Part 4~Destined~
Chapter 4 Destined
Shandy woke to a bit of a brighter day, the curtains were pulled back as she noticed snow built up on over half the outside of the window. He certainly wasn't bending the truth when he told her that the house was over half covered, and heavy snow was still falling.
"Morning!" He suddenly replied, causing her to jump a bit at his loud deep voice.
"Morning." She mumbled.
He carried a tray with coffee, scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and a small bowl of oatmeal placing it on the table he rolled over her lap as she tried feebly to sit herself up more in the bed, her eyes lighting up joyfully at getting real food.
"You can have a bit more today, since you sat up last night" he remarked.
"Thank you sir!" she replied excitedly.
"Please do not call me sir, do I look like an old man? I believe we're about the same age, ma'am. " He spoke fast, his brows scrunched up together.
She ignored him grabbing the fork ready to devour the breakfast set before her.
"Don't go diving into that so fast." He scolded, like he knew she was gonna do that very thing. "You'll make your stomach cramp up if you do...and that will not be pleasant for you....or me, for that matter." He thinned his lips raising his brows.
"Ohh." Her mouth formed an 'O' knowing exactly what he was talking about. She'd get the screaming shits is what he meant and oh hell naww she couldn't stand the thoughts of him having to tote her to sit on the toilet numerous times, or worse, have to use a bed pan.
"Ok ...I...I'll eat very slowly. " She promised, crossing her heart. "Coffee!" A goofy smile covered her lips as she held the cup lovingly to her chest."My old friend" she coo'ed.
He chuckled a bit at her goofy antics, her eyes flew up when she heard him. She looked at him in utter disbelief.
"What?" He asked, a crooked smirk still on his lips.
"You...you actually laughed." She pointed at him in shock.
"Yea I do that occasionally if there's something worth laughing at." He looked at her as though she were certifiable.
"Sorry, I just didn't think you were the laughing kind." She tittered.
"Eat!" he stared at her with a crooked grin, displaying the cute dimples she just now realized he had. Damn that made him even more attractive.
"Yes sir, oopps I mean yes Donovan...lord and master. Thank you for the breakfast." she replied , as she went to sit herself up more. "Ouuuchhh! Goddammit!" she hissed out in pain.
He let out another deep chuckle..
"Do you take great pleasure in seeing or hearing me in pain sir?" She joked staring at him with an unamused look on her face.
"It's just the cursing coming from such a...little package. That's what I found rather comical." he answered.
"Ok, ok I'll let you slide on that one. And fyi...I'm not that damn small. Baby got back....and front, she layed her palms over her large breasts." She giggled, snorting a bit as she sipped the steaming hot coffee carefully. "Mmm this is really tasty joe, do you perhaps have more sugar?" She asked rolling her lip down as she crunched on the crispy bacon.
"You don't need all that sugar."
"Are you my father!?" She asked perturbed, her eyes widening.
He gave her a sexy smirk.
"Nope...not your father....but I could most certainly be your daddy?" He bit his lip.
She sputtered on her coffee nearly choking. "Uhh...uhhm. Wh...whaaat?" She gave him a shocked look.
He looked at her seriously. "Did I make you feel uncomfortable Shandyyy?" He asked in a low deep tone.
"How....how do you know my name!?" She asked gazing up at him confused.
"Simple....your purse had your license in it dumbass, and I looked." He spoke as though she were foolish for wondering.
"Oh my, my purse!" She yelled catching him off guard.
"Yes I have it along with the luggage you had in your upside down car. I thought you may need the shit, if you lived." He replied with a puff.
"Well I lived! so where is my purse!?" She exclaimed, slapping her hands together.
"Hold on dammit! Dont start bossing me around and demanding shit! I've got things I have to do before I start running for you, princess! After I'm done...I might bring your precious purse to you.. I'm not your fucking slave woman!" He sneered."And if you think you'll get reception on that damn cell phone this far back. Think again." He assured.
She threw her head back whining like a petulent child.
"Just stop with your bitchy, whiny act!" He snarled.
"Fuck you! You sonofabitch!" She snapped.
"No! You little shit! Fuck you! Now eat and shut your goddamn loud mouth! I'll bring your purse when I'm good and ready!" He shouted, charging outta the room like a mad bull. Leaving her so enraged she screeched out loud as he left.
