until then I train in both forms. I drag my heavy body in to my bathroom to wash my face and get changed in to some spandex shorts and a long sleeve jogging shirt.
Heading out the front door I take off to the trails, I love running through the forest, with our pack lands being so large they are covered in trails. You can run in human form for hours and maybe complete the perimeter. I run bare foot in my human form, allowing my body to connect with the earth, I feel the dirt between my toes giving me intense energy.
I feel my magic flow through me, I let it pulse through my body as I focus on what I want, I picture the trees in front of me snapping dropping branches to the ground as I raise my hand making a fist pulling it down as I watch the branches fallow my movements as they crash to the ground and I jump over them.
Since meeting my mother I’m able to feel my magic easier and I’ve been able to do more with it then I could have ever imagined, I had a gush of magic leave me when she killed Parker and since then my magic has been coming in full force. She said no one would be able to control my power, what am I the key too?
I continue my run most of the morning before I decide to head to the arena and find someone to fight. I’ll meet with the twins this after noon to work on my magic. The next few months will be a repeat of this until I’m ready to go after her. Entering the arena I see spencer drinking from his water bottle. A towel gently hangs off his shoulder.
I whistle loudly pulling his attention while I walk up.
“Want to spar?” I ask as a smile creeps across his face.
“Of coarse I want to.” He states throwing his towel down as we both walk in to the ring.
“Wolf or human?” He asks as I drop to all fours shifting quickly, as the pain shoots through my body.
“Wolf it is.” He says softly before dropping to the ground to try and pin me.
I stalk him, pacing back an forth, I watch his huge paws move anticipating his plan of attack, his wolf stands almost a foot taller then mine. I finally lunge going for his right paw as he stumbles backwards, trying to figure out what I’m doing. I quickly go for his other paw throwing him off balance before leaping on top of him and sinking my teeth in to his neck, he shrieks as he collapses to the ground trying to thrash me off.
I hold on to him tightly as I fly from either side of him when Evans loud voice makes me release him.
“Are you having fun?” He asks calmly as I walk over with my head down shifting before I reach him, he hands me a robe to cover myself with as I approach.
“Im sorry Evan i just needed to blow off some steam.” I say quietly still looking to the ground.
“Don’t apologize to me.” He looks over to spencer who has now shifted back and is cleaning the blood off his neck.
“I’m sorry spencer.” I say like a child being scolded as he smirks in return.
“Don’t sweat it, I’m fine.” He responds as I turn back to Evan.
“I need to see you in my office after lunch please.” He states before turning to walk away and my heart pounds as my mind races through the reasons he may want to see me. I run upstairs to shower and change quick before heading to his office to see what he needs, I wonder if Alison will be meeting us there.
I walk in to his office as he’s already sitting at his desk, he wipes his hands and pushes his plate to the side as my eyes hit the floor, I’ve felt so weird around him and Alison the last few days and I don’t know why it just seems like I can’t connect to anyone since Parker’s passed.
“Hello Valerie, please sit.” He says softly as I nod still looking to the floor.
“I’m very sorry for what you’ve been through, no one should ever loose a mate and I can’t imagine what that must feel like.” His soft voice stabs in to me as I feel a tear roll down my cheek.
“Valerie, look at me.” he says as I force myself to raise my gaze as my heart pounds in my ears.
“It’s ok to cry, this isn’t easy to work through, Alison and I want to be here for you but you’re pulling away. You’re our family and we love you, I don’t want you to make this harder on yourself when you don’t need too.” Now standing in front of me I break down, he crouches to be at my level as my arms wrap around him and my tears come swimming down my face faster then I could have even imagined. He rubs my back as I sob in to him endlessly, by the time I realize what I’m doing I’m now sitting in Evans lap still crying but softer now. I haven’t been able to release my emotions since it happened I’ve been holding everything inside and I just couldn’t get it out, I softly sob as I hear the door slowly open and I can’t even bring myself to turn around and look.
“Oh Valerie.” I hear Alison’s small voice say as I feel her hand on my back and she Joins us on the oversized seat. We sit like this for a while as I absorb their love, allowing myself to relax in to their comforting embrace. I finally decide to get up and move to face both of them while I wipe the tears streaming down my face.
“I’m sorry.” I whisper softly as I feel sorrow come from Alison in waves as her eyes droop with sadness.
“There is nothing for you to be sorry for. We love you and we are here to help you in anyway we can.” She says softly as her face turns gentle and comforting.
“I need you to help me train.” I say, my voice low and emotionless as Alison’s eyes go wide.
“Train for what?” Evan states looking at me with suspicion.
“Theres something coming Evan, I’m the key. My mother told me no one will be able to control my powers.” I state as I look to the garbage can to my side and it ignites in to small flames flickering away, I stand to pour the pitcher of water over it as both their mouths drop.
“How did you do that!” Alison exclaims making me smile slightly.
“Since she killed Parker I’ve been able to feel my powers more, they’re growing stronger. I’ve been going in to the forest to practice but I need to train in human form as well as wolf form, I also need to practice my magic in both forms. I don’t know when this battle will be coming but I know we all need to be ready.” I say looking between them, I consider mentioning my meeting with the moon goddess but Anna tells me to keep it to myself for now.
Evan nods as he listens to me talk.
“I thought you had the power of sight?” He asks as he scratches his chin trying to decipher what I’ve told him.
“I thought so to, but when Parker died I had a rush of power that filled me. My mother kept saying I was the key and that my powers would be to strong for my own good, I didn’t know what she meant until I started feeling my magic burn through me stronger each day.” I say as he nods.
“That blast of light?” He questions and I nod back.
“Yes, that rush of power has unlocked a whole new source of magic from me.” I explain as Alison still looks stunned.
“Ok I will prepare are teams and warriors, what do I tell them?” He asks as I stop to think.
“Tell them that we have detected a new threat we are looking in to, until we have more information are training sessions will be increased and I would like to have some warriors from other packs come in for training as well to learn new techniques and fighting styles.” I say softly as I turn to pace.
“I would also like regular scouting parties out looking for any suspicious activity and up the guard duty.” I continue while Evan nods.
“We also need to be training with and against witches so contact the council and Stella to help with that.” I say as Evan nods and we sit down to start putting together a schedule.