Chapter 2

Jonathon's POV (still four years ago)

I was dragged to another boring meeting; Dad said, "I must learn how to negotiate." Negotiate? Yeah right! Dad never negotiates. If he wants something, he will get his minions to kill for it. He makes me angry; I want to implode from his actions. From as far back as I can remember, I have been trained to become Alpha. 'You need to rule with an Iron fist,' Dad always says. Bull Shit, I do; I can't do it. I see how people fear him; hell, I fear him. He has hit, punched, kicked, head-butted, and hurt me daily. 'It will make you tougher,' he says. It's only making me resent him and want to leave his presence. Mum is the same; she says I need discipline. I thought parents were supposed to love their children, not beat them because they don't do what they say.

We walk into the office; there is someone watching us from the bookcase. I sniff the air; there's no scent; it's just a bookcase, Jonny. Stop letting your imagination run amuck; no more spy movies, I think.

I don't want to be here; "Can we go home yet, " I complain to my wolf, Tyler. "I have a bad feeling about this, Jonny, " he responds. **"What do you mean?" ** “Your dad is too…nice.”

He was right; Dad was up to something; he didn't get what he wanted. There were warriors and enforcers ready and waiting outside to pounce, overpowering Alpha Laurence, his Betta, and Gamma. "Oh, Crap; Dad's using the No More Wolf serum on them. He is such a coward; he calls me a 'soft cock’. Try fighting fair, Dad!

Oww! Shaun, why'd you push me into the bookcase? "Nooo." I knew there was someone in there; I should listen to my gut more often. I stifle a laugh when Alpha Laurence gets one of the enforcers in the stomach.

Shit, Uncle Mark just slashed him, and he's helping to drag Alpha Laurence, his Betta, and Gamma outside. Now they're gone, I move to the bookcase and look around. There's a small peephole.

"I'm going to get you out," quickly looking around to make sure no one is around. "I need to make sure no one is here first," I whisper.

I go out the door and to the top of the stairs; looking around to make sure no one is coming back, I head back into the office. There must be an opening to this thing somewhere; "there's a lever button under Dad's desk," he yells through the bookcase. Moving to the desk, I feel around the edges. "Got it," I shouted as softly as I could, not to alert anyone. Pushing on the button, the door flings open, and a boy my age tumbles to the floor.

"You must be Alex," grabbing his arm to pick him up off the floor. He jumps up, placing hands around my throat, "Where's my father?" "Dad has him outside; he will kill you if you go down there. You must stay in the office and lock the doors when I leave," I plead with him.

"I should rip you a new asshole," he screams. "No," still pleading, putting my hands up in front of me. "I need your help." He lets go and stares at me. It's like he's looking into my soul.

I ask him to hear me out; he nods, and I proceed to tell him about Dad's past: how he became Alpha, Mum was rejected by the previous Alpha when he found he was his true mate, and the serum Dad used to stop his father, Betta Josh and Gamma Zach from shifting.

"Did he kill Dad's wolf?" He asked. "No, it only cages a wolf, so they can't shift. Dad never fights fairly. He most likely planned to take the land with Uncle Mark before he got here to discuss border changes. He would have used the meeting as a diversion to obtain trust, and next thing you know, you are under attack and can't do anything about it until it's too late."

'Why are you telling me this?' he asks. 'Because,' I answer, walking towards the desk and sitting on the edge. "I don't want to be what Dad wants me to be. I am hoping you can help me get away from my parents."

I know he's the same age as me, but he can help somehow. He has to. I need to get away from Emerald Moon; Mum and Dad.

"Here," he says to me, writing down his cell number. "Message me in a week. I will talk with my parents, and we will work something out." I smile and head outside.

Looking back over my shoulder, I said, "Don't forget to lock the door; I don't want Dad or anyone to find you."


