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Chapter 3: Arrogant Theodulf

The Sassari School of Arts had begun to hold classes. A swarm of kids rushed to the door, and the four girls were among them. Muriel led the other girls, Susan, Chin, and Rakiza trailing behind.

They had several classes to attend: Muriel had a dance class; Chin had a ballet class; Susan had a music lesson; and Rakiza had an art class. She was also carrying a white canvas and a pencil pouch.

"See you later, alligators," Muriel said first, followed by Susan and Chin, and finally Raki. Rakiza was sprinting up to the top floor of the building, where the art class room was housed; the hallway was nearly empty when she arrived. She ran her last turn to the left as she collided with someone, and her art equipment and bag flew in the air in different directions as her body sank to the floor, her little sized canvas hurled further.

"What the F?" she yelled.

"It's bad to yell at a man like me." The deep, menacing voice was too familiar. The arrogant, ill-mannered man was staring down at her. She was still on the floor, looking up at him.

"What a tiny world for the two of us to collide again." Theo smiled. "Are you keeping an eye on me?"

"What?" Rakiza sprang to her feet and pointed at him, "Are you insane?" I'm a student here, and you're an intruder, right? "

"Wrong, I study here as well. In fact, I was supposed to enter that room earlier if we hadn't crossed paths, "he mumbled as he moved towards the door. "What a teeny-tiny girl."

"What did you say?" yelled Rakiza.

"Ask you, deaf girl," he said, and smiled as he walked into the room.

Were we classmates in the arts? Rakiza grumbled.

She quickly gathered her things and stumbled into the room, drawing attention to her clumsiness once more.

All of her classmates' gazes were drawn to her from their usual chairs and canvases, all with nasty expressions on their faces.

Rakiza chastised herself for behaving like a moron.

"Ops!" I'm sorry." She then covered her face with her canvas and ran to her seat by the window, where she placed her canvas on the easel with a crash after dropping her painting materials on the floor.

And her classmates turned to look at her again, all frowning and agitated in their eyes.

"I'm sorry, I was just... uhm... late, which is why I was so nervous and dropped stuff," she apologized thinly.

"Enough, Zanier," he said, trying to keep the noise to a minimum. "Today, silence is required in this room," Professor Malden said as he stepped up the small ramp to begin the lesson. On his balding head, with a mustache, he appeared more like a lab doctor than an art professor; his large nose stood out from the rest of his face.

"I'd like to introduce you to our newest student at school. And he'll pose for you as a reference for your painting or drawing for today. " He paused and said, in a singsong accent, "Please welcome, Mr. Theodulf Monsanto," also known as "Theo." Give him a standing ovation. "

And then a man got up from his seat and walked up to the modeling stool in the center of the room.

All of the students clapped, but not Rakiza, who was upset by her most despised man of the week, who now had a name: Theodulf Monsanto. "What a bee!" Rakiza sneered, disgusted. "Why can't they find another model?" she muttered to her classmate.

"And why not?" chuckled the blonde girl classmate. "He's stunning, and he's a full man in every way."

"And today, he will be your model," the professor said.

Theo removed his shirt casually, revealing the wonderfully sculpted muscles in his chest and abs. Again, all the pupils, both boys and girls, whistled in admiration, but not Rakiza.

Rakiza scoffed. What a self-centered man.

"And I have a surprise for all of you," Prof. Malden added. "The faculties and heads agreed to my proposal to conduct a painting contest at the start of classes, and the winner will earn a high score and cash prize."

Rakiza's ear was pricked by the phrase "cash prizes." She then asked, "How much is the prize for the victors, sir?"

"Five hundred dollars for third place, one thousand dollars for second, and two thousand dollars for the first award, plus your winning work will be displayed on the student's memory wall. How do you like it? "

Except for Rakiza, everyone clapped their hands, drew their drawing pads and painting tools, and began to outline Theo. Rakiza's lack of interest was noted by the professor. She kept herself occupied by biting on her pinky finger.

"What are you waiting for, Zanier?"

She jolted and said, "Yes, Sir," pulling out her drawing tools and beginning to sketch an outline of her enemy.

She caught Theodulf's mocking stare, then turned to the other student with a kind grin. To avoid making eye contact with Mr. Monsanto, she focused her gaze on the muscled region of his chest.

After a few hours, the other students finished their sketches and paintings one by one. Rakiza closed her drawing pad and exclaimed, "I'm done with you, bad boy!"

