Chapter 9
Alex’s POV
Walking out the hospital doors; I grab Jessica by hand, “I’ll show Jess around; how about we meet up in my office in an hour” I say to Cynthia. She nods he response and heads down the road to the pack house. Around us is a small community of buildings, each housing different packs.
As we walk towards our pack house, I start to explain the buildings; “these are all pack houses. We have in total; 12 packs here. 2 Werecat Prides, 3 Werebear Clans, 6 Werewolves packs and one Witch Coven.” She faces me, a confused look crosses her brow; “Were Species don’t live together in the same community unless they are mated to a different species” “they do here” I smile; watching her face light up.
The 12 pack houses face one another between a main road; it looks like a city road with skyscrapers either side. Only difference there is no traffic and the road is grass and shrubs. “There is a multi-story parking garage across from the hospital and training compounds are up the other end with a park that leads into a forest” I tell her.
“We’re here” stopping outside the front of our pack house. Jess looks up at the 12-story building; her eyes growing wider with each new thing she sees. "There are 300 rooms here. Ours is on the top floor." We walk through the double doors, “Wow" she exclaims looking around the foyer. We can smell lunch being made in the kitchen, “you have the kitchen and dining room to the left, elevators and common room is over this way” ushering her right towards the elevators. I mind link Omega Simone ‘send our lunch up to our room please.’ ‘Give me 15 minutes.’
We reach the elevators; I push the up button; “each floor has 30 rooms except this one and the top floor. Top floor has 2 Alpha rooms, the Betta’s room with he’s mate, the Gamma’s room and he’s mate, Mum’s room, your mum’s room, 4 Enforcer rooms and 2 guest rooms, those aren’t being used right now; plus, our offices” I tell her, as the elevator door opens.
We step onto the elevator, I put my arms around her waist; she looks at me; “you said there are 2 alpha rooms. I thought packs only have one alpha?” I smile at her, “all will be revealed soon.” I push the button for the top floor and the doors close. “I’ve never seen elevators in a pack house before” she says. I let out a small laugh; “no, we don’t mind climbing stairs, do we? Besides the odd house of some older pack members scattered around the place, we all live here. It’s pack house life with a few mod cons."
The elevator doors open and we head to the first room on the left. I pick Jess up bridal style and take her over the threshold. She starts giggling; “Welcome home mate” I say laughing, placing her down in the centre of the room, she goes to the king size 4 poster bed; “the bathroom is over to your right and the closet is to the left” I say to her. “I don’t have any clothes" she exclaims; “Olivia and Jonny went shopping yesterday for you; they've already put your clothes in there” I point at the closet.
She goes in to have a look; “Holy crap, how much did they buy? This has to be Jonathon’s idea” she snickers; walking out holding up some red lace lingerie in front of her. “I think that may have been Olivia’s idea” I laugh as she heads back into the closet. Someone knocks on the door.
“Come” I yell out. Omega Simone walks in with a tray of food and puts it down on the table. Jessica walks out of the closet; “it’s good to see you back Jessi” Omega Simone says giving her a hug; “I made you your favourite, Lasagna and chips.” “I can’t wait; I’ve dreamed of having your Lasagna and Chips again” Jess tells her. “I hope it’s how you remember it” Simone smiles looking at her expectantly. She walks over and puts a forkful of Lasagna in her mouth, “It’s better, Simone.” She gives Jess a smile and leaves the room.
As Jessica heads back to the table; I grab her arm and pull her toward me; I can feel the mate bond tingling as I touch her. I Wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. She puts her arms around my waist, lifting her head to meet my gaze; I lean down and kiss her gently on the lips. “I’ve been wanting to do this since we got back here” I tell her, smiling.
She smirks and grabs hold of my neck; jumping she places her legs around my waist. I kiss her again and she parts her mouth, my tongue making my way into hers.
I put her back on her feet, “five days unconcious in the hospital bed; you must be hungry?” She nods, “this is better than I remember” Jessi says taking another bite of the Lasagna. I put a bit of the sauce on my finger and rub it on her nose. She laughs, "Mum and dad used to do this all the time; Nath, Cathy and I thought it was gross, but now I see the merit of it" she says getting some more sauce on her finger and placing it on her neck; “you are just going to have to clean it off of me."
“That’s not enough” I say to her and get more and place it all over her neck. I lean over, sucking and licking the sauce off her neck; she groans, moving herself off her chair onto my lap. She puts sauce on my neck and licks it off. I growl as the electricity of the mate bond send sparks down my body. I lift her mouth to mine; kissing one another with deep desire.
I stand up; holding her in my arms, still kissing and move her towards the bed. She nervously whispers, “can we take this part slow? I haven’t been with anyone before.” “We can go as slow as you need to” leaning in to give her another kiss. Jonas is not happy with the decision; and is stomping around like a two year old who's denied their candy. “Deal with it” I tell him; “speak for yourself; I’m not the one with a bulge in my pants” he laughs.
“Sorry” she frowns, heading back to the table. “Hey” I say, readjusting myself and sitting next to her. “It’s ok; if you need to take having sex slow, we will take it slow. I will be here when you are ready.”
“It’s not only because I haven't been with anyone; I'm nervous for another reason." "What's the reason?" I ask, trying to figure out what else she had to be nervous about.
"When we were taken four years ago, I had a massive crush on you” she says; a smile appearing on my face like a wolf who caught his prey. She rolls her eyes and continues, “I used to dream, you were going to be my knight in shining armor and take me out of that hell hole. But as time went on; I had to face reality and realize you were gone. Liv knew about my crush; she was my best friend. And even the day of the banquet, my 18th birthday, she asked if I thought you were my mate. I got angry at her because I thought you were dead.”
“Nope, I’m not” “I know that now and I’m still pissed at Jonny for not telling us” she scoffs. “When my dream became a reality, I wanted to show you how happy I am you are here and you are my mate. I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you being my knight in shining armor.” I lean in and kiss her again. “You just did." She beams at me; showing her dimple in her left cheek.
“We should go to my office; the others will be waiting for us” I suggest to her. Nodding, she takes my hand and we head out the door.