Adrian gave Scarlett a final withering stare as they heard a knock at the door. She smiled, took his hand, and thanked him profusely before he pulled the door open and left.

With a grimace, she turned back to Riley.

"I hope they don't kill each other," she said. It was a major overreaction, but her worries were valid.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about Adrian." Riley chuckled. "He'll eat her alive and use her bones to pick his teeth afterwards."

"You haven't met Sienna," Scarlett said.

"I've met plenty of Sienna’s," he said, looking her up and down with narrowed eyes.

"I'm nothing like her!" Scarlett cried. "If my Mum had called me something normal like Rebecca I wouldn't even be in the damn popular group."

Riley looked like he wanted to say something but thought better of it. She knew what he was thinking: until her wolf made an appearance, she was basically a human girl. A late bloomer her mother said. It wasn’t at all uncommon to remain shiftless until the age of eighteen. Most would transform for the first time between the ages of sixteen and eighteen. Most. Her mother would always strain this word, piling it high with emphasis.

“Your day will come,” Mum would always say, before regaling her with tales of her first shifting experiences. Of battles in the surrounding forests, love triangles and how she met Scarlett’s father. He had been a toerag and a good-for-nuthin’ her mother would recount with a smile, but he would have grown into a good father had fate allowed.

“Oh, those were the days,” she would sigh wistfully, and her eyes would glaze over as if she were reliving the moments inside her head, as real as the world around her.

"So," Riley smirked, interrupting her thoughts. "How are you going to entertain me?"

"Erm," Scarlett muttered, struggling to come up with a plan for the evening. "What do you want to do?"

"It's your house," he pointed out.

"Let's go up to my room," she said, seeing her Mum and Ron were about to enter the living room with a bowl of chips and dip. This meant they were about to watch a movie. Probably a boring old one that had little to no relevance to anything happening today.

In a bold move, she grabbed his hand and dragged him up the stairs before her parents could engage them in an awkward conversation. His hand was warm and so soft for a man’s. Tom had always had dry, calloused skin on his hands and dirt under his nails—it was the only thing that put her off him. Thinking back, she cringed at the thought of him touching her.

When she let go and he wiped his hand on his jeans she panicked that she'd dripped sweat onto his hands.

'You're being ridiculous. People sweat, it's not a crime,' she told herself, but it didn't stop her from feeling repulsive.

He looked around her room, picking up her pink candle and smelling it before placing back on the shabby chic dressing table her mother had done up for her. She loved her room, but as Riley looked about, she worried he might find it childish and girly.

She sat on the bed, indicating for him to do the same. The bed creaked and dipped as he sat, the old springs and slats threatening to buckle under their combined weight. It was her mother's old bed. Her Mum and Ron had bought a new bed for the move. At the time, Adrian had complained that he was the only one to have a single bed, but he must have gotten over it because he hadn't jumped on her offer to swap rooms.

"I'm sorry for ruining your plans," Scarlett said.

"It's okay. You seemed... well… kinda desperate," he said, making a face.

Heat rose in her cheeks as she looked away in shame. "I don't usually act like that."

"I figured," he said, smiling at her and tilting her head as though she'd sad something weird.

"You know, Adrian complains a lot, but it's just his way. He told me he's happy about having you for a stepsister and he likes your Mum too," Riley revealed. “I mean, it’s different for him. Back home everyone knew who he was and understood their place. Here… people don’t let him skip the queue or move out of his way. Still, it’s not possible to live in the wolf-only community forever.”

Scarlett nodded. She wanted to ask him more about his life there but didn’t want to pry. If he was living there full time into adulthood, there was probably a good reason. Most would move back and forth, or live in the human world for the most part.

“I hope he’s not cursing me for putting him through this extra stress,” Scarlett said.

"He'll put that girl in her place, don't you worry," Riley assured her.

'Easier said than done,' Scarlett thought. Sienna wasn't just popular, pretty, and sexy, but also smart and resourceful. The fact she didn’t have werewolf abilities didn’t make her a total write-off in Scarlett’s eyes.

"Well," Riley said, leaning back on the bed with his hands laced behind his head. "Time for you to entertain me."

As he laid back his T-shirt rose, revealing the bottom of his ab muscles and the line of his hip. Scarlett had to tell herself not to stare before he noticed her perving on him.

She shifted on the spot, feeling her lips stretch unnaturally wide.

"W-what do... do you expect me to do?" she stammered. Her mind raced at a mile a minute, conjuring up all sorts of scenarios ranging from ludicrous to steamy.

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