Chapter seven
Jemima's POV
I couldn't hide my smile after he called me beautiful.I lifted my eyes from his chest and found him looking at me. I don't know if I will ever get used to his attractiveness.We were lost into each other's eyes until I turned my head to break the contact. It was electrifying.When we got into the room I felt like I was inside a basketball field. I thought my brother was obsessed, it seems Drake was worse.
"Welcome to my solitude your royal Highness..." He placed me down carefully.
"I thought my brother was a basketball holic but I think you are worse Drake ..."
There was a ball, jersey, shoes and some trophies and awards in a display case. The floor was green and looked like a basketball field.The wall In front of me was a huge image showing a scene of a basketball game. Everything screamed basketball in this room.The wall arts, throw pillows, curtains,basketball goal bed. Damn I have never seen anybody who loves basketball like this man.
I looked at Drake's starstruck but he was busy texting on his phone."Who are you Drake?" I slapped his arm.
"What?" He looked at me all confused, slipping his phone in his pocket."I am asking who are you? This is crazy.You and my brother can be best of friends when he sees this room. I should definitely take photos and show him..." I said excitedly. I still couldn't believe....This is another level of obsession.
"There is nothing serious. I am just a guy who loves basketball more than his life." He explained in a bored tone like it wasn't a big deal."What do you do?" I asked
Drake's POV
It was cute to see Jemima starstruck on seeing my solitude room. It was like seeing a little girl looking around Disneyland
"What do you do Drake?"
"I am a basket..." I almost blew it up."I am a manager who is obsessed with basketball..." I smiled like I hadn't lied. But there was some truth in it. Father wanted me to be a manager in his company and I loved basketball.
"Then why are you not a basketballer?" She slumped herself on the soccer bean bag.
"This thing one can't sit on it when drunk.It's so uncomfortable" She complained, shaking her tiny ass on it.
"Shall we play now?" I sat on a rug beside her.
"You haven't answered my question Drake..."
"I don't want to talk about it..." I faked a sad face.The truth is I didn't want to be trapped in my web of lies. Liars don't talk much.
"It's okay...But if you want to talk I am here" She winked and continued shaking her ass. I switched on the TV and handed her her Xbox 360 controller. After showing her the basics we were ready to start the game. I thought she was amateur but she was pretty good at it."Drake I won..."
"What?" I couldn't believe my eyes. She begun dancing and making faces at me,"Mr nobody has ever beaten me at FIFA..."
"But I thought you hated basketball..." I cried out still on shock."I have a brother who always forced me to play FIFA with him so in the process I had to become a Pro to always put him in his place..." She boasted.
"One more game and then we can see who is the best in FIFA...That was just luck Jemima."I pointed two fingers from her eyes into mine.We played again and she won."Is it still luck Drake?"She wiggled her eyebrows.
"How are you so good?"
"I love playing FIFA but I can't watch a basketball match..." She shrugged.
" You weird and I love it. Come think of it, can you stay till the weekend? We can spend the whole weekend competing against each other.I have never met a girl so good in FIFA..."
"Your wish is my command. Be prepared to lose. Do you want we go again?"
"Yeah sure..." I could hide the excitement on my face..."Your wish is my command.Be prepared to lose. Do you want we go again?"
All the girls I have been with hate FIFA and they always say it's a boys' game.Then what do we have here?The first girl, no the first person to ever beat me on FIFA..
You are a friend for keeps Jemima.
"So Jemima how is it without your parents, it must be so hard?" Instead of answering, she pinches my cheek.
"Are you trying to distract Drake?"
"No, I just want to converse..." I nudged her hand away. After she won for the third time, she placed her controller down and looked at me.
"Can we lie down on your basketball goal bed? My ass kinda hurts..."
"Sure..."I helped her stand up and we both lied on the bed, our heads facing each other. I couldn't stop admiring her.
"I would do anything to bring them back.I miss them but my brother Josh has always made sure he was there for me when he needed to be. He is a basketball coach and so obsess with basketball as well.There was a time he wore jerseys everyday that I had to hide them..." Her face glowed as she talked about her brother."
"I really wanna meet him..."
"I will introduce the both of you someday.Trust me he will like you..."
"So how is my solitude room?"
"I love it.It's so beautiful.For a basketball fanholic I give you a hundred stars..."I couldn't tame my laughter...You can never get bored with this girl."A hundred stars?I thought they give five max..."
"Hundred stars is my thing..." She asked.
"Are you always this jovial and crazy?" I asked.
"I try to make myself as happy as I can..."
"Do you think having such room is crazy?"I whispered.
"No, it might look crazy at first but it will always remind of that love you have for basketball.If I had an empty room I would also stuff it with everything queen B related because I adore her..."
My friends and Cardi always thought I was crazy to have this room and she ever suggested I make it a gym.To her it was childish.
"You know my friends think this room is childish.That only teenage boys should do this."
"Drake normal is boring. Live life as you want to live.People will always find fault in everything you do.I also sleep with Tobi..."
"Is Tobi not a boy?" I scowled at her but she begun laughing.
" Tobi is my teddy bear fool..."A look of relief washed over me. Since I have found a friend who loves FIFA like I do, I am never letting her go.
"Will you be my friend Jemima? I need a crazy female friend in my life who we can play FIFA all night long..."
"As long as you go easy on her at times then she will be.This girl doesn't take brutal honesty well at times..."I felt a little sad for been mean to her.
"Is it about earlier? I am sorry...I don't like men who step on girl's self respect..."
"It's okay.we are now friends and friends always forgive each other..."I felt like my emotions were all over.I had the urge to show and tell her everything about myself.I felt so comfortable around her.I didn't have to fake smile or act okay, I just had to be me in the name of Drake the manager.
"Drake can you tell me more about your basketball likes?"
"But you hate basketball..."
"My brother bores me with basketball lectures almost everyday of my life .I am used to it..."I begun talking about LTB been my favorite basketball team in the world , Drake Harrison and been the best basketballer in the country and the upcoming season when I noticed she was yawning and very sleepy.
"I think that's all for today Jemima, you should go to be..."
"I am sorry Drake, i am just tired.The arguments and the wine worn me out..." She yawned.
"I will also go to bed..." We both walked from the room and I switched off the lights.She turned to go to her room when I grabbed her hand.
"I don't trust you Jemima, you will sleep with me in my room"
"What?"Her eyes and mouth widened with surprise.
"You still hurting and you might do something stupid."I dragged her into my room before she could say anything.
"I can't believe today am sleeping like royalty..."
"Don't worry we will create a pillow fort between us" I assured her
"Whatever Drake, let me just lie my tiny body on this amazing bed..." She took of the boxer and savored into the duvet.I wasn't surprised, she is weird.
"I hope you don't mind,I don't sleep with an inner wear.Honey jar has to breath..."
"I don't mind..." I shook my head.
I created the pillow fort and even before I could tell her goodnight she was asleep. She slept peacefully and weirdly I loved her soft snores. I just smiled like a fool looking at her. I felt a special connection between us. She finds happiness in the little things, something I have never been able to do. Kane really lost a rare gem.