Chapter 2-(Edited)
Samatha POV
Flopping back onto my bed, I looked up at the ceiling and wished I could get my wolf now and not have to wait until I was twenty, like every wolf I had ever known. In three days, there would be a huge party here, celebrating the 20th birthday of Simon.
The thing is. It was not just his birthday they were celebrating. As he turned 20, he would also fully receive his wolf and shift, meaning he would also become the new Alpha of the Opal Moon Pack.
An intense feeling of dread washed over me again. I had been getting this feeling a lot this last week. But seeing the decorations being put up. Seeing the staff buzzing around like little worker bees was affecting me more than I was willing to admit.
If you had told me 8 years ago that I would live in constant fear of harm at the hands of my brother, I would have giggled at the joke you had told me. My life had been one of comfort. My 'Mother' had always been standoffish. So, I never really had a relationship with her. But it did not matter because I had my father and a big brother.
How different it was now. My father was gone, and so was my big brother, the one that would play hide and seek with me. The one that would read to me.
Over the years that followed my father's death, I noticed the change in Simon. He became more aloof. He was listening to the lies and poison that dripped from his mother's mouth. Until it became clear to everyone in the pack that the future Alpha despised me. And as most members wanted to be in Simon's inner circle, they started to despise me too.
Simon had become so cruel. He would purposely do things to get me in trouble.
Earlier, when I had gone to see my stepmother/Luna, I had gone because Simon had told me the Luna wanted to see me. As this never happened, I was pleased until I had got there, and the rest is history. Simon was always pulling shit like that. Sending me places I had no right to be, breaking things, and running to mummy to say I had done it.
I let out a dejected sigh, I looked around this pokey little room again and let my mind wander back to the time I had a beautiful bedroom. I would have considered this pokey space a walk-in wardrobe. But, over the years, the Luna had made excuse after excuse as to why I could not stay in my bedroom.
First it was going to be freshened up, so I moved. Then it was because the room that I was given. Was one that the many guests to the big house had requested having stayed there before, so I got moved again. By the fourth or fifth time, the Luna had dropped all pretence and had simply told me that I no longer belonged in the decent bedrooms, and I was put in this little room. It sat just inside the staff quarters. Right by one of the back staircases. As with many big houses, you would find back staircases with long corridors between them. This allowed the staff of the house to do their duties without having to walk around the big house and be seen.
There was always a lot of hustle and bustle on the back stairs now, as every omega had been ordered to concentrate on the upcoming party. The house had to look spotless. and the ballroom had to be sparkling. There were some important people coming. I heard the Luna talking on her phone about a week ago. One of the people was in the same social circle as Charlotte Years ago. But now lived somewhere in the United States
It was not just because of Simon's upcoming birthday that was upsetting me, you see. It was also my birthday; I will be turning 19. My birthday had not been celebrated since my father was alive, at least not officially. Luckily for me, I had Elsie, and on my birthday, she would throw a very quiet, very secret tea party for me. Elsie, whose bosom I had been squashed into earlier, always made sure there was a cake with candles, little finger sandwiches, and a steaming pot of tea.
Not to bring attention to the small party, every year there were different members of staff there to celebrate and sing happy birthday, so over the last 9 years, I had gotten to know all the staff really well.
Elsie was the housekeeper/cook for the pack.
And Carl was the warrior instructor. And all-around trainer for the pack. No matter how busy these people were, they always made sure they were at every little party. Sometimes Carl would show up late but show up he did. These two people were, in my mind, my real family. For they were the ones who truly cared about me.
Over the last nine years, when I blew out my candles and I was told, “make a wish.”
I would always wish for the same thing. I would wish to be the strongest, most fierce and feared werewolf ever. Because of this, at the young age of 11, I asked Carl if he could start showing me the fighting stances a wolf would use in a battle.
At first, Carl, having been warned by Elsie, took it easy on me, but something happened to me on my 16th birthday, which changed his training of me. Under Carl’s tutoring, I became stronger, quicker and downright lethal. Under the guise of training, Carl would set up sparring partners for me, but he would make each person wear masks that covered their faces, so I was never recognised. Time after time, I would best my opponents. At first, Carl only let me spar with the other she-wolves, but the time came when I had beaten them all. As a joke, one of the males challenged me to a spar.
Carl, allowed it. But told the guy to go easy. Unfortunately, I broke his nose within seconds of our fight starting. This angered the guy. So he did not go easy on me. He came at me like he wanted to kill me. Carl shouted at him to stop, I do not think he could hear him. He made a run up to me, and I knocked the little fucker on his arse. After that, I would spar with the guy all the time. Little did the Luna and Simon know, I was the third strongest fighter in the whole pack. Something which Carl never understood, but was proud of, nonetheless.
Most of the people I sparred with already had their wolves, as they were mostly older than me. Luckily for me, as I did not have my wolf yet, my opponents wolves would stay out of the fight. Meaning no added wolf strength was used.
All werewolves are born with enhanced abilities. Like amazing hearing or sense of smell. Plus, we were stronger than the average human. But turning 20 years old meant you became a soul sharer, as the wolf that was destined to be yours woke up.
You should never assume the wolf will be like its human counterpart, for the wolf is its own separate entity. Most werewolves are in complete communion, and therefore think and act as one. There are of course occasions where the human part of the wolf is in direct conflict with its wolf and sometimes if your wolf thinks you are inappropriate or weak, or in general being an arse, the wolf can push forward and either speak through the human side or force a shift and become the wolf. Even though I had never seen a wolf force a shift, I knew it could happen.
It did make me wonder if Simon's wolf would be like him. If yes, then I feared for the future of my pack. My father's pack.
All I could do was hope and pray to the Goddess that whoever his wolf is, he will be a wise and tollerant soul, that could teach Simon the qualities needed to be a strong Alpha.