Donovan sat in the kitchen sipping his coffee trying to calm his seething anger. He didn't know if he could handle another couple months with this saucy little bitch. She was testing his composure. He knew he had no choice and thought she'd be much more docile than she turned out to be. He didn't like mouthy females, which was exactly what she was.
The detour had been a set up, all prearranged by his father. Yet the accident had been an unfortunate occurrence.
The car was only suppose to stall and then he would have happened upon her, offering a place for her to take refuge from the storm.
But nnnooo she had foolishly kept driving and slid off in a fucking ditch "typical female!" Which had caused the unexpected injuries she had suffered, making this situation a helluva lot more difficult for him. He was beyond pissed at this turn of events. "That damn stubborn little bratty ding bat!" He cursed in a hushed tone.
According to his father she was "the one."
Donovan had been forced into this whole stuck in the snow act. She was destined to be his queen, or so he was told. He hated being told he had to accept this female as his life partner.
This headstrong, sassy, little she devil of a woman. He'd just as soon lay her across his lap and bust her round ass, leaving her with a welted, blood red butt cheeks and sniveling in the corner like a scolded child.
He smirked, licking across his bottom lip, chuckling at the obscene thought.
He couldn't understand why she wasn't swooning over him yet. It never took very long at all. Women would give anything just to spend one night in his bed...and there had been many.
Women fell all over him back in his kingdom, there wasn't a single one that could resist his charms. All he had to do was smile and panties dropped.
She should be putty in his hands by now, something wasn't right with her, with this whole damn situation, and it was thoroughly causing him excessive fury.
He hoped it could be that she was the wrong girl. But no such luck, she had the little unmistakable mark on her which he had personally checked himself while she was unconscious.
A reddish raised flower shaped birthmark resembling a daisy graced her hip, there was no denying it was her. He was not at all happy with this pairing after finding out what a sarcastic, mouthy little bitch she turned out to be.
He was pleased with her looks. She was most definitely hot as fuck. Her body well proportioned...a perfect hourglass shape. A nice round ass, big tits. She had it all. She was indeed the most beautiful female he'd ever layed eyes on. But the way she acted completely changed his mind about wanting her. No fucking way could he deal with a split tale like her.
30 minutes later he stood from the table grabbing onto the wheelchair puffing out as he strolled to her room with that damn purse she went nuts over sitting in the seat.
She was dozing off as he entered quietly, tossing the purse right onto her lap causing her to jump in surprise.
"Ahhh! Oucccchhh! Why the hell did you do that!? You evil shit!" She hissed.
"Your bath will be ready in 10 minutes your majesty! So wake the fuck up!" He remarked in a snarky demanding tone.
"I....I need at least 30 minutes and more coffee!" She puffed.
Donovan rolled his eyes.
"Hurry and be awake and ready in 20 minutes or you'll be taking a cold bath, and no more damn coffee until after your bath." He spat, leaving the chair and hurrying outta the room.
Who the fuck did this turd think he was? Doing cruel shit like that.
"God he's such a grouchy motherfucker." she mumbled to herself.
20 minutes past and she was sitting up, which took a great deal of effort on her part, but she was none the less ready to scrub herself clean after three days of laying in the same disgusting clothing.
Donovan strolled back inside the room."Are you ready madam?" He asked sarcastically, bowing as if she were royalty.
"Mhmm yes." She responded rolling her eyes at his little act & gritting her teeth before she said something that would undoubtedly make him go flying away pissed again and there she'd lay in her filth for God knows how much longer.
He rolled the wheelchair over beside the bed.
"This may hurt, so be prepared." he gave her a sharp look.
"Ok I understand." she took in a deep breath, readying herself.
He leaned over slipping his arm behind her back.
"Put your arm around my neck." He instructed. She gave him a suspicious look..
"Seriously woman! If your actually thinking I'm tryna feel you up...think again. You are definitely not my fucking type. So unless you prefer to lay here stinking I suggest you comply darling!" He grumbled.
She reached up wrapping her arm around his neck. She started thinking how nice it would feel to squeaze her arm so tight around that thick neck of his until he began choking and she'd seriously consider it if she wasn't in such a poor shape.
His other arm slid under her legs making her squeak out like a little mouse.
She felt strange goosebumps from his touch, a bit like a rush of adrenaline flowed through her causing her breath to catch and heart to boom outta control.
His scent was a clean musk. So pleasant, she breathed it in deeply, her head becoming somewhat woozy from doing so.
He scooped her up as she sucked her lips inside making her lips almost completely disappear. She silently cryed in pain from the movement of her severely battered body.
