Chapter 3
Samantha POV
When my brother takes control of the Opal moon pack, I know that it will be to the pack's detriment, and I do not doubt that over time the pack will be destroyed. Having trained hard myself I know how much work you have to put in to be a strong and fierce werewolf, I'm also aware that Simon has never trained more than is expected of a decent warrior. putting him pretty much in the Delta range. He wasn't the worsed, he is an Alpha after all.
He is a pampered entitled prick; he thinks that as he has the alpha gene this will be enough to secure his place as leader. But I knew through many discussions with Carl and Elsie, that Simon was regarded as a bit of a joke and through the Grapevine I discovered that he would be challenged for the Alpha status the week or two after he becomes our new Alpha.
Elsie and Carl never let on the names of the werewolves that were to challenge Simon. Elsie knew full well what would happen to me if Simon or Luna found out that I knew about it and said nothing to them. I was also told to not disclose any training I received from Carl so that my natural abilities were hidden, that way I would be kept safe from attack.
Carl knew that if I gave a direct challenge to Simon, I would win. Carl also knew through his chats with me that I had no intention of staying here. I wanted to travel and go to America.
I knew that leaving would mean I would need to become a member of a different pack. Or else, become a rogue. If I did manage to get to America, I would need to find a pack over there willing to accept me. So, I would have to start sending my letters addressed to the Alpha's of the American packs I would love to be a part of. asking if they would accept me as a member.
It would of course mean that I would have to declare my alpha gene as invalid and join the pack as simply an omega, which I was completely fine with. Of course, this was all depending on when I got my wolf as there have been some occasions when a wolf never showed up. the human, now half a wolf could still bear canines, and had enhanced hearing and sight but could not shift into the wolf. the wolf was no longer attached to them.
4 o’clock the next morning I was up and wearing my battered leggings that had one too many holes in and a crop top that was far too tight for my ample chest. I walked quickly and quietly over to the training area remembering to put my mask on before I entered, unfortunately when I did arrive there was no one there. I stood around for a minute, waiting to see if anyone else was training today, but I could not see anyone so turning on my heel I walked toward the indoor Academy.
I pulled open the heavy doors, expecting to hear the low murmur of the warriors but found that there was nobody around, I was genuinely puzzled now so I made for Carl's office which was located towards the back of the training arena. I could hear voices as I approached, one of them was very angry and one of them was very whiny. My eyes widened for a second as I realised the person speaking to Carl was Simon.
Ducking quickly into the male changing room I stood under a vent that I knew led into Carl's office, this was where the enhanced hearing came in handy as I could listen to the two men’s conversation quite clearly.
Simon wanted all the warriors within the pack to be present at his party so that they could patrol and protect him from anyone who would threaten or challenge him. I guessed that one of the pack members had let slip to Simon that there was indeed going to be a challenge. Simon seemed to think that even though he was not the Alpha yet, he could still make demands of the warriors.
I could hear Carl’s strong gruff voice calmly explaining to Simon that he could not remove all of the Warriors from their patrols of the borders to protect him, there was just no way Carl could justify leaving the pack unprotected.
Even though there were only three other werewolf packs around our land. The Opal Moon pack was only the third largest. This of course meant that at any time the other surrounding packs could unite and overpower the Opal Moon and take over the land and its occupants.
I remembered a conversation with Carl and Elsie, where he said then that it had always puzzled him as to why nobody had made a challenge yet. He had no understanding of why the Luna had been allowed to run the pack as consort to the young alpha.
***Carl POV **
I looked at the idiot standing in front of me whilst placing all of these ridiculous demands that I had no intention of allowing. I genuinely didn’t know how I was going to cope under this idiot's rule, the problem that I had was that the old alpha, this idiot's father, was my best friend and upon his deathbed I had vowed that I would always train the finest warriors for the Opal Moon pack. It was because of this that I now sat behind my desk and listened to the idiot's words. I glanced at the clock and realised that it was almost 4:30 am, I had to get this guy to leave as I knew Samantha was due for her training.
"I tell you what Simon.” I said, clapping my hand on his shoulder and turning him around so I could propel him toward the door. "I can’t pull the Warriors off the border patrol but I can give you my highest ranked fighters’.
You could see the cogs turning in Simon‘s head as he thought about this.
‘How many are there’ he enquired.
"Enough for what you will need Sir’. I replied, hoping the idiot would agree and piss off.
Simon did agree that the top-ranked fighters would be his protection tomorrow night at his birthday party.
" Don't forget, Master Carl, I'll be the new Alpha after tomorrow evening. Like the adage says. If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours".
Placing a ridiculously false smile on my face that Simon was too thick, in my opinion to notice, I walked with the young man and led him to the outside door.
When I came back in, I closed and locked the door behind me. "It's okay now Sammy.” I called ‘The idiot has gone’'.
I could see Samantha leaving the male locker room and raised my eyebrows at her. "What are you doing hiding in there, don’t you think it was inappropriate"?
Grinning, Samantha replied ‘Well considering there was no one in there and considering I had to hide pretty quickly all I see is that it sufficed’.
Smiling back at her I once again wondered why this beautiful young woman was not accepted by her family.
As far as I was concerned, Samantha had the grace and poise to be an Alpha Luna plus she knew how to fight and I knew she had the nurturing desire to protect. All qualities of my late best friend. Even though I knew that the late Alpha was not Samantha‘s father I couldn’t pretend to notice they had similar traits, I simply put this down to the late alpha influencing Samantha in the 10 short years that she called him father.
'‘Will you come out of the locker room young lady.” I spoke.
Smirking, Samantha followed me into my office and I knew immediately that she would ask where everybody else was.
There was something that I needed to tell her and no one else in this pack needed to know.
‘Sit down Sami.” I said using her nickname
'‘I have caught wind of the guest list for the idiot's birthday party tomorrow and I’m told that three Lunas are coming from America". I could see her eyes widen at this information and I could also hear her heartbeat start to race.
‘I know we always said that you would have to get your wolf before you left, but it has been brought to my attention that the night of your brother's party, he and a few of his cronies are planning on visiting you in your room’. Samantha‘s eyes were wide open now, and I could see the fear within them, ‘It’s gonna kill me to do this but I have to approach one or all of the Lunas from America and ask if they can put you under their protection and take you home with them’.
I could see Samantha’s shocked face as she was barely able to take in what I had just said.
'‘Do you think the threat is that serious Carl"?
I nodded my head and forced my usually gentle voice(when I was speaking to her) into a stern and forceful voice that had Sami's eyes widen even more.
'‘Sami, if you are here tomorrow night I do not doubt that your brother, being the new alpha will “persuade” you to let his cronies have 'sex' with you.
‘No, what you’re talking about here is rape. I know he doesn’t like me but I doubt if he would ever stoop that low, would he?’. Her voice shook as she spoke. Fear is evident now.
Looking directly at her now I answered as honestly as I could.
"Sweetheart, I want to tell you that there is no threat, I want to say that it's nothing more than idle gossip. But I cannot do that to you. I cannot lie and tell you; you are safe when I honestly believe you are not".
I could see a tear fall from her eye and I felt awful, but needs must. 'Listen, I do not doubt that if something happens in your room tomorrow night you would have no problem flattening whoever they are, but to do that would also mean you showing your hand to Simon. And when he sees just how powerful you are without your wolf, I know he will panic.
As will the Luna and I genuinely believe that after he has thrown you out of the pack, he will order you to be killed. As technically you would be a rogue. So, you see my love, we need to get you away from this pack, and the sooner we do it the better".