Chapter 6

I woke up extra early the next morning. I had already seen the list of chores to do. Stepmother had left the list with Elsie last night. She also left a lovely little note, explaining what she would do to me if I didn't complete the list. I knew straight away that the number of chores on the list was because Stepmother wanted to keep me as busy as possible, out of everyone's way and not give me any time to myself so I could look half decent for the party.

Not even stopping for a coffee, I waved to Elsie, grabbed my stuff and got straight to it. It was hard laborious work, but I always did it to the best of my ability. I finally got to the private apartment where Stepmother and Simon lived. Where I had lived a long time ago. Cleaning this apartment used to make me really sad, thinking of all the good times I had spent here with my father. I don't feel sad anymore. I just feel on edge, I have a knot in my stomach from the time I enter the front door till the time I walk out of there. I was pleased with myself today as I had managed to avoid the Steps totally and I had finished cleaning the apartment.

I was in the middle of gathering my cleaning supplies when I heard a key turn in the front door. I felt my already knotted stomach plunge. It didn't matter which one it was. They were as bad as each other. Trying to speed up a little I rounded a corner and ran straight into Simon, dropping what I had in my arms. I scowled at him as he kicked them away and sent them spinning under the hall cabinet. I was about to ask him why when two of his friends appeared by the kitchen door. Understanding flooded me, The Step's never let it be known to outsiders that I was used as a slave. Most of my own pack knew about the way I was used and abused, but none of them cared enough to help. which hurt, a lot.

So, these two boys didn't know and Simon wanted it kept that way, hence the kicking away of the cleaning supplies.

"Ah, there you are sister, I have been looking for you all over this pack house, I even went to the servant quarters to see if you had gone to see your little friend". Simon said this with such disgust in his tone that the other boys chuckled.

"Anyway, you're here now and I would like you to meet Dex Ruthmoore and Braxdon Phillips." Simon nodded toward the boys. Whilst I had a horrible sinking feeling in my stomach. Simon would never have introduced me to his friends, let alone call me his sister. Something was afoot and it involved me.

It had been drilled into me over the years, so harshly, that I was to only speak to other people if they spoke to me. So I wasn't surprised to see the scowl on Simon's face as he made a small gesture with his head toward the boys.

"It's an honour to meet you both," I said quietly, meeting their eyes and then quickly lowering my gaze to the floor. I heard Simon laugh in that horrible high-pitched false way he does.

"Sam! Don't be so shy, they won't hurt you". All three boys laughed at that and the skin all up my back crawled at the sound.

"Sam, Sami," Simon continued, wearing a loving expression on his face. "I will be very busy for the rest of the day and well into the evening. I need you to keep Brax and Dex company. Make sure their needs are met. I don't want to hear from them that you let me down on this." I could hear the warning in the last few words, even if the other two boys didn't.

I was still looking down at my shoes. My mouth had gone dry with how scared I felt. My heart started to race which annoyed the hell out of me. As we were all Werewolves I knew that the boys would be able to hear my heartbeat start to race.

"Listen to that boy's, Sami is excited to spend time with you," he said gleefully. Making both boys laugh. "Look at me, Sami". I did, of course. I always did as I was told, it was the only way to avoid a beating.

"My friends asked for you specifically. Do you know why?" Simon had an ugly look on his face as he asked me this question. I was too nervous to speak so I simply shook my head. "They would like to get to know my sister, I will be named Alpha tonight. Knowing my sister could be helpful for them".

The two boys snickered at this, sounding increasingly like the kids they were. Simon shocked me with what he said next.

"Braxdon is the heir apparent of the Brekon Hills Pack. Politically it would make sense for you to 'know' each other". There was a gleam in Braxdon's eyes I did not like. His eyes held a promise of something, something wicked.

I bowed quickly to all of them and rushed out the door, I could hear Simon laughing. Then the door closed and the sound shut off.

This is what Carl had meant, these were to be my attackers. I was sure of it.

It suddenly became imperative to speak with the American Luna's. I needed to leave this place as soon as possible. And the Americans were my only hope. I rushed to the kitchen to seek out Elsie, she will know how I can get to talk to one of the Luna's.

Elsie could see how manic my energy was when I flew into the kitchen.

