Part 3~Hero~
Pt 3 ~Hero~
Shandy stared in complete astonishment gawking at the man that sat less than 2 feet away from her holding a bowl of soup, with a serious look set on his perfect face.
"I'm a what?" He asked again.
"Oh wh....what I was gonna say is y...your a....uhm....your a.....hero a...and I'm truly grateful to you, kind sir. I....I am forever beholden to you." She replied, covering the fact that she was gonna lash out at him about his bitter attitude toward her.
This man was unbelievably handsome, so hard to believe he was such a hateful ass.
"Yea....well I couldn't just leave a bleeding person hanging upside down unconscious in a car now could I? Here eat this before it gets cold." He responded holding the spoon up to her mouth without a shred of emotion.
Shandy accepted the bite of soup, which was nothing but nasty unsalted beef broth.
"Eewwwahhh!!" Her body shuddered at the taste.
"You can't have solid food just yet, since your body has been on auto pilot for the past couple days.
You have to slowly begin eating again or it will wreak havoc on your system." He said with certainty.
He started to give her another bite.
"Hey m...maybe I can try to feed myself again." she let out softly, he sat the bowl in front of her almost like it pissed him off.
"I...I'm sorry..I really appreciate you helping me. Did I say something wrong?" She asked. His eyes looking very angry.
"No.. just eat the shit, or you'll never recover." He handed her the spoon and stood up from his chair next to the bed, arms crossed over his broad chest, like he was gonna make damn sure she finished every drop of the vile liquid set before her.
She held the spoon in her shaky hand a bit better than before. He stared down at her which was intimidating to say the least.
"Ok eat fast or you'll fall asleep and I do not feel like cleaning up a bowl of spilt soup!" he raised his voice, a grimace spread across his perfect mouth.
Shandy was boiling mad at his poor bedside manner, even if he was extraordinarily attractive, his attitude sucked and she had never been the type to play well with smug pricks. No matter how damn pretty they were.
She reached in front of her grabbing the bowl of dispicable soup with her trembling hands. Holding her breath she turned the bowl up drinking it entirely while she tried to control her gag reflexes.
She managed to keep it down making a disgusted face as she sat it back down.
"There I'm done with that foul shit." She sneered. "Now you can go." She spoke turning her head away from him towering over her small frame laying helplessly in the bed.
He chuckled lowly, causing her to automatically stare up at him.
"Something funny?" She darted her eyes up at him, her brows furrowed.
"Yea you." He answered flatly.
"Well then...im so fucking happy I was capable of entertaining you?" She popped off mumbling profanities under her breath, her arms crossed stubbornly over her chest.
"I know your kind." He responded with a smug arrogance to his tone, which rattled her cage even more...if that was possible.
"Oh yea?, And I know your kind as well!" She retaliated.
"And What...pray tell, is my kind?" he questioned, arms still defiantly crossed over his chest.
"Just...just go! I'm getting sleepy from those goddamned pills you forced upon me." She fussed.
"No tell me what my kind is?" He pushed.
"Ok....ok you really wanna know?" she raised her volume. A mean scowl appearing on her face.
"Yea I reeeeally do!" A smirky grin adorning his lips.
"Your a fucking asshole!, that believes himself to be superior to everyone else, an arrogant, smug, wicked hound of a man that thinks he's far too good to behave like a decent human being!" She rasped out her breath fast, a furious look on her face. She had held nothing back from this insufferable male.
"I was decent enough to save you, wasn't I?" He stared with a solemn face.
"Look....wh...whatever your damn name is. Which I do believe 'douchbag' would suit you quite nicel--."
"Donovan!" he replied loudly, cutting her off.
"Ok then.....Donovaaan, I appreciate your assistance and will pay you generously for all the pain and suffering you've endured while caring for me, I really don't wanna be here.....to...to infect your life with my presence." She concluded her hands expressing every word she spoke, with much attitude.
"Well you are here....so we had better get a few things cleared up between us. First this is my house and you are a guest here. A guest I'm having to tote and run for, so watch your attitude little girl!." He spoke with brute straight forwardness.
Shandy started to feel alittle loopy headed, as he kept mumbling. she figured she had better just deal with the guy that was taking care of her, as hateful as he was. Maybe he was mad because she had invaded his territory, which she guessed was understandable.
If he lived this far back, he must be the kind that liked his solitude, so she would respect him for that.
"I'm sorry....sir I'm truly sorry, I will try to be as little bother to you as I can be, I am in your home, you have taken care of me and again I am grateful." She breathed out defeated.
"Yea ok." He simply stated, his nose flaring like an angered bull.
"I have to remove that IV from your arm." He confirmed, pointing at it, completely Changing the subject and throwing her off guard as she was trying to apologise to him.
She had forgotten there was an oddly fashioned IV inserted in the top of her hand.
"Oh......ok yea." She responded softly, examining the glass bottle hanging up on a coat rack by her bed.
"I have to go fetch the first aid kit and I'll be back in a moment to remove it." He walked outta the room.
She took in a deep breath. Holy shit...this man was a difficult to get along with. Three months with him was gonna be a test to her patience. She just hoped they could get along without ultimately wanting to kill one another.
Within 5 minutes he strode back inside as if he were some young lord. He sat a box on the table opposite the other side of the bed.
He slipped on a pair of latex gloves making a loud pop snap and raising a brow like he was gonna perform some kinda exam below the waist. He chuckled seeing her eyes widen and collected a few more things carrying them over beside her.
Sitting close to her he took her hand in his own, she watched his eyes scan over her face down to her chest where her nipples were very clearly pebbled up & visible through the thin white cami she wore.
She rolled her eyes not even caring if he looked. It wasn't like her boobs were hanging out on clear display. He licked his lips which she found so alluring, yet she quickly looked elsewhere to hide her hot cheeks she knew had turned rose red.
"Ok this may pinch a bit." He warned in his usual cold tone.
"Mhmm, ok." She sucked in a breath of air squeezing her eyes shut and tightly fisting the quilt with her other hand as he quickly pulled the needle out of her hand causing her to moan out in pain.
She opened her eyes to him biting down on his lip with a slight smirk, like he enjoyed hearing her painful cries,causing her to growl lowly.
He wiped alcohol across her hand then bandaged it.
"Ok all done." He said.
"When can I bathe?" she asked.
"Tomorrow I'll help you with that." He answered with a straight face.
"Uhmm I...I think maybe I can manage that alone." She responded quickly.
"Ok we will see." He smiled fakely.
This asshat would not be bathing her, if she had to drag herself across the floor on her belly like a damn snake. She screamed inside gritting her teeth.
Her eyes were becoming heavier and heavier until finally she succumb to the darkness that took her over.