#Chapter 2 (Arina) - Present Day
“You are hereby invited to princess Ronnie’s 16th birthday party,” I mocked as I smashed a beer bottle on the dirt road.
I was surprised to receive an invitation to Ronnie’s birthday party. My name was written on the white envelope in my father’s handwriting and a red pawprint to stamp his Alpha signature.
As I continued to walk toward Alpha’s home, I stumbled through the town center. I brushed my fingers across an old oak tree that was planted at the heart of Ironclaw the day I was born. My mother used to tell me that the tree symbolized that I was the heart of Ironclaw. My Initials were still engraved on the bottom of the tree, along with my mother’s and an old friend of mine, Jonathan’s.
My chest ached at the memory.
I brushed away the tears that were forming in my eyes before I made my way to Rock’s house.
Standing outside of the house I grew up in, I was hesitant before going inside. I wasn’t sure what to do next. I felt a growl escape deep within my throat before I could stop myself.
The house was filled with familiar faces, including Ronnie’s. They were all dancing and talking amongst one another. Most of them paid no attention to me; I could only imagine the lies Rock and Melissa must have said about me.
There was some beer on the counter, which Rock had laid out for the guests. I didn’t hesitate to open one and take a long steady drink. My head was whirling. I wanted to do something, that was for sure.
“Ah! There she is! The birthday girl,” Rock cooed as Ronnie approached.
She smiled up at him; there’s no way she couldn’t see the monster he truly was. Based on the bruises Melissa was hiding, he hasn’t changed.
This was the year that Ronnie was going to turn into her wolf form for the first time.
“I feel the energy of the moon and I can almost hear my wolf speaking. It’s surreal,” Ronnie breathed.
“This is only the first step,” Rock told her, smiling down at her. “First, it’s your transformation, and then we will start planning on finding your mate!”
I nearly laughed; he sounded ridiculous. Pretending to be a caring father.
“You’re so full of yourself.”
My words slurred as I spoke; I had to hold onto the wall to keep from falling over. I took the last sip of the beer I was holding before allowing the can to fall to the ground in a thud.
“You don’t care about Ironclaw. You don’t care about anyone or anything other than yourself. You’ve been nothing but selfish since you married my mother. You put shame on her name with your lies. You put shame on my grandfather, the only decent Alpha that Ironclaw has ever had,” I hissed, trying to keep my words in order.
“Arina…” Melissa warned, stepping towards me. “You’ve been drinking.”
“That is enough!” My father’s voice boomed through the house, bouncing off the walls and startling everybody inside.
I ignored him.
At that point, the party was silenced, and everyone was facing my direction.
“You will not come into my home, to my pack, and my daughter’s birthday and speak to any of us in that way!”
His fists were clenched tightly, turning his knuckles white. He wanted to hit me. This was perfect. Then everybody would see who he truly was.
“Go ahead dad,” I urged. “Beat me like you did when I was 10.”
He was only inches from me when he paused; I could smell his rancid breath as he breathed heavily. I wasn’t going to back down from this; I wanted to fight him. I was hoping he was going to fight me.
I saw his eyes looking around the startled faces of the pack; no one knew what to say. He finally turned his attention back to me, his lip curling in disgust.
I was used to that look.
“You have brought enough disgrace to this family.” His Alpha voice rising furiously.
“Me?!” I let out a forced laugh. “I’m not the one who killed my mother.”
I heard the shocked gasps from the pack around us, including Melissa. As if she didn’t know what actually happened to my mother.
“GET OUT!!!” He ordered. “It was a mistake to have allowed you back in Ironclaw.”
I was taken back a bit; he was kicking me out of my own pack.
I scoffed. He was pathetic.
I left this evil place.
I could go for another drink. Though, I probably shouldn’t. I was already past my limit. But I just wanted to forget everything that happened.
The pub wasn’t far from where I was. It was an old pub that my father used to go to pick up women back when my mother was still alive. The beer was smooth going down; my head whirled even more with each sip I took, and I thought at one point that I was going to pass out.
“Another one, please,” I slurred as I pushed the empty bottle towards the bartender.
He looked at it and then back at me, a question in his gaze.
“I think you’ve had enough,” he told me as he took the bottle off the counter.
I frowned up at him.
“Beer please,” An unfamiliar voice said from beside me.
I looked over and saw a tall man standing there; he had dark hair and olive skin. His eyes were dark golden and equipped with long lashes. He wore a leather coat that hugged his broad torso. His arms were all muscles, and I noticed a couple of tattoos along his chest and down his arms.
I couldn’t tell if he was a part of this pack or not.
I frowned and stared up at him.
“You look like you could use another,” he said, humor lacing his tone.
“Thanks…” I muttered, taking a sip. “Do I know you?”
“No,” he answered. “But you want to.”
I rose my eyebrows.
“Oh, I do?” I asked.
This guy seemed full of himself, and I wasn’t in the mood.
“I’m going to be the greatest night of your life,” he said, a smile spreading across his face.
I had to keep myself from laughing.
“My night is already pretty great,” I lied, taking another sip of the beer. “I doubt you can top it.”
“You know…” he said, there was more humor in his tone. “It’s dangerous for a pretty thing like you to be wandering around alone.”
I had to bite my lip to keep from bursting into laughter.
That was his pickup line? Seriously?
“I’m not so delicate,” I told him.
“Why don’t you prove it,” he said, pushing another beer in my direction.
Our laughter died down and I could see the seduction and hunger in his eyes.
“Why don’t we get out of here?” He whispered, his lips brushing against my ear, sending a chill down my spine.
I was so drunk to think if one night stand is a good idea. Before I decided, he wrapped my arm around his and helped me to my feet. I stumbled over my own feet and fell into him, which only made me laugh even more. His laughter had stopped, and we were walking quickly through the streets. His hold on me tightened.
Suddenly, he pulled me towards the edge of the building and pressed me firmly against the wall.
I could feel his erection through his pants, pressing into me and begging for entrance. My breathing went shallow; I wasn’t expecting it to go down like this.
“Wait…” I said breathlessly.
I tried to struggle against him a bit, but he was too strong. The more I struggled, the tighter the hold he had on me.
“Stop…” I breathed.
I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t. My voice was caught in my throat.
Before he could get my pants undone, we saw headlights coming toward us; it didn’t look like it was about to stop. It looked like he was about to hop out of the way, but the car curved and pulled right beside us, halting quickly.
The man remained against me, but he put his dick back into his pants and adjusted my shirt.
My heart was beating heavily against my chest as the car approached at rapid speed. It was a little red Porsche that I didn’t recognize. I heard the driver’s side door opening and then slamming shut.
Another man stalked around the corner quickly; he was tall and familiar. His upper torso was just as big as the mystery man I was with. He had light brown hair and chocolate eyes with rings of gold circling throughout. His face was scruffy, and it gave him a masculine look.
I knew him.
He looked furious.