He placed her in the chair more gently than she expected him to.
"Do you wanna gather some clean clothes for yourself?"
"Y...Yes please." She stuttered still feeling herself whirling on the inside from the contact they had just shared.
Maybe it was because of the bump on her head making her feel like this. Regardless she felt embarrassed by it, and her face certainly showed it.
He walked to the closet to retrieve her suitcases as her eyes roamed over his tall lean body. And damn that ass of his....simply splendid. She felt shame as she sat in the chair waiting with her head low, eyes rolled up so far it caused them to ache. Her bangs curtaining her sinful gaze that followed his every movement. He was so unbelievably attractive.....a fact she would rather take a whip lashing, than to admit.
He suddenly sat them on the bed in front of her while her eyes dropped to her fiddling fingers, as though she were completely bored.
His long fingers worked on the latches of her luggage, which she also found quite intriguing to watch. She wondered what he could do with those long figures. A smirk she could not hold back made its way to her lips.
He opened them turning to see the little grin she wore.
"What's that unholy grin about?" He chuckled lowly, showing her one of his own.
His words took her by surprise. She had been so damned wrapped up watching those fingers of his working at the locks and now she had to come up with something.
"It....its just you have such freakishly loooong fingers. Kinda reminds me of what an aliens might look like." She began giggling.
"Hmm." He hummed bending over placing his hands on the arms of the wheel chair she sat in, his face mere inches away from her own.
"I bet.....no....I guarantee that these loooong fingers could make you do some freaky things little girl. He then placed two up to his mouth and gave then a little lick.
Shandy held her breath, her cheeks looking like she'd been slapped on both sides. Her heart feeling as if it were sitting inside her mouth and if she opened it; it would definitely flop out and plop onto the floor at his feet.
"Now get your shit together smart ass before the damn water gets cold." He stood quickly looking down on her with a brow jacked up.
She shook her head clearing away the image of him licking his damn fingers.
"O...ok can you step aside please!" She raised her voice flustered by his actions.
He stepped aside watching her closely which only intensified her jitters.
She grabbed her warm pajamas, she was so glad she had brought, along with undergarments and a pair of fuzzy socks and slippers. Then took a smaller bag with all her toiletries inside sitting it on her lap along with her clothing.
"Ok I...i'm ready." She closed her eyes as not to look at this guy anymore. From now on she'd have to watch what the fuck she said to him. She flinched a bit with a sharp pain that shot through her head all at once.
Donovan handed her another pill to take.
"What's this for?" She asked flatly.
"For pain." he responded incredulously as if it was simply ridiculous of her to ask.
"Will this make me sleepy?"
"More than likely, yes, but it could take up to an hour to work, so you should be all done with your bath by then and you can take a wittle nap." He explained like he was speaking to a child.
Shandy squinted her eyes angrily and just kept quiet to avoid anymore arguments with this damned fool.
She snatched it from his palm, stubbornly trying to swallow it without any water.
He chuckled at her attempted smartass move as she distorted her face from the bitter tasting pill that stuck on the side of her throat melting.
"Need a sip of water darling?" He tittered.
"Mhm" she choked out.
He reached for the cup on her bedside stand pouring her a bit as he held back his laughter, she swilled down the water in big gulps.
"Thank you." She remarked embarrassed. She had already decided she would speak as little as possible.
She handed him the glass he sat back down on the stand and stepped behind her pushing her out of the bedroom.
The hair on the back of her neck stood up feeling him standing so close to her. She could feel heat from his center on her head making her shiver a bit.
She leaned forward putting her elbows on her legs to avoid his mid section on the back of her head.
"Something wrong?" He asked, coming to a stop.
"Just the headache, I'm fine" she lied. He resumed pushing her through a darkened hallway that was null of any decoration or pictures on the walls, just dark panelling was all she could make out.
How bland is this butthole? she thought. His personality was like the hallway, dark and lacking character.
He rolled her into a small bathroom, that only held the bare essentials.
"There's shampoo and soap on the edge if you need it. And ive layed you out a couple towels, and a rag." He breathed out.
"I have my own shampoo & soap...but thanks for the towels and stuff." She smiled fakely waiting for him to turn and leave.
"You may leave now, thanks for getting me in here." She held her smile.
"You sure you don't need any help?" He asked, a smirk playing on his lips.
"I'll manage." She looked back at him.
"Ok, if you need me, just yell out." He remarked then closed the door behind him leaving her alone.