I head down the stairs and walk out front of the pack house, to stand behind my father. There's a path of devastation in his wake. He is speaking to me, but I don't hear him. I can't listen to a ruthless son of a bitch. Why is he doing this? I can never understand his Psyche to destroy everything around you when they don't do anything to you. That's what he's done to Desert Moon: destroy everyone here for what gain? More territory he doesn't need or even want.

Technically, it's not everyone; there are two girls held by Uncle Mark. What are they going to do with them? The smaller one has blonde wavey hair, blue eyes, and a round face. She is crying uncontrollably. The other one is that she's a werewolf, but she smells like a witch, too. Her essence smells sweet, wild berries and peaches; she must be a hybrid. That's not going to go down well with Mum; she's as racist as they come. 'We should only mate with others of our kind' are her exact words.

The hybrid is sobbing; her brown hair is hiding her face, but I can still see her green eyes; they are looking at me, pleading with me. "We need to help them," I say to my wolf Tyler.

"Are you listening to me boy?" Dad screams, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Ahh," I grunt; he grabs me by my neck and drags me toward Uncle Mark and the girls, digging his claws into my skin. "Where are the tunnels?" he demands; the blonde glares at him, and the brunette looks down, covering her face with her hair.

He hits the blonde, and she falls to the ground; he asks louder, "Where are the tunnels?" She lifts her head, still glaring at him. "Screw you", she screams. She has spunk; I like her; Dad hits her again; "Tough words from someone so young." He looks at the brunette, "Which one are you? Jessica or Oliva?" "O-Olivia," she answers. "Olivia, Where are the tunnels?" "I-I d-don't know, J-Jessi was t-taking me t-to them w-when you c-came." Dad slaps her across the cheek. "Don't lie to me, you little shit."

"Leave them alone," Oh Shit! Now I'm going to cop it. Gamma Shaun grabs my arm, shaking his head. Dad glares at me. "Mind your place, Boy." I was waiting for the backhand, but instead, he hit Olivia again. "I am not going to ask ag…," "Alpha Sebastian," warrior Dustin yells, running toward us. "We found an entrance to some caves." Smirking, "Bring the girls", he commands.

We follow Dustin to a cave entrance; Dad booms, "Seal the exits, no one is to get out." I have shock plastered over my face. I turn and walk away, hearing the explosion and the two girls screaming behind me.

I head back up to the pack house and to the office. Announcing myself through the door, "Alex, it's Jonny. I need to talk to you now."

He unlatches the door and I open it; there is a black wolf in the corner ready to pounce. I quickly go inside, shut the door, and lock it again. The wolf nods and shifts back to Alex. "What's happened?" he asks me, not bothering to put his clothes back on.

"Dad sealed the entrance to some caves on the east border. Is that where the tunnels are?" I tell him. "How do you know about the tunnels?" "Dad caught two young girls, Olivia and Jessica, I think he called them. They were heading to some tunnels when he intercepted them. He tried to get the location, but they wouldn't tell him. Warrior Dustin found the entrance."

"Where's my dad?" I don't want to answer him. He stares at me. "I-I.." I stammer; I can't tell him. He fell to the floor howling; he knew my answer.

"Laurie, anybody, can someone hear me?" "Mum?" Alex says, looking around to find where her voice is coming from. "Hello, is anyone there?" It's coming from the top drawer of the desk. A radio, Alex picks it up. "Mum?"

"Alex, thank Goddess, you're alright. Is Jessi and Liv with you?" He looks at me, "Alpha Sebastian took them. Mum, he killed Dad, Uncle Josh, and Uncle Zach". Tears are starting to roll down his face. "We know he killed them; he killed the guards and warriors, too; none of them had shifted. We don't understand." "I do," I say. "Who's that with you?" "Jonathon, Sebastian's son. Mum, he's asked me for help to get him away from his parents."

"We can't do anything right now; we need you to call Gilda's father, Elder Ezra Matthews; she's getting the number for you now. Joe is with him; he went to help with some family business. They will know how to get us out of here. Jonathon, I will be happy to discuss asylum with you once that happens."

I head towards the door; "I'm going to check on the two girls; I'll call you in a week."

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