Part 2~Awake~

Part 1 Awake

Shandy groaned out feebly, as her crusted eyes slowly began to flicker open, the warmth surrounding her giving a small sense of comfort. She tried to focuse her eyes in on the unfamiliar place she was currently in. Yet her vision kept blurring in & out. Where the hell was she?

She tried to move and gasped at the amount of pain that gripped her. It felt as if she'd been hit by a mack truck.

"Oh God." she croaked out in a whisper.

Twisting her head around dizzying as she did while trying to take in the room she was in. From what she could tell it was very dark and had even darker hard wood floors. It was very well kept from what she could see with her obscured sight.

"He....hello." She called out in a weakened voice, her throat so dry & scratchy she could barely swallow.

"Ouuuchh!" she grabbed her head that had gauze circled around it. It pounded harshly as she moaned in pain.

" any...body!?" She whimpered out once again, holding her head. Wincing harshly at the discomfort she was experiencing.

She layed her head back groaning, hearing long strides walking inside and stopping at the bed she lay in.

"You can't be moving around, you have many injuries." The deep voice cut through the silence of the room.

Shandy blinked a few times to try and clear her vision. She couldn't see the face of the man standing very near her inside the poorly lit room. He looked like a shadowy tall figure with her eyes still fuzzy.

"Can you....Pl....please tell me wh....what has happened?...all I re...remember is a detour and car it..... flipped...I think." She recalled with pained confusion in her expression.

"Well.....I was on my way home from the market when I came upon your vehicle and yes it had indeed flipped. You had been there a while, it was dark and you would have been frozen if I hadn't came through when I did." He responded concisely.

"Th....thank you who....whomever you are, I am grateful to you for helping me." She breathed out, flinching in pain.

"Your quite welcome, you have been asleep for two days, I had to put a makeshift IV in your arm to keep you from dehydrating, I wasn't positive you would live. I'm glad you are awake, maybe I'll get a full night's sleep now." He replied rather curtly.

"Omg! Two days!" Her voice rose a bit more as she tried to move and yelped out in pain.

"You can not mooove so fast, I told you!" He raised his voice almost angrily.

Tears streaked down the sides of her face hitting the cuts she had gotten from the crash, stinging as the salted tears hit them.

"Ohh God wh...what am I gonna do?" she remarked crying softly.

"Your gonna lay in this bed until you are healed. You may very well be here for a while. We got a blizzard so the house were in is over halfway covered with snow, and there may be more on its way." He spoke as though he was void of any emotion.

"What does that mean?" she asked dumbfounded, sniffling and carefully wiping the wetness from her stinging face.

"It means exactly what I said...your gonna be here for a long time, maybe untill the spring thaw, nobody ever comes back here, so the snow stays untill it melts. I'm talking about at least three-four months if not more" he answered with blunt irritation.

"But family....they'll be worried! Omg! I...I can't believe this has happened." she whined.

"Theres no need to get yourself all worked up with the condition your in. I'm gonna give you some medications to help your pain and something to help you sleep, but first you should eat something so you can regain your strength and so the medication im gonna give to you won't make you nauseous." He responded quickly leaving the room.

Shandy sat in total shock of her plight. The tall man returned with a tray and two pills in his hand.

"Here go ahead and take these now, and by the time you get done eating they'll start working", he held his hand out in front of her.

"What are these?" she asked looking at the two fuzzy circles in his hand.

"Seriously?! I just told you. They. Are. Pilllz.One is for pain... and one is for sleep." He pronounced each word to her as though he were speaking to a child.

"I wouldn't poison you, remember you've been in my home for two days while I cared for you, 24/7." He handed them to her. Even though she couldn't see clearly. She just threw them inside her mouth and swallowed with the glass of water he held to her lips.

"Th....thank you sir." She blew out a heavy sigh.

"Ok here, you need this." He rolled a tray that fit over the bed placing a bowl of soup in front of her handing her a spoon. She tried to hold the utensil, yet she couldn't keep a grip on it and dropped it.

"I....I can...can't hold it." She cried, he handed her a tissue.

"Will you please stop with the crying, I'll help you, for Pete's sake." he responded with aggravation."Things could be could be dead!" He snapped.

"Yea....yea, your right...your absolutely right sir." She whispered still sobbing.

"Now let's see if we can sit you up a bit" he responded.

"Ok listen....I'm gonna lift you some and you may feel some discomfort. But we've gotta move you or you'll have bigger issues" he raised his brows.

"What do you mean bigger issues?" she asked with a shaky voice.

"Don't have a fit woman, it's just bad for you is all I'm saying. It will make it that much harder when you have to eventually get up and move, like when you need to use the bathroom, you see what I'm getting at?" His words were filled with sarcasm.

"Ok I understand what your saying," she spoke lowly and decided it best if she just keep her mouth zipped before she got an overwhelming urge to be as hateful as he was being, or just say fuck you, which is what she felt like doing.

However, this cranky man had saved her and she would remain forever in his debt. Even if he was behaving rudely.

She imagined him to have beady little eyes, thin white hateful lips and sunken hollowed cheeks.

"Try to sit up as much as you can on your own" he instructed like a grumpy old man.

She didn't wanna show him her weakness, it's not as though he seemed to really give a care anyways. She gritted her teeth pushing herself to sit up as pain shot through her causing her to squeal out, she could feel his large warm hands on her back helping to guide her.

"Ok that's good." He replied, with the same cold attitude.

He sat in a chair turning on the lamp beside the bed illuminating his face, yet she still could not make out his features that she knew would be spot on with how she already pictured him.

"Ok here, open up" he started to feed her.

"Can I please have a tissue to wipe my eyes first? Please sir." she asked politely.

"He handed her a tissue" scoffing as he did. She wiped her eyes, her vision becoming more and more cleared with the effort.

"Can you hurry before that medication hits you for fucks sake!" He snapped.

She couldnt believe how he had just spoke to her and was finally fed up with his smart remarks.

"I swear your an as--" She started, her words suddenly catching in her throat as he turned his face around locking eyes with her.

"I'm a what?" he asked? Laying his head to the side an eyebrow raised.

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