3-Approach Me


I take everything in and start to appreciate this club for what it is. On one side of the main room, a few couples are dancing to the music and enjoying some beverages. On the other side, four couples are going at it against the wall right next to one another. The first couple is having pretty vanilla sex. The next couple consists of two women in leather lingerie and nipple clamps. One is roughly fucking the other with a strap-on while pulling on her hair with one hand and gripping her throat with the other hand. The third couple is a dominant woman and a submissive man. His wrists and ankles are cuffed to the wall, and she has him gagged. He's fully erected as she teases his body with a flogger and gives semi-hard lashes across his thighs. Occasionally, she'll stroke or suck his length, but for the most part, she is teasing him. It seems like she isn't allowing him to climax, which is torture. The last couple is a man in a wheelchair and a woman on the floor between his knees, hands tied behind her back, and completely naked. He's holding her head to control the speed while she sucks him into her mouth.

"I perform tonight, so you get to see me in action," Alli said.

"Oh really? Do you perform often?" I ask

"A few times a month. I actually need to start preparing in the next hour or two. Do you see the curtains and the little stage right there?" She points straight ahead on the opposite side of the main room.

"Yeah. Is that where you'll be?" I ask, and she nods.

"You can either stay here, or you can go out and get to know some people." There is this man that I can't stop looking at who stands by the beverage station. He's about five feet, eleven inches tall, with black hair and tan skin. His jawline is muscular, clean shaved, and his lips are full. He's wearing a navy blue suit and polished black dress shoes. He looks good enough to take a bite out of him.

"Who is that?" I point him out.

"That is Ezra Gallo. Total sweetheart, but be careful with that one. He doesn't dominate alone." I know this shouldn't pique my interests, but it makes me want to know more.

"Is he gay?" I ask.

"Not at all. Ezra doesn't have romantic feelings towards men, but he loves to share his women with his business partner and best friend, Marcello Russo. Marcello is bigger than Ezra and he is not as much of a sweetheart, I guess. Ezra might break your heart, but Marcello will break your back if you know what I'm talking about." She gives me a wink. "Speaking of the devil, there he is."

I'm not being dramatic when I tell you Marcello looks like he could pass as a Greek god. He's rocking a sloppy man-bun, has a nicely groomed beard that isn't super long, but it's long enough to grip. Marcello is wearing black slacks, a leather belt, and a dark red dress shirt that isn't buttoned all the way. He looks mean, to be honest. His chest is chiseled, and his arms are muscular. It looks like he could bench press Ezra, even though he's only about two inches taller. I bet his behind is firm and plump too. Any woman who says they don't check out a man's assets is lying. We look at butts too.

"I want them." I blurt out.

Alli starts laughing, "Who doesn't? It's a dangerous gamble to make, though, Issy. You just got here. Maybe you should mingle first and decide later."

"I told Daveed that I was going to find two men since he went and found two women. Of course, I was just being dramatic at the time, but now that the opportunity is presenting itself, maybe I should. I won't approach them, though. They're going to approach me." An idea formed in my head. Maybe I've gone mad, or I'm just feeling spontaneous for the first time in my life, but I'm about to give them a show.

Alli helps me set up everything I need, which isn't much. She informs me that the toys I'll be using are to be thrown away and they do not get reused, so she provides a bowl where they'll be discarded. My hands are a little shaky, and my heart is thumping in my chest at a million miles per hour. I don't know what it is about heartbreaks, but they give you this crazy urge to do impulsive things. Usually, people go out and get a tattoo, dye their hair, or go through a phase where they always look amazing to make up for how crappy they feel. I on the other hand will be masturbating in front of a room full of people. Way to be subtle, Issy. I would rather do this than ruin my natural hair color anyway.

"Are you ready? If you're going to back out, you should do it now. Once this light comes on, all eyes are on you." Alli warns.

"I'm ready. Stop trying to talk me out of it," I'm doing this. I'm so glad I did some landscaping in the shower before we got dressed.

"Okay, Issy. You're on." She flips the switch and exits the room.

My back is to the wall, and I'm standing at the foot of the bed. I move my hair over my shoulder and reach behind me to slowly unzip my dress, allowing it to fall to the floor. Next, I untie the silk string that crisscrosses up my back and wiggle out of my lingerie, leaving it with my dress. I remain only in my high heels as I climb onto the bed and turn around to face the main room, only to be met with a reflection of myself. In a way, it brings me confidence. I can imagine my reflection is Marcello and Ezra.

I settle at the edge of the bed and spread my legs wide, propping my feet up on two stools that Alli found for me. She also lined up all the toys I'll be using right next to where I'm sitting so I can easily reach them. My heart has never beat this fast before. Thankfully, they keep this place fairly cool so I don't turn into a puddle of sweat.

First, I use butterfly nipple clamps. I suck both index fingers into my mouth and massage over my nipples to get them hard. Once they're perfectly perked, I clamp them at the same time. The sudden pinch makes me gasp, but the sting is only for a moment. I have always found a great amount of pleasure where there is pain. I crave pain like an addict craves their next fix.

I take a medium-sized butt plug and lubricate it before teasing my opening and sliding it in. I love the way it stretches me, making me eager for the finale, but I must be patient. It has been so long since I had one of these in, so it feels tight. Lastly, I grab the purple vibrating dildo and lubricate it. I turn the vibration on at the highest setting and connect it to my clit, instantly making me moan out. I imagine Marcello's dick in my ass while Ezra massages his against my center, preparing me before he enters.

I rub the dildo in a circular motion vividly until I feel my insides quake. My moans fill the silence in the room as Ezra slides inside and fucks me fast and hard. He fills me with his hot cum as I approach my climax. My legs shake as my first orgasm bursts, juices squirting all over Ezra's dick. I remove the butt plug and put it in the bowl. I turn around with my knees on the edge of the bed while my back faces the main room. I bend over and arch my back so that my ass is in clear sight. I take the dildo and rub the vibration against my pussy to use my wetness before I slowly slide it into my ass. It's Marcello's turn to fuck me until I clench around his length. He starts slow, but more he thrusts, the better it feels. I take him in and he pumps faster. Only seconds pass before another orgasm erupts and he gives me his release as I ride out my pleasure. The bed is soaking wet beneath me and my body feels heavy. Imaginary sex with Ezra and Marcello was mind-blowing, so I can only imagine how great it's going to feel when they're burried inside me in real life.

After removing the toy and placing it with the plug, I give Alli the signal to come back and turn off the light, the signal being me taking off the nipple clamps. She must have headed to the room as soon as she saw me touch the first one because the lights turned off before I even made it to the second.

The scene before me when the lights go out takes me by surprise. It seems as if everyone in the main room pulled up a chair in front of the glass. Marcello and Ezra stand out the most because they were front and center, taking the best seats in the house.

"That was amazing! Who the hell are you?" Alli climbs into the bed next to where I'm lying down.

"The new Isabella Monroe. Nice to meet you," We laugh at my response, but I'm being serious. Now that I've discovered this side of myself, I can't go back to being the Issy I used to be.

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