I checked on my wristwatch as I arrived at our company building parking space.

Still on time, as always. When I turned off the engine, a shiny thing on the passenger's seat caught my attention. I chuckled, apprehending it as Nelly's phone left in my car.

"Forgetful little doll."

I took the phone and tried to open it, but Nelly set it with a password.

"Okay, let me try to enter two passwords. Hmmm… let's try 143444 - I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, BABY." I cracked up at the thought of the meaning of the numbers. CRAZY.

"Wrong password? Let's shoot 333314 - YOU ARE THE ONE I LOVE." I breathed a sigh of frustration after I took a second shot. But on second thought, I can use the IT expert in my office. So anyway, I only made fun of it.

When I reached the 8th floor, where my office was, I remembered asking for help unlocking a phone.

"Good morning Jerry."

My secretary stood up when I walked over to his cubicle.

"Good morning, sir. Is there anything you need?"

"Can you ask someone who knows how to unlock a phone to come to my office? I need it right away."

"Yes, sir, I'll have someone in our IT department report to your office. And by the way, Mr. Park, the board members are waiting in the conference room."

"Thank you; you may continue with your work now," I replied and went directly to the conference room.

The board members were all present when I arrived at the meeting room. The gentlemen seated on the circle-shaped table nodded as I made my way to my chair. I nodded in return while my uncle raised a hand to start the meeting as I sat. We tackled the transfer of the President and CEO's position, including the lower hierarchy of the company. It lasted for almost 2 hours before we adjourned and separated ways. The board members left the room, leaving me and my uncle Philip all alone.

I settled my feet on the table and gave a little thought to how things were going. Anywhere I look at the room reminds me of my good grannies. They were the most beautiful people I have ever known in my life. Beautiful inside and out.

"Time flies so fast, Royce. You were so little when aunt Margaretta and uncle Miguel used to take you here," Uncle said as he poured two scotch glasses.

My eyes roam around the room, which used to be my playground when I was a kid. But then, I was innocent and fragile, the reason my grannies molded me to be brave and independent.

"I knew that you'd take over this company one day, and that day has come," Uncle said, then he passed a glass of scotch to me.

I gladly took it and sipped a little. "Thanks," I mouthed as I raised the glass.

"Cheers," Uncle Philip raised his glass, then took his first sip. The fold on his forehead revealed as he raised his eyebrows. His temple creased when uncle looked at me. He smiled before he looked away and remained silent.

I stared at him. All these years, he's been with me even when both my grannies were still alive. I just realized that he had aged so much. The silence was deafening, so I started a conversation. "I still need you."

Uncle Philip jolted and shifted his gaze upon me; surprise crossed his face. He lets out a long breath before his expression hardens.

"I taught you everything you need to know. It's up to you how you took all of those lessons. We have different life principles, but I hope you'll take your grannies' words on how to run a business." He paused, his eyes fixed on mine.

"But seriously, I am still here for you. Call me anytime you want me." His entire face lit up as he gulped the glass of scotch. Uncle Philip stood up, leaned closer, and tapped my shoulder, right before when he turned to leave.

His last few words stay with me. It was like an echoing tape that kept playing in my head. So I hope you'll take your grannies' words on how to run a business. After all, I am here for my grannies; it is my pleasure to run their business and continue their legacy.

"I'm done," I muttered as I stretched my arms and rubbed my neck, releasing all the tensions in my muscles. My working chair is my witness of how hardworking I have been since the day I got to the company I inherited. As I check my wristwatch, it's quarter to 12, lunch break. When I was about to grab myself out of my chair, I noticed a shiny thing on my table.

OH, the forgetful little doll's phone. Instead of heading out for lunch, I settled on food delivery from my favorite Korean restaurant.

Browsing was easy, no need for a password.

"Let me see who I can contact," I said under my breath as I browsed on the phone. The first name on the phonebook got my attention; it seems she chose the person to be the first on the list. So I dialed the number, put it on speaker mode, and placed the phone on the table. I waited until the owner would pick up the call, until... I lost hope.

Maybe I should try another one from the contact list. I grabbed the phone from the table when I heard a silvery voice on the other line.


"Yes, is this Marica?" I responded quickly.

"Yes, this Royce?"

Oh, she knows already. "Yes, it's me. Did Nelly tell you she left her phone in my car this morning?"

"Yes, she did. But I wasn't expecting that you'd call me. She was a little anxious, anyway."

"Ms. Marica, I'm sorry about that. It's just that I have loads of work to do that I forgot to check on her phone right away. And also had to ask an IT expert who could open Nelly's phone because she locked it with a password."

"Ah... don't think about it. I was reminding Nelly to just wait for today. And thank you for taking the time to call me. My best friend will be happy to know this; she is just working now. Should I call her to talk to you?"

"No need. Can you just tell Nelly to meet me after work so that I can return her phone? I'll send you the address." A sudden feeling of thrill arose to the grasping of meeting Nelly again. I felt my face temperature rise.

"Sure, no problem, Royce. Send it to me; then I'll have Nelly meet you after work."

It was on time that there was a knock on my door. I held the phone away from my mouth.

"Come in."

And yes, I guessed it right; Jerry came to bring me food. I pointed out to put the food on the table and waved my hand in command that he could leave.

Jerry left, and I held the phone near my mouth again.

"Thank you, Ms. Marica, so that would be all."

"Yeah, Royce; I really appreciate this for my best friend."

After cutting the conversation with Marica, I called on a reservation for two in my favorite Italian restaurant and then texted Nelly about the details.

Later that night, I ended my day with my tasks perfectly finished. I ease all the stress by stretching my arms and rubbing my neck. Eyes closed while listening to the cracks in my neck as I rolled it left to right. When swiftly, a beautiful lass entering the lobby of a building flashed through my mind. Swinging her knee-length floral dress and her beautiful dark blonde hair swaying in tune. Rushing to step forward to the building like a catwalk model carrying her white pump shoes, making her look taller.

The forgetful little doll. I said under my breath. I then remembered our scheduled dinner tonight, so I opened my eyes to check on my wristwatch. My watch says it's 6 in the evening. "I think I should go; it would be better to arrive first and wait for her."

It was a 30-minute ride from our building. I took off my suit and folded my long sleeves at my elbow-length, just like when I was in the fast-food restaurant. As I headed to the front door, I heard someone calling me.

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