All eyes were on her, and she appeared to be an idiot in the midst of a crowd of wealthy and preserved students staring at her. Rakiza shrugged and mumbled, "I'm sorry."

Professor Malden approached her, "What are you doing here? What prompted you to utter such ungrateful words about our volunteer model? " He took her drawing pad.

Rakiza then closed her eyes in terror at what she had done. And Theo was staring at her with his shirt already on.

The professor's eyes widened with surprise. He then returned to the ramp with Rakiza's sketching pad and said, "Emotion and inspiration are the most important things when painting or creating your work, and the outcome of your drawings or paintings will be determined by the emotions you are feeling at the time you produce your work."

Rakiza could feel the embarrassment approaching as she closed her eyes. She knew what she'd done was irreparable.

Prof. Malden continued, "And, in order to produce a fantastic outcome for your work, you and your model must develop feelings and relationships. And here is what Rakiza Zanier felt about our volunteer model. " He opened the sketching pad and showed Rakiza's drawing to her classmates.

Everybody was shocked.

They were all staring at Rakiza's funny illustration of Theo. She shaped Theo's head into a small eggplant, with bulging and sprouting eyes. His lips were swollen and his saliva was dripping like a thirsty dog.

Her classmates' lips were filled with a variety of unbelievable emotions. Some of them were laughing, while others were furious at her.

"You didn't take it seriously, Zanier," Prof. Malden said, completely upset. "You are one of the best artistic pupils this school has, but what happened to you now?"

He then glanced at Theodulf, apologizing. "He agreed to pose, and your artwork made him seem foolish," He sighed in disappointment and said, "What's the matter with you, Zanier?" He tossed the pad onto his desk.

Rakiza's punishment was eagerly anticipated by everyone.

Professor Malden's voice was heard again. "May I ask you, Theodulf Monsanto, what punishment do you think she should get for making fun of you?"

Theo's voice filled the room, "Since she criticized my face in her drawing, I think she should depict me as the way I genuinely appeared." He looked at Rakiza, adding, "She will draw me half naked in my spare time."

"That's the most just punishment for you, Rakiza." Professor Malden agreed, "And I'll give you one week to draw him as he appeared, and your grades will depend on it."

The bell rang, and all the students dashed out the door, around Theo.

Professor Malden spoke, "If I were you, I'd run after him." He then walked away.

Rakiza froze in her chair, glued to it, and then decided to follow Professor Malden's advice.

The students were rioting in the canteen. Everyone is preoccupied with eating, gossiping, and tormenting other students. They included Rakiza's roommates and her dorm buddies.

Rakiza emerged from the left corner of the school's vacant foyer, almost running. She needed to eat quickly and went in search of Theodulf Monsanto. As she stepped through the large entrance, she clashed with the door frame's edge and fell to the floor. With frowns on their faces, all of the kids turned to face her. Then everyone laughed at her and mocked her.

Not again, she thought, as she rose to her feet.

"Raki! "Over here! " Muriel motioned for her to join them at their table.

"What happened to you?" Susan asked, noticing something on Rakiza. "Raki, you were so pale."

"Are you being chased by a dog?" Chin said, and laughed.

"You don't look good in that jumper you're wearing. You looked like a rug," Muriel commented.

Rakiza had grown accustomed to her friends' unwelcome comments, which turned her into a laughingstock at times. And she would ignore all of them as she selected food.

After Rakiza finished her meal, she noticed Theo standing near the main door of the canteen, staring at her. She immediately grabbed her belongings, threw her trash in the trash bin, and dashed to the door. She gasped and groped for the door frame, but Theo was nowhere to be found. The lobby that connected the canteen was deserted. Her friends, who had gathered at her back, were shocked.

"Who are you looking at, Rakiza?" murmured Muriel.

Rakiza frowned as she murmured to her friends. "Where has he gone?"

Chin’s small eyes squinted, "But there was no one here, Raki."

"Is he as gorgeous as Ron?" Susan exclaimed.

"Shut up, Susan," Muriel chastised, before smiling at Rakiza. "How does he look?"

Rakiza yelled, "He was a hideous, ill-mannered man, and he was standing right here!" She mumbled before bolting from the lobby, leaving her pals bewildered.

"What are you on about, Rakiza?" Chin yelled at Raki.

"Hey! Rakiza! Where are you going?" Muriel called out.

Rakiza was running and was bumping into every room she passed, until she reached the exit door going to the backyard of the school, and in the middle of the football field, stood still Theo, who was staring at her.

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