"Whoa, child. what on earth is wrong" she said, snapping me out of my panic.

"Oh Elsie, I thought I had avoided him today, but I was wrong. I had just finished cleaning the step's living quarters when Simon showed up with two friends. I think they are the guys Carl warned me about. I'm freaking out, I need to talk to one of those Luna's now. How the hell am I supposed to do that?'' I could feel myself shaking out of fear.

Elsie was trying to calm me down but nothing seemed to be working. I didn't want to become hysterical but the thought of being here when Simon takes over the pack was terrifying to me.

I could feel my body unlock slightly as Elsie continued to rub circles on my back, "Everything will be alright, child. There is always a way. And one just presented itself to us". I looked into her eyes and saw only love. She spun me around gently so I could see a large serving trolly sitting there laden with steaming pots of tea, heaps of cream cakes and a few of Elsie's nicer biscuits. I turned back to look at Elsie again, not sure what I was meant to see or understand.

"That trolley needs to be taken to one of the Luna's rooms. And you are going to deliver it." Elsie looked at me smugly. As if what she said made so much sense. The problem was it didn't. I was not allowed to walk around the main house and Elsie knew this. When I reminded her, she merely chuckled.

"My love, those two wet wipes are so busy getting everything ready I doubt they would notice you if you danced in front of them". Again, she chuckled, this time at her joke. "Go now, take the trolly to Luna May's room, hurry. Just in case someone says something to you, you tell them you're acting on my orders. ok?''. I nodded at her, so grateful to her as I rushed away to the small elevator the staff used.

I made my way to the room, but no one stopped me like Elsie had said. Everyone was flying around doing their own thing and following their orders. I reached Luna May's door and tapped lightly on it.

"Housekeeping." I called and waited for a response. The door opened quickly and was held wide for me to push the trolly through. Most servers would leave at this point so when I didn't make a move to leave, the older Luna looked at me with curious eyes.

"Luna." I bowed low, "I beg you to allow me to talk with you, it is of the utmost urgency". I stopped myself from saying any more, I did not want to come across as unhinged. I waited, my breathing shallow, while the only thought in my head was 'Please say yes, please say yes'.

The elegant-looking woman stood by the door she had just opened and looked at me with her eyebrows raised slightly. My heart was hammering now in my chest, I didn't know this woman, why would she help me? As doubt started to creep in I felt my shoulders slump and I lowered my eyes.

I was just about to apologise for my rudeness when the Luna closed the door and said. "You are Samantha? Charlotte's daughter." she said in a voice laden with curiosity. I nod, not trusting myself to speak. I jumped at the small knock on the door, but before I could utter a word the other two Luna's entered the room.

Luna May smiled softly at me, "I think it would be prudent for all of us to hear what you have to say, child." and she gestured for me to sit.

Once we were all settled, I began to talk, I tried to say as much as I could before my nerves got the better of me. The three Luna's listened without comment. I finished talking and again waited, waiting to hear if they would offer the help I needed.

They were mind-linking with each other, so I just sat there quietly. It was the youngest of the Lunas who answered.

"We will help you, Samantha, when we leave here we will take you with us.”

I couldn't help the sob that came out of my mouth as I blew out the breath I had been holding.

Luna May continued, "Do you have stuff to bring with you?" I nodded. "Then I suggest you gather your belongings and place your bag in one of our rooms, we can then incorporate it into our own luggage. It will make for an easier exit. I will tell Charlotte and her idiot son that I am bringing you home with me so you can experience another pack's way of life. She will not say no, she would not dare insult Me or My pack".

I was still shaking, still in a little bit of disbelief that these women had agreed to help me. I listened to them for a few more minutes then excused Myself, and stated I had to get ready. with warm smiles on all of their faces and a quick hug from Christie, the youngest out of the three, I left.


The three Lunas stayed in May's room silently having a vigorous conversation between them

; I knew something bad was going on here I just didn't realise it was this bad.

; I hope we can get her out of here without a fuss.

; Mom, you knew Charlotte before, didn't you? Did you used to live near each other?”

; Oh, you were in the same pack as her Aunt May?”

Shaking her head, Luna May looked at Christie, “We will speak about all of that at a later date. What I want to know, is why this child smells of more than just a werewolf!”

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